» Fiction » Test of Hearts, Abbie Davis [best books to read for knowledge TXT] 📗

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see my baby was gone and just a picture was hanging from where she was.

I fell to my knees as I heard Annabeth, Hazel, and Zoey, Leo’s wife, scream as well. She was gone without a trace. She couldn’t be gone like that but there was no way to find her. I looked to the door to see Nico standing there looking upset as well. He loved Kristen like a daughter of his own.

“We’ll find her,”He said walking over to me,”We’ll find them all Jason.”

“I think it’s time to bring an old friend out,”I said pulling out my monster proof phone,”He helped us last time. He could do it again.”

He nodded and went to find our son, Max. I dialed the number to the person who found us when we needed his help. I waited for him to pick up the phone as angered started to fuel me. They just took her for their little experiments.

“What is it Jason?”He asked.

“It’s Kristen, James,”I said as my fist clenched,”Someone took her, Luke, Zack, and Lindsey. I think it is Her again.”

“I’m on it,”Was all he said as the line went dead.

Chapter 3

I woke up to my arm feeling like it was on fire. I looked around to see the room was plain white. I had no idea where I was and was getting a little nervous. I tried to move but I couldn’t. I looked around and saw I was tied down to a bed. How did I get here? Why am I here?

I tried to get away by trying to move my hands to the lock that held me. I gave them a slight shock just in case people were watching me do this. They gave out and I freed myself. I went to get up but the sheets I was in decide to grabbed me and pull me back down to the bed. I let a scream go as a course of them followed behind me. I looked to my left and saw a scapple next to the bed for me to use or for them to use on me.

I shrug and went over to it as the sheets started to get tighter around me. I got to it and cut the stupid things. I fell on the floor as the room went totally red and alarms started to blare all around me. What is going on? I ran to the door and nothing had happen when I tried to open the door up. It’s lock and I’m doomed in here for who knows how long.

I kicked the door and nothing happened. This time I was getting ticked by all the different things going on with my situation right now. I was about to try and open it again but a sharp pain went in my arm as the door opened up. I couldn’t move at all as two huge people walked in and over to me.

They put me into these chains and dragged me out and over to another room. I still couldn’t move as I tried to make my body trash around. When the door opened my chains were dropped and they threw me into the room. I landed on someone as they thankfully caught me without trying.

I looked up and saw a tired looking Luke. He placed me down as I noticed his sheets were tore as well. I got closer to him as we both seem to be calming down. The door opened again and a woman walked into the room we were in with the other two. They were thrown down in front of us and got up to stand by us.

“Welcome to the best days of your lives,”She said,”I’m Kate Rachels and I’m over the…”

“You were the people who took our parents,”I said advancing on her but my body stopped before I could do anything,”What did you do to us!”

“You were chosen to be the subjects in our tests,”She said as my body walked me back to Luke’s arms,”You each will be showing us what you can do and how well you can do it. You each will be part of a bigger plan than you can imagine. With your help we can do bigger and better things.”

“I’ll show you what I can do,”I said lunging a little bit,”Just undo the weird things and I will take you down in a heartbeat.”

“How about you give me a cool breeze instead,”She sassed back.

I raised my hand up ready to blow her off the plant but instead a little breeze happen. No, I want to take her out not follow her instructions like a puppy dog. I looked at Luke as he was clearly confused like me about all of this. She laughed as the door closed and we were all let go. I felt the power return and almost blew the door off its hinges.

“What just happened?”I asked.

“She has control over us,”Luke said a little scared.

“No she doesn’t,”I said blowing the door down this time,”We have no master but our parents. We can’t be tamed this way.”

I ran out the door with everyone behind me but stopped at my door. My body just stopped as I was trying to go forwards. I was pushed into my room and strapped down again. They took the others and left me there as I struggle to free myself. Slowly the control over my body was being taken from me as I tried to free myself. The last thing I saw was the lady over me smiling down at me. I was going away to someone I don’t like. I let a tear go down my face as my family flashed into my head like pictures on a slideshow.




I was in her room thinking about her. I was hoping I would get lucky and get to hear her voice in my head like we did when we were little. I should have stayed with her instead of going outside with little Selena to play. This is all my fault and I can’t do anything about it.

Don’t say that Maxy. I should have check the door to see if it was lock. This is my fault not yours.

Kristen was that you? Can you hear my thoughts like old times?

If by old times you mean when we were eight then yes. Hey tell dad to be ready for the four fears of the world. He needs to stop them or well us.

After that she was gone and I was all alone. I picked my things up and went to find dad.

Chapter 4



It’s been a month since they disappeared and Kristen delivered her message to us. We haven’t got anything from them or James for a month. I was sitting in the garden Piper had asked for with the big three gods in it for their children. Kristen loved it here for it was quiet and no one hardly ever knew it was here.

“Jason!”Percy yelled sounding very worried about it,”The storms have arrived!”

I sprang up and grabbed my sword. The storms were our word for the kids. Kristen and Luke could make a storm that would level anything and that was in New York when we found that out. I looked forward and saw the cyclone of destruction and at the top was my little girl. I have to knock her down from there or everyone is doomed.

I flew up and went up to her height. She stood there sword ready and her eyes seemed clouded. She was being controlled by someone, By HER. I looked into her electric blue eyes and my heart wanted to break. I took my stance as she got into her’s.

“Kristen listen to me,”I tried to reason with her,”You have to fight it. You can do it baby girl.”

“Sorry daddy but reasoning won’t help you this time,”She hissed at me.

She swung her sword at me as she was not paying attention. I stepped back and hit her in the stomach and she started to fall. Her eyes were the real her and I went after her as she stopped herself from hitting the ground. I ran to her side as she seemed to be fighting a battle on the inside.

“Daddy, help me,”She whinned in pain,”She’s too powerful for me to fight.”

“Think of Luke,”I said knowing it would help her,”Daydream about him. Don’t pay attention to her.”

She stood up and got ready for a sparring match. I took my spot as I noticed the two Jackson’s were behind me and Percy waved the signal at me. She lunged at me and I side step so she went at Luke. They sparred as the wicked witch showed herself. She was yelling at them to stop but Percy, Annabeth, I, and the other seven went up to her.




I was sparring Luke as that lady wanted us to do. Dad didn’t see this coming did he. Luke threw me at the seven and I knock everyone of them out. I stood over my dad as they took him away. I wanted to scream and help him out but I wasn’t in control.

He had woken me with the same way he does for when I’m day dreaming. I stood by that girl as she gave me a smile and the others were terrorizing and kidnapping the camp. I saw Selena crying as Max was knocked out beside her. They raised a gun up to her and my body reacted to my mind this time.

I ran over to her and safely got her away from the fire. He missed as I ran with her to the garden of the big three. I looked back to see my dear Luke behind me as he called me back to the group. I ignored it and went the path that no one dared to go but a few of us.

I dived into the river and let it sweep me away. I put a swimming mask  and air on Selena as we went with the river. I found the tunnel to the garden’s secret entrance, besides going to the roof of my house and jumping to it. I swam into it and went the long way there.

I held onto Selena with one hand as I went up and into the lovely garden. There were black, yellow and blue flowers for each of the big three gods. I place her in the small chair there as I took off the gear I put on her. I turned around and sat down in my

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