» Fiction » Test of Hearts, Abbie Davis [best books to read for knowledge TXT] 📗

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shot but hey it might work.”

“Why am I all of a sudden scare,”Lindsey asked as Kristen smirked.

“Because she had an idea,”Zack said they looked at him.

“Ouch,”Kristen said standing up,”That hurt you know. But they would have the place on lockdown. So therefore we would have to ambuse them in a single order. Luke can bring them out as we undo the effects of each. But I need him to do his father.”

“Why me?”He said sounding scared,”Have you tried to take him down.”

“Because think about it,”She said smiling,”When haven’t he been there for you. He’s your father and his fatal flaw is loyalty. He wouldn’t be able to do it.”

They looked at her as it seemed to click in their minds. Selena looked at me as if saying I should help. I shook my head as she gave off a sound that snapped Kristen’s attention to me. Betrayed by the youngest.

“I was about to come and get you,”She said with a smile,”Do you know the order they might be in the lock down?”

“It depends on where you start,”I said as she brought out the building plan,”First will be Percy if you go in the main…” 

Chapter 11

I looked at the brick shape machine in my hand. I looked at them all as we were going over what we need to do. We had one shot at this and it might get one of us killed if done wrongly.

“It will need to be in a triangle shape,”Lindsey said for us all,”So when we place it try and be in the middle of it. But also place it on the computer drive.”

“So you only have four sets,”James said as she nodded,”Who get’s them?”

“Dad, You, Lindsey, and Nico,”I said passing them out,”For you all have a greater chance of getting up there then us.”

“When did you become smart?”He asked as I smiled.

“I broke free and was the only one that ran for it,”I said as he nodded,”Now are we a go on this.”

They nodded and we went in. Lindsey was staying outside till I gave her the green for go on it being clear. Dad and the others were staying out to make sure she would be fine. Luke would be going in and out to help get the people out. Zack and Me had to bust them out of it with Luke’s help every now and then.

I nodded my head at Lindsey as she cut the cameras and opened the door for us. I slipped in as it soon closed all too fast. Luke was on the wrong side. I looked at Percy as he was there looking at me with sword ready. Please help me.

“Kristen don’t do it,”Dad said as I took a stance.

“I got this,”I said as he went after me.

I spun out of the way and the butt of my sword hit the back of his head. I made the mist hide my true self as he regained himself again. When he turned to face me I was someone close to him. He went wide eye as everyone outside did as well. I stood tall like them as he seemed to have been put into a war of his own.

“Annabeth,”He said batting his eyes and returning to himself.

“Close,”I said removing the chips,”But I’m glad I pay attention to when Hazel was talking about the mist.”

“How?”Luke said as I smirked.

“Talent and I was prepared,”I said as the door opened again,”I got the right and Zack go left. Dad can fill you in Percy.”

I ran my way and went down the long hall way. Okay so dad said that mom or Annabeth should be next. I stopped as something felt wrong. I looked around and the feeling grew a little bit.

“Why did you stop?”Lindsey asked through the earpiece.

I looked at Max as he came out. He looked at me as I didn’t want to fight him. We knew the other and how to counter each other. We were equally match. I took the earpiece out and sat it on the table. I ignored their warning to not but I know Max.

“Hello Kristen,”He said getting into his stance.

“I’m not fighting you,”I said making my sword go into a pen form,”I won’t fight you.”

“Yes you will,”He said charging as I moved out of the way.

“No I won’t,"I said sitting on the floor,”We know each other Max. It will be an endless battle between us. I’m not fighting you.”

“Always the one to make an example of yourself,”He said as I noticed that it was more than the chip talking,”You always stole the spotlight from others. Everyone looked up to you for the answers. Dad even saw that you were the leader and trained you to be one.”

“You really think that,”I said leaning forward a little bit,”Max I never thought about any of that. So why would you?”

“For you were always the golden child. It was ‘Looked at what Kristen did.’ ‘She fought that in only five minutes.’’She’s going to be the savior of the world one day.’ I always had to fight in the background of you. Since miss fearless was all anyone cared about.”

“Is that what you think,”I shouted with tears in my eyes,”You know how scare I am when someone looks at me to save the day. I want to run for my life. I want to right now. You were always good with how people felt like. I never understood the concept of showing tears in a battle. I thought it was like showing a weakness.

“I always saw you as my equal. Someone that knew something I didn’t. If I couldn’t think of it I would look to you for that missing piece to it. Max I’m nothing without you there with me. Heck I don’t even know how I’m going to fight mom or Annabeth. You always knew that part.”

I held my knees close as I heard something go off. The sound of metal walls coming down sounded behind me and in front of me. I cried for the first time in years in front of him. I was always the one to act strong for the others.

I felt someone’s hand on me. They lifted my head up and I saw my brother. He made me stand up and we hugged it out. I smiled as I removed the control chip.

“I never knew you felt that way,”I said into his ear.

“I never knew how hard you had it,”He said as I smiled,”I just thought I was just your twin and nothing else.”

“That would be a lie,”I said putting my earpiece in and giving him one,”Know how are we going to get out of here.”

“They are trying to get the cameras working,”Lindsey said,”I can stop it but I wouldn’t be able to open the doors for a few minutes.”

“Forget the cameras,”I said looking at the door,”Get the doors open and let them watch us take them down.”

“But that would mean…”She said as I stopped her.

“I want them to see it,”I said smirking,”But I need you to get your dad.”

I heard nothing after that but soon the doors opened up. Zack and I both ran to the next part. I looked around and saw hardly anything. Soon Annabeth showed herself to us. Okay so what would snap her back to us again.

I looked at Max as he smirked at me. What are you up to? He stood to my right as we faced her.

“Cry,”He said into my ear.

“Why?”I whispered back as she watched us.

“She can’t stand to see you cry,”He said as I looked at him,”Come on you were just doing it a few minutes ago.”

“For your my brother,”I said looking at her again,”I don’t think I can in front of her.”

“Sorry then,”He said.

“For what,”I said as I felt a sharp pain in my arm,”No fair.”

I began to cry a little bit as that was a sweet spot. Max and I found out that when we are pinched on a certain little spot on our elbow it makes us go into tears from the pain. So we both vowed to never do it to the other or tell a soul about it.

I held it as I cried in front of Annabeth Chase, the one person I could never bring myself to do it in front of. She snapped out of it and came to my side. She tried to understand what happen but Max took her away from removing the chip.

“You said you will never do that to me,”I said fixing up myself again.

“We had to snap her out of it,”He said as she looked confuse,”You tell her.”

“It was a spot that makes it hurt so much we cry out of pain,”I said as we walked to the next one.

Max went ahead of me and I got him. He brought it close as the tears started to come to his eyes.

“Happy now,”He said as I nodded. 

Chapter 12

We stopped in the fight against father and daughter. I watch Lindsey go up against him with everything she had. The bag with the next phase sitting not far from them. I looked over to see Luke and his little sister fighting. Camron was not someone you wanted to mess with.

I was soon slammed up against the wall. I looked at my mother as my hands were pinned to my side. Okay my is her children. She had me at knife point as Max looked stunned by it.

“Max do something,”I called as she looked at me,”Anything to snap her out.”

“I don’t know what would,”He said as I was thinking of everything.

“Kristy,”I heard Selena say as we all faced her,”Maxy.”

“Selena,”Mom said letting me go,”What are you doing here.”

“Saving me apparently,”I said rubbing my neck and getting my mother’s chip,”But I left her outside with dad and them.”

“She came with,”They said as I nodded.

I looked up at the main central station. It was like a pin about ten foot high. The only way to get in was to climb it. I looked at everyone as they went back and forth on what to do.

I took hold of Lindsey’s bag and slung it over my shoulder and head. I ran to it as they all were talking about it. Why talk when you can act.

I began my climb when something sharp hit my leg. I looked down and saw that it was nothing more than a dart like thing. I left it only and began my long journey up.




I looked around for Kristen as they all spoke about what all to do. I spotted her climbing it but with

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