» Fiction » What if i love you, brea isomee [highly illogical behavior TXT] 📗

Book online «What if i love you, brea isomee [highly illogical behavior TXT] 📗». Author brea isomee

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Chapter one -


" you want to , go get some ice cream or somethin' ?" I asked my younger sister , Destiny . She's only younger than me by a year , her being 17 . She has a smooth caramel complexion without one flaw insight , light brown hair and hazel eyes . And her body . . . . let's just say she is , developed very nicely . I sighed at that thought , i make my self sick sometimes . How can i think about my sister the way i do and not feel any guilt about it ? I should feel bad , i should stay the farthest i can away from Destiny but , it's something about her that just draws me to her . The way her eyes smile at me before her lips do , the way her dimples sink into her cheeks when she pouts , how soft her voice is when it hits my ears . . .

Dammit , i'm doing it again !

She smiled up at me " can't we go see a movie or something ? Ice cream is going to make me fat one day ."

" i'd still lo-" i caught myself " a movie it is ."

I got my keys and we got into my truck .

We were silent , i was preoccupied trying to figure out what was on her mind . I glanced over at her slightly and saw her just staring at me with a small smile playing on her lips . What the hell ?

" you know , you shouldn't stare ."

She leaned over to me playfully " you know , you shouldn't tell me what i shouldn't do . "

" little girl , " i laughed and pushed her hand away that was slowly touching and running her fingers threw my dreads , it feels good . . . too good " you must think you run something ."

" i do . I run me , there for i do what i want ."

I let a smile inch it's way onto my face . Destiny has and has always had a slick mouth . If you let her she would play you so many ways just in one sentence or confuse the hell out of you . But i like that about her . She knows how to handle herself and she doesn't take shit from anybody .

I kept my mouth closed for the rest of the way to the theater , we bought our ticket and went to the right room in the theater to see our movie . We sat all the way at the top next to each other . We still had 20 minutes left until the movie would start so we started to talk .

She began " so , how's your girlfriend , Jessie ?"

" drivin' me fuckin' crazy . But i love her though ."

I could see her Smile disappear and a hint of jealousy entered her eyes , but just as fast as i saw it it was gone and replaced with a sad smile .

" she's not the girl for you , Damon . I know a girl way better than her ."

" then tell me who ."

She shrugged her shoulders and turned to face the screen with a little smile on her face making her dimples just visible enough that i could see . God , this girl is going to be the death of me , i swear .

Some guy sat next to her and her and him struck up a conversation and it was my turn to get jealous . But i tried to mask it by acting like i didn't see them talking , and checked the new text messages on my phone . But i still listened .

Him " how are you ? I'm Stan ."

" well Stan , i'm 'none of yo damn business' . It was nice meeting you though , bye ."

I cracked a smile and tried to cover up my laugh with a cough . Any jealousy i was felt was out the window at this point .

" bitch ," he mumbled as he stood to walk away .

" yo' watch your mouth . You don't call no female a bitch , especially not her unless you want a couple of problems , okay ?"

He looked at me and twisted his mouth to say something that i could tell would be the cause of me going off off but Destiny stopped him by saying " quite it , okay ? I can handle my self . And you , Stan , bu-bye ."

He walked away shaking his head with his fists balled up tightly .

" asshole ."

I laughed at Destiny and she laughed too . We're the perfect match . I'm not talking about in a relationship , but i think we would be in a relationship too , but i'm talking about as brother and sister . I loved her as my sister long before i had feelings for her as a lover . Growing up we were practically joined at the hip . My friends were always her Friend , she looked and dressed like a girl but she was one of the boys . You name it , she did it with us : shoplifting , skipping school , smoking , football . She's the perfect combination . I think that's why i like - no , love her so much .


I rolled out of bed the next morning and already i smelled breakfast in the air . I wasn't surprised though . My mother always cooks breakfast on Saturday morning .

I slipped on my basketball shorts and made my way way to the kitchen expecting to see my mother standing over the stove cooking but instead it was Destiny . I stopped at the entry way of the kitchen for a second just admiring her . Her long light brown hair was pulled into a bun . She had on a plain white t shirt that rose a little high showing off the bottom portion of her flat stomach and her belly piercing , and booty shorts that very barely long enough to cover the bottom of her nice plump rear end .

I sighed , i could feel myself getting a little too excited . She's my little sister for crying out loud !

She turned around but i kept my eyes glued to the lower half of her . When i looked up to her face her cheeks were a bright red and her eyes were glued to the floor . I walked over to her , placing my fingers under her chin , to bring her face to mines so her hazel eyes were staring directly back into my hazel eyes .

" Damon - " she whispered slowly , her breathing a little uneven " what are you doing ?"

I licked my lips slowly , i want to do so much to her at this moment that i can already feel myself touching her , running my hands up and down the curves of her body . She doesn't pull away either , she just leaned her body closer to mines .

Damn , i'm torn .

I heard the front door close and i pulled away from Destiny , turning to the stove .

My mother walked into the kitchen carrying a grocery bag " good to see you both up . Hey , somebody started breakfast ? Thank you ."

Destiny hugged her and swiftly walked from the kitchen with her head down .

I sighed , i can't keep doing this , i can't keep thinking about her the way i do . It's just not right . I should love her the way i did when we were younger , not the way i do now .

" move out of the way son , before the pancakes burn . And put the milk and eggs up ."

I moved , put up the groceries and rushed off behind Destiny . I know it's wrong , but i can't help myself . I want her .

I knocked on her bedroom door lightly and it slowly creaked open . I stuck my head in and she was sitting on her bed , face in her hands sobbing lightly . I sat down on the bed next to her and wrapped my arms around her " i'm sorry ."

" no , " she said lightly as she pulled away from me " it's okay ."

" it's not really , Your my little sister . I shouldn't -"

" i wanted you to ."

Take a deep breath , i keep telling myself . Just because she wanted me to doesn't mean it's right ,learning to control myself is crucial or i'm going to do some shit that won't be good for either one of us : and i know if i started neither one of us will want to stop .

" I , um , i should be going ."

I stood up but she grabbed my arm and pulled me back onto the bed " don't leave ." she said the words so close to a whisper that if i wasn't as close as i am i wouldn't have heard it . I wanted to make her happy , i'd give her anything she'd ask for .


-Destiny -

" don't leave ."

He just looked at me for for a while , licking his lips hungrily but not knowing what to do .

Why do i feel like i want him , like he's it for me and that we're made for each other . But it can't be , he's my brother , and these feelings are wrong , they're wrong . But why can't i convince myself that this isn't right . I mean , here i am crying because i want him so bad . That's how much it's hurting to not call him my own .

He shook his head " i can't . You don't know what your saying -"

" i know exactly what i'm saying . We're not kids anymore , Damon . And i know it's not right but ," i paused " i thought -"

His lips came crashing into mines , pushing all thoughts from my mind . He put his hand on the back of my neck so i couldn't move my lips , but hell even if i wanted to i wouldn't dare to , he slowly laid my body back and climbed on top of me without breaking his lips from mine .

" we can't ," he mumbled against my lips .

I didn't respond i just kissed him harder and opened my mouth to greet his tongue which he happily let enter my mouth . It felt like nothing i've ever

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