» Fiction » Test of Hearts, Abbie Davis [best books to read for knowledge TXT] 📗

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something in her leg. I looked closer as it was to block powers. She was climbing without the extra help of wind.

“Dad,”I said as he looked at me,”Kristen might need a spotter.”

“Why?”He asked looking at the girl who was already half way up,”What is she doing?”

“Getting the job done,”Luke said as men came out,”And we got company down here.”

They went to fight as dad, mom, Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, Frank, Leo, I and stood there to watch her. She lost her footing when the latter was going under it. She struggled for a little bit but swung herself back.

“Jason do something,”Mom said looking at him.

“How can I when she’s in there,”He said as we watched  her go through the window.

“She did,”I whispered to myself before joining the fight.




I got through the window and looked at the people there. I got low and watched them try to block me. I threw one to one side and got it in it’s spot. I did the same to another one and made it. I looked ahead of me to see the last one.

I had it in hand as I went for it. I dodged the arms as I ran for it. I made it to the spot and the triangle formed around me. That Mrs. Rachels person stood in front of me as I smirked.

“Now Kristen,”She said as her information on us deleted itself from the world,”You don’t want to do this now.”

“I do,”I said as the building started to shake.

“Then have fun,”She said as they all left.

I looked around me as she made it about to explode. I was about to run as the roof fell. I hit the ground and something got my leg. I looked around me as it fell from under me. I clutched my head as all round me began to fall.

“You’ll be alright,”I heard voices say around me,”Just hang on.” 

Chapter 13



I looked around for her but she was nowhere to be found. The building fell but she never came out of it. We all looked for her but nothing happened. She can’t be gone can she?

“She alive,”Nico called as we all took a deep breath.

I ran over to the main part and began to search for her. I couldn’t get anything out. Soon I heard it. Her voice was close by.

“Anyone help,”I heard and went to it,”Please.”




I removed my hands as I had a little room to move. It wasn’t much but yet still there. I looked around me as my leg hurt like heck. I tried to look for an exit but saw nothing. Great I can only hope someone will help me.

“Anyone Help,”I called hoping there was someone out there,”Please.”

I waited for a while before trying again. I took small breaths so that I wouldn’t get the dust into my lunges.

“Please help me,”I said again,”Anyone out there?”

“Kristen,”I heard Luke say from somewhere above the rubble.

“Luke,”I called as I got a hope.

“She’s over here,”I heard him say as I smiled.




I found her. Her dad ran over to me first follow by Max. We began to move the smaller rocks but there were bigger ones in the way. I looked at Dad as he was smirking.

“Tyson’s here,”He said as Tyson began to move the bigger rocks for us.

We soon had her there covering her head again. I looked at her as she looked up at us. Her dad helped her move a little so Tyson could move the beam off of her. She smiled up at us as Max went to do something.

“Kick up with your good leg,”He told her as she gave him a questioning look,”Just do it.”

She did and he pulled something out of her leg. I laughed as it was something to block powers. She looked at it in wonder.

“No powers and no help,”He said as she went wide eye,”You did that by yourself.”

“I’m going to get yelled at,”She said as her mother came over.

“What were you thinking?”Piper yelled at her.

“I wasn’t,”She said looking at the sky,”I was acting on instinct.

“Piper leave her alone,”Jason said with a smile,”At least she’s alive.” 

Chapter 14

 I looked at the cast I had to wear for a while now. I was lucky I just broke my leg and not my whole body. I didn’t tell people about the voices for I would think that they might think I’m crazy.

I looked out as they were all training as I had to sit out. I watched Max train with Luke and lose every time. How do you beat him with those eyes? It’s like you can’t look past them.

“Hello Kristen,”Annabeth said sitting by me.

“Hello,”I said as Max nodded my way.

“I was told you wanted to know how to battle those green eyes,”She said as I faced her.

“What’s the secret,”I said hopeful.

“ADHD,”She said with an evil smirk,”Get him distracted then go for it.”

“Thanks,” I said as I faced them.

Max looked at me giving me the go. I smiled as Annabeth looked at the two of us. We were a bad team when it comes to double teaming people. I looked at Luke as he had his back to me right now.

“Luke,”I called as he turned to me.

I smiled as Max took him down. He looked at me like I betrayed him. I gave off a laugh as James sat on the the other side of me.

“No fair double teaming,”He called walking over to me.

“You gotta be ready for anything,”I said with a smile.

“Like you,”He said kissing me.

“Not here,”My dear father called as I laughed.

“What ever,”I said as I heard laughter.


Publication Date: 04-05-2016

All Rights Reserved

I don't own any of the Percy Jackson or Heroes of Olympus people. Those belong to Rick. I hoped you enjoyed it!

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