» Fiction » Test of Hearts, Abbie Davis [best books to read for knowledge TXT] 📗

Book online «Test of Hearts, Abbie Davis [best books to read for knowledge TXT] 📗». Author Abbie Davis

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as I saw Poseidon tense up.

“I couldn’t get them all out,”I said still looking down,”It was poor planning. I didn’t take in that Luke would figure me out that fast. It is all on me.”

“No it’s not,”Luke said as my head snapped to him,”It was my fault. I should have told her that I wasn’t under their control and let her walk on through with them. I take the blame for this.”

“Enough Jackson Jr.,”Grandfather Zeus said,”She knew what had to happen and did the wrong thing.”

“Zeus, She did get them three out of there,”Poseidon said as I smiled a thank you at him,”That is better than nothing.”

“Next time get someone older out,”Zeus said going back,”You all are excuse.”

I took them to the house as I heard Let It Go by Demi Lovato play. I rolled my eyes and to turn it off. I got out of that and took a seat on the couch. The others sat around me as Luke took the seat to my right. I leaned my head on his shoulder as he had his arm around my shoulders.

“What’s the plan for the next visit?”Luke said as I looked at everyone.

“No Idea,”I said looking around,”They will be expecting us. I have no idea or even how we are going to snap them out of it.”

They looked at me as I smile at them. I checked the clock to see it was already ten at night. I let a yawn out as I been up since four and waking up every now and then to take care of Selena. I laid my head in Luke’s lap as he petted my head.

“There’s two other bedrooms,”I said yawning again,”Me and Luke can share one and then you two can get the other one.”

“Sounds like a good plan,”They all said as I was falling asleep.

I felt arms carry me up to the room and sat me in the bed. I pulled the covers over me as they got in beside me. I smiled as his arms went around my waist.

“Night Luke,”I said with a smile.

“Night Kristen,”He said as we went to sleep.


~~~Mrs. Rachels~~~


I watched the video footage we had on what just happened. How can one little girl get three people out from under me? The girl had red hair with blue tips. She even looked like Kristen some.

“Give the girl full black hair and make her eyes her father’s blue ones,”I ordered them.

Once they did there she was. Kristen Grace came for them. I looked at my son as he looked at the screen. He had to be the only one that knew them better. He was one after all. A son of Apollo with great skills in the medical flied.

“Ryan,”I said sweetly,”Get the tracker. I have some kids to find.”

“Yes mother,”He said getting it out,”You know her and his will be the strongest.”

“I want all four of them,”I said as the different color dots flashed in the same area,”For if one moves I want to know about it.”

We drove to the empire state building and went up to the last floor. But it was like they were higher than this. The yellow dot flashed faster till it disappeared on us. The blue on went next. Then the red one and last the green one. What happen to them now? 

Chapter 7



I stood there with Hephaestus as we were trying to figure out something. We were in the room that had both Luke and Kristen in it. There were two different type of machines in them. One on their left hip and one on the right.

I took them first to remove the tracker and whatever the second was. I did Kristen first and Artemis came in after I was done and putting stitches where I had to cut out the box type thing.

“What’s that?”She said picking it up.

“How am I supposed to know,”I said finishing them up.

“You took it out,”She said looking at her,”Thalia is here to see her.”

“Tell her wait till morning to see her,”I said going over to Luke,”For these two are not going anywhere tomorrow.”

She walked out and I got to work on removing his. It took me about four hours to finish up. I did Lindsey up and then lastly Zack. As I went I broke the trackers so that they wouldn’t work any more.

We put them back the way we had found them but Aphrodite came and had to fix how Luke and Kristen was. We had them on their backs since her right and his left as going to be sore and couldn’t take pressure.

“Lay him on his back,”She said as we had his arm laid out and did as she told us,”Put her on her left side with her head on his chest. Then wrap his arms around her to make it more comfortable.”




I walked into the house since I was not leaving without seeing them. I walked in and saw the couch was ready incase someone wanted to stay on it. I walked up to the room they were in to see them fixing up how they would wake up.

I nodded at them as they left the kids. I looked at Kristen as she seemed happy. I heard a cry and saw her start to wake up. I pushed her back down and she went back to sleep.

I walked into Selena’s room and took care of the baby for Kristen. I rocked her as Nico walked in. I guess we had the same idea.

“Long day for them,”He said looking at me.

“What’s on your mind?”I asked straight out.

“How do you know to take care of a child?”He asked then knew it.

“Jason,”We both said while the kids slept.

Chapter 8

I woke up to my side hurting. I traced it to feel stitches I think. I put my hand on Luke’s bare chest as his arms tightened around me. I looked at him as he looked down at me. I gave a smile off as he smiled back down at me.

“Does your side hurt?”I asked half asleep.

“Yes,”His morning voice said,”Why you asking?”

“I think we had something done to us,”I said going to sit up but regretted it,”Nope going to lay back down.”

“We had to remove a tag they had on you,”Apollo said at the door way,”But for you there was something else there. So I had to remove that as well. So for the next few weeks you two have to rest.”

With that he left. I nodded and laid my head back down. I heard the door open and looked toward it. There in the doorway leaning against it was my aunt. I smiled as she came over to help me sit up.

“How you two feeling?”She asked helping Luke sit up.

“Like hell came and took me,”I said as she wanted to laugh,”Then put me back for they didn’t need me there.”

“Good word choice,”She said sitting in the chair,”Nico is going to be with you to help with the needs of everything. Selena will be taken care by him while you two get better.”

“Straight to the point,”I said as she smiled,”But I do have one question.”

“What is it then?”

“How will I get dad out of the state of mind he will be in when I go back?”

“You can figure that one out.”

“But I can’t.”

“For you think you can’t. Kristen maybe you should think like Max would about it.”

“I don’t get that way.”

“Then think like your father,”She said leaving,”You might learn something about him and his weakness.”

I looked at the door wanting her to come back and just tell me how. I looked at Luke as he looked beyond confuse about what just happened. I took in a deep breath and looked out the window.

It has been a month and I was getting what she meant by think about it like he would. I thought back to all the times he was there with me and they all had one thing in common. He came to me when I needed it.

Max had the same affect with him but when it was me he was there in a heartbeat. I sat on the counter as we were talking about what we were going to do. Luke and I were better now and that thing was to make sure we didn’t do anything we weren’t suppose to.

“She’s quite,”I heard someone say,”That’s never a good thing.”

I tuned them out after that one. I went to one day that seemed to have the answers I needed. I was only six but then I was thought of as a leader to some.

I stood there on the bottom of a tree. They wanted me to scale it up. No ropes and no powers. I never climbed something like it without that stuff. I looked at Luke as he was the one that wanted me to do it.

“Don’t do it,”Max said looking at it,”You’re not ready for something like that.”

“I can do it,”I said wanting to impress Luke,”Plus it will be easy Max. Go up and come down with no extra help. The normal way people do.”

He looked at me as I looked at him with a smirk plastered on my face. I nodded to Luke as he knew about my crush. He sighed as I was a big show off for when I liked someone.

“Okay up I go,”I said grabbing the low branch.

“Be safe going up,”Luke called as my heart fluttered that he was worried for me.

I went from branch to branch easy enough. It was only ten foot high and at first it was easy. Half way up it was getting harder for me. I kept a hand on something incase I fell. I looked down and saw everyone was looking at me with big eyes.

I smiled and waved down at them. They all waved at me as I motioned up. I turned back around and frowned as I hate to climb up when I don’t have someone watching me. I looked up and continued on my way.

When I was a little bit higher up than I was then my foot slipped. I held onto the branch for dear life. I only had one hand on it and when I tried to fix myself it wouldn’t let me.

“Daddy!”I yelled down.

I looked at Max as dad came running to me. He looked up and saw me hanging there. He got climbing as I tried to fix my footing so that I wasn’t dangling there. He was soon by my side.

“Give me your free hand Kristen,”He told me as calm as

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