» Fiction » Test of Hearts, Abbie Davis [best books to read for knowledge TXT] 📗

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he could.

I did as he had said to and then slipped my other around his neck. He took me back down as the others ran for their lives. Luke went to Percy who had showed up to make sure I was alright.

“Kristen why did you do that?”Dad asked as calm as ever that it was scaring me.

“I wanted to show them that I could,”I said as he held my scratched hands,”But I did get higher than I thought I would have.”

“Well at least you're alright,”He said hugging my neck,”That’s all that matters.”

I looked at everyone as they were in the corners hiding. Okay I know that I don’t think deeply like that often but come on. I looked at Luke as he was closer than they were.

“What?”I asked as they stood up.

“You were thinking,”Luke said as I laughed,”I didn’t know you did that.”

“That’s your dad,”I said looking at them,”But I found something about my dad I didn’t know about.”

“And that is,”Luke said as I smirked.

“He can’t deal with me being hurt,”I smiled,”I’m his princess and daddy can’t deal with anything happening to me.” 

Chapter 9

 I looked at the group as they all watched my father. People would do anything for entertainment. I watched as he fought with people trained to fight. But they weren’t like us. I looked around as everyone was getting bored of that.

“Now I will give one of you the chance to fight him,”She said,”Any takers.”

I looked at them as no one moved. I started to put my hair up as Luke told them I would. When the hair goes up you know it’s serious. They gave me a sword and allowed me to go in. I looked at me dad as he took his stance. I was in a hunger games type of outfit with the boots on. My eyes had those annoying contacts things.

I took my stance like my dad taught me to, so I was just a mirrored version of him. When they said fight I went low but he caught that. Okay you are sparring your father. What do you have to do? Get him the same way he gets you out of your daydreams. I smiled as I looked at him.

Mix it up with both greek and roman, A voice in my head said.

I did that and when he wasn’t looking I drove the but of my sword into his midsection. He double back and he came back. He saw me as I was now bleeding from the cut he had given me. That moment you could see the hold they had on him break

“hoc Daddy est scriptor,”I said which really was ‘Let’s keep this up Daddy’.

He nodded and we sparred for a little bit. I smiled as I got him back for all those times I was hit like that. I kept switching from the two forms I knew and he keeps getting tripped up. I found something else out. I kicked him down and smiled when he gave me the nodded of that I have beaten him.

I beat my dad. I smiled as I was going to celebrate later on. She walked in and came over to me with an annoyingly friendly smile.

“Good job young one,”She said nicely,”Where did you learn to fight like that?”

“I watch a lot of ninja turtles,”I said truthfully.

“She does,”Luke said with his brown contacts and blue hair.

“And you two names are?”She asked as I smirked.

“They call me Alice,”I said smiling,”Alice Nico Elizabeth Maria King.”

“Long name,”She said then looked at Luke.

“Skylar John Clearwater,”He said as I smirked,”She’s my girl.”

“A young couple,”She said as we had to go.

I nodded once outside and got into the air dukes. I crawled over to the one above my dad and smiled when I saw him in there. He was looking around as if trying to find a way out.

Soon the lights and things went out. Thanks to our little Lindsey. I smiled as Dad looked around as if for Leo. I popped off the covering and jumped down next to him.

“We are here to save you dear father,”I smiled as he looked at me.

“About time,”He said going up first,”And that does hurt.”

“Why do you think it always worked,”I said following him.

The cameras came back on and he had disappeared. I heard the running people underneath but kept on going. We got out and face everyone else. Zack followed behind me but had no one with him.

“What happened?”I asked looking at him.

“Before I could get them they came in,”He said as we ran,”I had to leave her there.”

“Who?”Dad asked seeing Nico up ahead.

“Luke’s little sister,”Zack said as Luke’s glare became deadly,”I tried dude.”

“Let’s not kill each other yet,”I said as we got there.

“Grab hands,”Nico and I both said.

And like that we were gone. No trace of anything but the alarms going off. I smiled as the gods looked at us. I landed on the floor since when light came we all let go but dad and Nico. Luke was on top of me with Lindsey on top of him.

“Why in dog piles am I on the bottom?”I barely said for the air was leaving my lungs.

“Don’t know,”They said getting off.

Luke helped me up as Zeus turned to Jupiter this time. Oh I’m in for a lecture now. I took a knee as I was getting more scared by the minutes this time. He circled me before taking his seat again. I looked at Poseidon as he looked at me.

“Where are the others?”Jupiter bellowed.

“We couldn’t get them all like planned,”I said not raising my head to him.

“You have one last chance to get it right,”He yelled at me,”Fail again and there will be severe consequences. Now go.”

I got up and we all ran out of there. Even dad followed with us. I went into the house and up to Selena’s room as she cried. I looked at her as she laughed at my scared face.

“What you laughing at?”I asked picking her up,”You try standing there in front of an angry god that can turn you into nothing at a simple snap of his fingers.”

“Your mother is going to get you,”I heard dad said,”Not getting her first words on tape for her.”

“Live or die,”I said turning to him,”Plus Apollo got them for me.”

“James said that he could help with the last run,”Dad said taking Selena,”But how did you know that I would wake up from you being hurt.”

“The tree,”I said walking out of there,”You always made sure I was alright before making something up so mom wouldn’t chew me out.”

Chapter 10



I looked at the door as she walked out. How was that suppose to answer my question? I thought about it then the tree when she was six came to mind. It scared me to death knowing they dared her to do that. Luke told us after it was them who told her to do it.

She loved to show off in front of him when something like that happen then. I looked at Selena when I heard her voice yell something.

“I beat my dad in sparring,”She said overjoyed at it,”You can’t do that Luke.”

“Have you tried to beat my father,”He defend,”And I bet he let you win that.”

I didn’t.

“We were in front of thousands of people and you believe he let me win,”She said to him.

“Good point,”He said.

I rolled my eyes as Selena made grabby hands to the door. Soon Kristen came in and Selena tried to go to her. I handed her over to Kristen as she was looking for something it seemed like.

“Selena you remember where I put that notebook,”She said to the little girl as she pointed to it,”Thank you.”

“Losing things,”I said as she looked at me.

“Always,”She said giving Selena back,”But she knows where I put it last though.”

“Like someone I use to depend on for that,”I said as she went red,”If you need help just say it.”

“Keep grandpa from killing me,”She said as we laughed.

After that she walked out and the chatter began again. I looked at Selena as she pointed over to the TV. Just like Kristen. I went to it and pushed play. To my surprise a younger version of Kristen and Luke popped up. I watched them as they were  sitting in a tree just talking about something.

“Are you scared that one day our parents wouldn’t be here to help us?”He asked as she looked out at the camp.

“No,”She said looking at him as he seemed confused,”For I know that my daddy and mommy would have prepared me enough to be able to deal with something like that.”

“But what about being the leader of it in place of your dad?”Luke asked as she flipped out of the tree,”I would never be able to take that spot for mine.”

“I got Max and everyone,”She said as he followed her example,”I wouldn’t have to be the leader but just someone who everyone would look up to.”

“So a leader then.”

“No. I mean that I would be more of the person like my mom. The one you go to when something is going on. The one person that would be able to help you out.”

Luke looked at her as they soon ran off. It ended as Selena clapped. What in Tartarus was that about? She pointed to the door as if telling me to go down.

“Alright then,”I said doing as she wanted.

I walked in to them talking about the way to get it done. Kristen was over in the corner writing down something while everyone threw their ideas around.

“If we go in all at once then they wouldn’t be able to stop us all,”Lindsey said.

“They got the others,”Kristen said looking at her,”Like your dad and he knows you pretty well Lins.”

“We can set explosives up around the place to distract them all,”Zack said as Kristen wrote more,”Than when they come out ambuse them.”

“They got Leo and your mother,”Kristen said not even paying attention,”They would be able to stop it before we start and then have all of us.”

“We could get James to stop time for us,”Luke said as she looked at him,”Then get them out while it is frozen around them.”

“It might work,”She said then went back to the book,”If Zeus AND Jupiter didn’t tell me I couldn’t do that.”

“Wow,”They all said as she nodded.

“Then how are we going to do this?”Luke said looking at her,”We have gave everything possible to stop them. But you have gave the counter to them.”

“Not really,”She said with a smile,”While you were giving ideas I was putting them into my plan. It is a long

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