» Fiction » I never knew my life would be changed forever, By Tatyana Thomas [types of ebook readers .txt] 📗

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Um ok what is it Jesse . How are things with your mom i know that your father died but how is she doing and you ? Um she is not the person you want to know. My mom changed too much . She is see some Mark dude thats why we are moving to Washington D.C. because he lives there and her job is there too. Katie slow down everything will be ok . You have to gave your mom some time to think things over then im sure everything will be the same it was when your dad was here . No you don't get it at all Jesse . It will never be the same as it was before. Why katie you can tell me anything i will listen to you . That is what everyone says to me but they really don't listen to be . I will you know that i will please katie it hurts me when you are hurting said Jesse . OK fine my mom cheated my mom dad when he had cancer that is not right . All those nights she was out some where i had to tell dad that she was working late again and again i hated lieing to my dad it was so hard . Katie why would your mom cheat on your dad ? She didn't tell your mom that my dad had cancer did she ? Um no she said that I am so sorry Katie. Now do you understand why i can't stand her . I just hope this Mark guy is not the guy she cheated with dad on . If she did i will move out without saying anything all she will see the next morning is a note on my bed . I just hate moving away from my dad's grave i love him . Katie things will get better sooner or later you just have to leave your mom alone for now and do your own thing. Jesse are you telling me to forget about my mom? Yes i am you have your own life to live she can't keep stoping you from living it . Life will go on with or with out here its up to you if you want to let her back in your life no one else can do that but you . Thank you Jesse for everything but i have get off the phone.
I am driving and i did promise my mom i will be safe thats at least i can do . Bye Katie i will talk to you later drive safe .

Jessica what's wrong you been setting here saying noting ? Mark I am worry about Katie she Know i cheated on her dad . Jessica you didn't cheat on him with me that is a good thing . Gave her time she will come around when she is ready. Mark its not ok she hates me alot you don't know what is was like knowning your own kid knew that you cheated on there dad. There is noting i can do to fix this but maybe if we didn't go to the for a few weeks then she will have time to think things over . Jessica she will be all by herself and i would not like that. She is a big girl Mark i think we need some time to ourself don't you ? Ok but she is your child we will call her and check on her. No now see that is not a good idea because if we do call her she will want to know why we are not there yet. Lets just leave her alone for a few weeks without calling her or anything . Alright if you think that is the best thing to do . Yes i do honey i think thats all we can do . Where would you like to go jess ? Hmm well um lets go to the beach. I need to tan more before i go to work . The beach it is . Jess can i ask you something about Katie ? Yes what would like to know about her ? Katie has she ever had a boy in her life or anything like that ? Oh Mark she never had a boyfriend . Katie said she doesn't need one but she had alot of friends that cared about her and like her . Do you think she will ever try to date ? Mark i don't know its her life lets not talk about her and just go to the beach . Yes ma'ma it will take about ten hours to get there . Ok im going to sleep love you so much baby.I love you too jess.

I feel so peaceful i wish it can always be like this but it won't not with mom dating or me knowning about her. I got my phone and answered it. Hellow ? Katie did you make it to Washington ? Yes i did may i ask who is calling ? Yes i am sorry its Sam . God Sam it looks so big i mean like everything i miss you so much !! Katie honey i am so sorry i miss you to sweetie . Did you make it to your house yet ? Um not yet i will be there in maybe ten minutes and i should go because i told my mom i would me safe driving here . I see alright katie call me back when you have time bye sweetie . Bye Sam. Alright where is the house um hm. As i was pulling over i saw someone laying on the rode . I got out of my car fast to see whats wrong .

Hi sweetie my name is Katie what happend ? Do you know who did this to you ? Katie its it will im not a girl my name is Jake Smith. Oh my gosh i am so sorry Jake do you want me to drive you to your house or some where ? Yes thank you are you new here ? Yes i am i just moved here i was pulling over to look at my map so i can find my house when i seen you laying on the rode . Welcome to Washington D.C. Katie . Thanks where do you want me to take you ? To my house but i can drive there i just need so gas . I have gas ill go get it and some napkins. I don't need napkins i am fine really . Jake you are bleeding, you are not fine ok just because i am new here doesn't mean that i don't know how to take care of people . Here is the gas and the napkins . I need to get going my mom will start wondering where i am at. Thank you katie see you around said Jake. You to jake take care of yourself bye.

Katie may i ask you something ? Sure Jake . How old are you? i never seen anyone drive so easy and free like you do and so careful . I am sixteen and thank you but i need to go really before my mom so in her worry mood. Really wow you drive like you have been driving all your life thats why i ask . Jake tell me this how old did you think i was don't lie i just want the truth. About eight-teen but you just look so care free and peaceful thats all. Jake i don't know what to say but take care. I got in mChapter two
I got to the house opened my car door and looked around for my mom's car but it was no where. I will leave her a message . Jess your phone is ringing . Oh no its katie what should i do ? Don't answer it let her leave you a message .
Hey mom its Katie i just wanted to let you know i got to the house safe but your not here . I don't know where you are at and i don't want to know but when you get this call me or leave me a message so i know that you are safe too love you .That should do now to get my things out of my car . Miss do you live here ? Yes i just moved here why ? I was just woundering if i can get some water ? Yes you can i just have to get my things and put them in my room then ill be right out with your water . Thank you so much miss ill wait here . Ok ill be in a few .

Sir here is your water can i get you anything else ? No thank you katie he will be fine . How did you know my name oh wait Jake is in it ? Yes this is my fathers dad he sometimes gets lost i hope he wasn't a problem. No jake he was very nice he is welcomed here anytime he wants. Thank you miss have a good day now . Wait sir may i know your name please ? Yes miss my name is john . That is a wonderful name to have john. We should get going i have things to do nice to see you again katie . Yes you to bye John bye Jake . I guess i should start to unpack . i found a note on my door i opened it.
Honey i found a room for you that was the bigest in this house
I want you to be happy injoy your room . All you have to do is
unpack your things everything else you need is in your room
ready for you . I love you so much mom.
Its just like my mom to leave a note I can't belive this . I guess i should go check it out . When i opened the door to my room everything was so wonderful but it still doesn't changes what she did to dad . Closing the door i walked away from the live i once knew . Walking back to the car i looked back at the house then got in the car. I am so sorry Seth but i can't live like this i have to go back home were i belong not in this big city where no one knows me .leaving the letter on the porch i said my last goodbye forever not looking back i got back in my car and drove off.

Seth are you ever going to tell her that you live in the same town as her ? No i won't get to tell her anything she left and i just got the letter from her . You are making this hard on yourself not on her . You love her and you miss her why won't you just go after her ? Do you know how hard it is for me to do that ? i guess you don't but she doesn't really know the real me and i don't want to scare her away luke. God man you are killing me just go after her if she loves you i don't think she will care who you are . So what your saying is that i should go get her and say hey katie i know we knew each other for a long time but i have to tell you something i am really a vampier . Is that what you are saying luke ? Man no don't tell her your a vampier yet get to know each other more before you
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