» Fiction » What a Feeling, Katrina Burgin [self help books to read txt] 📗

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What a Feeling










By: Katrina Burgin
















Table of Contents:

Part One:

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Part Two:

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty







So I guess all good stories start with your basic introduction of its characters… well I guess when you think about it I should at least introduce myself to you all. My name is Kacey Willow. If I had to start from the very beginning it would be such a boring story, I’ll tell you what you really need to know. I have two best friends, my gay best friend who is Calvin Miller, he is fabulous. Then you have my best friend Simi Phillips who is very outgoing and gets whatever she wants with a bat of eye. Then you have me Kacey Willow who is a very blunt person and a crazy drunk. Which leads me to how the three of us became the best of friends, sit back and enjoy this very chaotic friendship that winds us all in jail for a weekend.


Chapter One


Homecoming weekend in college is very different than homecoming weekend in high school. For starters you don’t have people breathing down your back when you get too close to your date during a slow dance. In fact college is so much better, you’re away from your psychotic family, you don’t know anyone (which is awesome) the guys are hotter, I mean there is so much that is better I could talk about this for hours. But I won’t. My name is Kacey Willow and I’m a freshman at UCLA. Lets’ just say it was a miracle getting in. Unfortunately my roommate decided to back out last minute and which leaves me with a room to myself. So much for making new friends, anyways back to topic of discussion. I HAVE MY OWN ROOM!!! No sharing my clothes, shoes, food, anything! I was pretty excited, until I heard a loud ass knock on my door. I walked over to open the door and BAM the gayest guy I’ve even seen walked in and introduced himself as Calvin Miller and that he was my new roommate.

“Honey I know I’m good looking but damn close your mouth, it’s not very flattering on you,” Calvin said. “And what is your name dear?” still in utter shock that this was seriously happening to me. “Uh-hmmm, well…” I started to say. “Uh well what? What is your name?? Do you not speak English? Grrrreat just what I needed, another foreign roommate, this is why I moved dorms. No one understood what I was saying. Ugh of everything why today?” Calvin stated. “Do you ever shut up? For fucks sake, I can NOT do this. I’m trying very hard to be nice but you’re really annoying the hell out of me. Just SHUT UP. Oh and by the way my name is Kacey, and I speak perfect fucking English.” I stated feeling my temper starting to flare. “Whoa sweetie, we all have bad days but that’s NOT how you make a first impression Kacey,” said Calvin. “Before I say something really rude, I’m going to leave and walk around the campus. When I come back MAYBE, I will be in better mood,” I said getting my shoes on and pulling my thick curly hair back in a ponytail. “Well maybe I can go with you, I really need the fresh air and would like to see the campus,” Calvin insisted. “I will let you come with me on ONE condition,” I said. “Okay what is this condition Miss Kacey?” Calvin asked. “You don’t say two words to me. When I’m pissed I need quite time and I really need that right now,” I stated. “Fine, I guess I can be quite,” Calvin said. “I highly doubt you can be quite but whatever, lets’ go,” I said walking towards the door and waiting for Calvin to get his jacket on. We left our dorm, and started down the stairs when out of nowhere Calvin starts talking to these really attractive guys. “So where can my roommate and I find the parties at?” Calvin said coyly. The two guys looked us up and down and the shorter one who was looking extra tan said “Our frat house is throwing a party for opening weekend.” The other guy who looked like he played baseball started talking, “Yeah it’s like a block away from the tennis courts, you guys will see everyone walking in and out tonight.” He said looking my way. “Don’t even think about it kid, not interested at all. Keep it moving, you’ll see us there,” I said getting annoyed already by his gawking eyes. “Whoa, there we got a feisty one on our hands, I like her already,” baseball dude said. “In your fucking dreams dude, you’re not my type. Calvin are you ready?” I asked. “Give me one second, getting the address and his number, bye Ben, see you tomorrow night,” Calvin said to the shorter one. We started back down the stairs in silence. We walked out of the building and started walking around the campus. After twenty minutes of silence, Calvin decided to start his talking again. “So Kacey, what’re you here for? Just curious cause you seem to have quite the anger problem and such a smart mouth on you. You’re too pretty to be this angry,” Calvin said laughing. “Well Calvin that was a great silent period thanks for trying your hardest. And I’m going to school for music. I sing and play the piano, acoustic guitar, and the cello. I’m a bit of an over achiever, as you can see,” I told Calvin. “Very interesting Kacey, very interesting, you don’t seem to be someone I pegged going for a performance arts degree,” Calvin said. “Well I’m a woman of many mysteries Calvin. So what about you, what’re you going to school for?” I asked. “I’m glad you asked me Kacey. I’m going to school for drama. Does that surprise you Kacey?” Calvin said with a gleaming smile. “To be completely honest with you Calvin, no, no it doesn’t surprise me at all,” I said laughing.


Chapter Two


It was starting to get late. Calvin and I started our walk back to our dorm and we were actually getting along. He told me his whole life story the entire walk back. He was really funny, and has a dry sense of humor like me. We reached our dorm and walked in the building and started walking up the five flights of stairs back to our room. When we got there we were literally out of breath. I got my key out which is painted purple, my favorite color. We got into our room and jumped into our beds and waited till we caught our breaths. “Whew! That was a workout to say the least,” I said in between breaths. Calvin laughed and said, “Girl tell me about it!” We started laughing at how out of breath we were. I rolled over and looked at Calvin. “What? Is there something on my face?” he asked in panic. I laughed “nope, nothing that I can see. I have a question for you. Don’t be offended. Are you gay?” I asked feeling a sense of panic when he didn’t answer right away. “Kacey let me tell you something. It’s a secret…” he leaned over his bed and looked me in my eyes and said “yes I am,” and started laughing. I couldn’t keep a straight face and burst out laughing. “You’re crazy! I can’t even take you right now,” I said smiling with a hint of laughter still in the air. By the time we finally got ready for bed it was 4:30 in the morning. “Kacey, what made you come here?” Calvin asked. “Well Calvin, I needed to be away from my family. I couldn’t take the pressure of being their perfect daughter. Plus they didn’t agree with my degree and wanted me to be either a lawyer or doctor. I didn’t want that so they didn’t want to help with my education. Sometimes it’s like that. At first I was hurt, and then I became mad. They aren’t perfect so why do they want me to be perfect. Wanna know something really messed up?” I asked Calvin. “Yeah, what is it?” he asked with a hint of curiosity in his tone. “My perfect lawyer father, used to beat the shit out of my mother. I was always there when it happened, hell I was even involved in some of the fights they had. My younger brother wasn’t around for the bad fights. Whenever they started fighting with him around I would have to take him to my room and shut the door and blast my music so he wouldn’t hear them fighting. I didn’t want him to see our perfect father hit our mother…” I paused to gather my thoughts. I looked over at Calvin who was now sitting up in his bed looking at me with tears rolling down his face. “What’s wrong Calvin? Are you okay?? Too much, too soon?” I asked, already regretting what I just said. “No, not at all Kacey, please continue,” Calvin said quietly. I sat up and faced him; the only light in our room was from out clock. “Okay where was I?” I said thinking where I left off. “Oh yeah, so my mother, as I grew up, was really hard on me. She had the nerve to tell me that I should never be with someone who puts their hands on you. I always used to laugh and throw it back in her face saying that she should take her own advice. She would always have some type of excuse as to why she stayed. There was this one time when my brother got into a fist fight and a few people ran back to tell my mother and she brought me back upstairs and hit me close fist in the face four times because I didn’t help my brother. But whenever I got into a fight it was okay. Then this one time we got into a really bad fight and she hit me across the face and her wedding ring scratched my eyelid. Yeah we were the perfect family. I hated my mom for so many reasons but as I got older I just couldn’t really respect her the way she deserved.” I stopped to get water from the fridge. “When we moved from Chicago to Cleveland I was pissed. I didn’t eat for months. I stayed locked in my room for days at a time. I only came out to shower and piss. I hated high school, my first two years I was always getting in trouble. I just didn’t care, then something snapped when it was my junior year I just hit the books and making sure I did what I had to do to graduate. My senior year was a breeze. Still got in trouble every now and then, I even made friends who were actually good for me. Then I graduated and started to apply to schools across the country. I wanted to be as far away from my family as I could. When I told them I got into UCLA they were excited until I told them my major. They were pissed, they wouldn’t talk to me until I had to pack my shit up and move here. They helped but

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