» Fiction » Test of Hearts, Abbie Davis [best books to read for knowledge TXT] 📗

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special chair next to the water.

“Kris,”She said clapping her hands,”Kris.”

“That’s her first words you know,”A stranger said behind me,”You should be honored by that one.”

“Who are you?”I said looking up at the man,”What do you want?”

He was taller than me and had brownish hair.  He also looked like he has been beaten more than once with all the scares on his body. He had blue grey eyes and stood tall and proud. He took a seat next to me as I was trying to catch my breath. He touched the back of my neck and arm and pinched them both. I winced at the pain as he held out two broken looking pieces of a chip. I felt my arm and it had stop hurting all together.

“What is that?”I asked picking up my sister.

“A mind control chip,”He said looking at it,”They must have figured out that you all were strong minded kids that wouldn’t obey their orders. So they put this into your systems to make you do what they wanted. They did it to your parents and now it’s your turn. Jason’s kid would be the one to defeat it. Wouldn’t you?”

“Your James, son of Kronos,”I said putting the pieces together,”Why are you here?”

“To save the four of you,”He said with a pointed look,”Well now the bunch of you.”

With that he took my hand and we disappeared into the unknown. I really hate teleporting the way to places like this. When we stopped Selena was in my arms and I was standing in front of the gods. I bowed lightly, so I wouldn’t drop my sister. They all looked at me as arms wrapped around my smallish frame as if I was going to disappear on them. I looked up to see Nico was standing there and I was glad to see him for all of the people they had took.

“Where are the others?”He asked as my heart hurt from that.

“Well you see…”I started as I looked at everyone’s to see that this was not going to be good.

Chapter 5

I looked at the people as they were lining up to see the demigods she had there. I held onto Selena and stood close to Nico as he had his hand on my back. Grandmother Aphrodite had my hair a red with real dyed blue tips so when the mist is removed I will have black hair with blue tips. She gave me a green and a grey contact to wear that bugged the heck out of my eyes. She couldn’t think of the color I should wear so it was both. She got it her way and I was in a blue dress that ended just above my knees since Grandfather Zeus wouldn’t have it just under my butt. Thank you Zeus! The dress had only one sleeve that really was just a strap and a thin one at that. She made me wear some heels that could put some damage into a monster since they were Imperial gold  shoes made by Hephaestus.

We walked in as a group and I slipped my shades on. A little computer came up and it was made by Hephaestus. I looked around the building to see if I could see my family and friends but no luck. I watch Luke look at everyone like a bodyguard for HER. I frowned at that as she wanted to use us to take out the ones that took her as a dork. Which she is. So I really don’t see why she wants us to. Who in their right mind believe that a kid has super powers for their missing parent was a god?

“Miss I need you to come with me,”Luke said taking my arm,”I would leave the child with your friend here.”

“But I have done nothing,”I said passing Selena to Nico,”So I really don’t see why I should follow you.”

“Just come along like a good girl,”Luke said dragging me away.

I looked around the halls as I saw rows of rooms. They all had names on them. I looked as he took me to his room. There was just a chair, bed, and closet. Nothing else to it but that. Why kidnap kids if you are not even going to let them have some things here? He sat me in the chair and strapped me in it.

I struggled to get out of them but he put his hand over my mouth. I looked into his eyes to see my Luke looking at me.

“Kristy is that really you?”He asked as I nodded,”Thanks the gods.”

He removed his hands as I gave him my ‘WTF’ face. He motioned out as I heard a guard walk by. I nodded as I notice no cameras in his room.

“They didn’t think they would need to watch me,”He said sitting on the bed.

“Can you untie me then,”I said trying to get out the ropes,”I really see no point in this.”

“If they come in I need to say that I’m making sure you are not really you,”He said pulling a stool up,”And they won’t get Selena and Nico for they walked out after I took you away.”

“What about Dad and Mom?”I said as a tear rolled down my cheek,”And Max?”

“They have them here,”He said wiping it away,”They are under more protection than me, Zack, and Lindsey though.”

“What’s going on in here?”Someone asked looking at Luke,”He has her.”

“Now Kristen,”He said as I may have sent out some lightning at him.

Luke quickly undid my bonds and we went our separate ways to find Lindsey and Zack. I put in my ear piece and began to sing Barton Hollow by The Civil Wars. It sound like how they sanged it as me and Luke sang the songs. I looked in the cameras as I did. My voice was somewhere else than where I was to throw them off my tracks.

When it finished I heard Glowing in the Dark by The Girl and The Dreamcatcher. It was Zack. I sang with him and in the middle we stopped as I got near him. I took out the chip thingy like I did to Luke before we ran out.

“F…”Zack started as I slapped my hand over his mouth.

“Don’t,”I said removing it since he licked it,”Eww.”

“That’s what you get,”He said as I turned around and he slapped the back of my head.

“Ow,”I said facing him.

“That’s for being late,”He said as we ran,”We been waiting for you for three days, since you left.”

“Sorry,”I said as we rounded a corner,”But the gods wanted me to be prepared for anything.”

“Took grandmother a while to do your hair,”He said as I took my heels off,”And to teach you how to run in heels.”

“Nope,”I said throwing them at the guard,”Still might break my neck.”

I got them back and slipped them back on. We started to run again and on the right turn I almost broke my neck. Lucky Zack has always had my back when I need him to. I was straighten up and I took off the shoes.

We both ran to the door and meet up with the other two. I smiled up at Luke as he looked ahead. I saw the door close and saw the people behind us. Great!

“Lindsey do you think you can get the door open,”I said as she was trying.

“Nope,”She said as the key pad sparked at her.

I took one of the heels and hit the door pad on my side and it opened up. Looks like there are more useful uses to heels than I thought.

We all ran out as I held the shoes in my hand so I wouldn’t lose them and get into trouble with Hephaestus. Note to self learn how to run in heels for when she dresses you in them.

We ran up and I slipped my shoes back on as Nico gave me my sister back. We all took hands as gunfire went in the back ground getting closer to us. Soon shadows were around us as Selena held onto me for dear life. She hates going this way. 

Chapter 6

“Selena we are done now,”I said bouncing her as I walked into the house the gods gave me for now,”You can let go of my hair and trying to pull it out.”

She looked around as we were alone in the house again. The others had to go see the gods before anything. I laid Selena in her bed as I rocked her a little bit. I took off the shoes and undid the mist around me. I washed off the light blush and the blue eyeshadow as I heard footsteps in the hall.

“Kristen,”I heard Hephaestus call me.

“Give me a minute please,”I said changing,”I’m almost done undoing what was done to me this morning.”

I heard him laugh as my music player began to play Blown Away by Carrie Underwood. I hummed along to it as I put on my Camp Jupiter shirt on that read ‘Team  Kickbutt’ on the back with a number one in golden letters and lightning around it. I slipped on some blue jean shorts that went to the middle of my thigh since if they were too short Zeus might strike me down in a heartbeat.

I came out brushing the leaves out of my hair since Zack hit me in the head with a branch during our escape. I smiled at the god as he looked at me. I had the shoes on the chair for him to take.

“Everything worked out amazingly,”I said handing them over.

“Keep them,”He said as I was shock,”I made them for someone like you. Plus the boots over there might be more your speed.”

I opened up the shoe rack in the closet and saw some blue and golden boots. I slipped them on as he told me what all they did. A hidden spike in the heel and knife in the toe. It was more my speed and I can RUN in them without BREAKING my NECK. I smiled a thank you as we both walked to the throne room. Nico was watching Selena nap while I dealt with this.

I went in and bowed my head. Lindsey looked at my hair and played with a strand of it. I eyed her as she smiled at me.

“I thought it was all mist,”She said smiling,”It looks good in your hair.”

“Thank you,”Me and Aphrodite both said.

I looked at my grandfather as he looked at me with a geat amount of disappointment written on his face. I got down on one knee as he walked over to me.

“Where are the others?”He asked

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