» Fiction » I never knew my life would be changed forever, By Tatyana Thomas [types of ebook readers .txt] 📗

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using me so he can get to Taylor and me ? That's some of it, Katie I am sorry but are you sure you want to hear the rest about him ? Yes just please tell me . Alright he said walking to stand by me. Seth is a vampire you know that though but what you don't know is he is not a good person. Few years ago he did this to some other girl but when he asked her to marry him she said no and run from him.. Then what happen ? He drank her blood and left her to die . This doesn't make scene at all why would he save me i though he would leave to die. I didn't care if i lived or not. This is all just to much for me i .. i can't stay i have to go. Wait please Katie i have one more thing to tell you and it's not about him it's about me. You need to promise me that you won't get mad at me. Why on earth would i do that ? If you don't i won't let you out of here and you will be stuck in here until i will let you go. Alright just hurry up with it. I have things to do when i get back home she said going to set on the bed. My name is not Dav. I knew that much. My real name is Taylor. What ? no no this can't be how.. how ? and your a vampire? Why did you hide this from me ? I can't believe this!!! Hell i though you said you won't mad he said closing my mouth with his hand. Looking in his eyes made me remember the promise he made when we were little kids. He said he would watch over me and marry me if i were to accept it but we were kids it didn't mean anything. You know i just heard everything you were thinking he said smiling. Stop doing that! and get off of me now! Katie why do let Seth listen to what you are thinking about and not me ? What Seth can't hear what i am thinking because i won't let him and i told him my mind is private. Really so you just let me hear what your thinking that's interesting. No it's not what i mean please. I saw what he was trying to do and tried to stop it but i was to late as usual. This time when he put his lips on mine he waited until i would kiss him. Why am I so stupid i asked myself and kissed him. He put his hand in my hair i tried to stop kissing him but i couldn't, putting my hands in his hair i kissed him so deep that it took my breath away. He let me up for air looking down at me with those lips. I took his lips to mine i bit his lip just for fun then kissed him, rolling on him i put my hand in
his. Katie what are you doing ? Just laying here why ? Well your laying on top of me. Oh i .. i am sorry i said getting up. I never said you have to get up. I don't know what is happening. I will tell you what is happening he smiled. Please do i fell like i am going to cry. Don't cry Katie. We love each other that's why you fell like this. It can't be true it just can't be. It is true believe me. Why do you think you can't stop kissing me and holding my hand like you right now he said looking now at our hands. Katie couldn't say anything because he was right she still loved him even though he left her but she never wanted him to know about it and now here were no one is he can do anything to her. Katie can i ask you something ? Um.. sure what is it ? Do you like the way i kiss you he said kissing my neck do you ? Um yes I do Taylor. That's good now here comes the hard part do you love me still after everything i did to you ? I...... I do still love you i never stopped loving you even after you left me. That's good to hear i guess you now know i am a vampire. Yes but why do you look so different ? because i wanted to protect you from Seth. It's hard trying to do that when you were with him everyday and i couldn't even talk to you. Taylor does he know that you are a ... A vampire no Katie he doesn't. Then what are we going to do ? You have to go back to
him. Why Taylor she asked. If you don't then he will know something is going on. Don't worry we are going to the same School. Taylor I can't lie to him. He will see right though it said Katie starting to cry. Don't cry baby please. He won't know anything as long as you wear this were he can't see it. What is it ? Don't get mad but it's a tough ring it the only thing i know he can't get a hold of because it will be very tight and no one but me can take it off of you. Really you won't come up with something else ? Do you want him to know about us Katie ? No of course not. Then shut up and let me put it on you he said. Open your mouth, i did as he ask this the only way Seth can't hear what i am thinking or doing. Alright done, you look wonderful honey truth me he said taking my hand in his and walking me to his car. Once we were in the car i asked Are we really doing this then ? Yes Katie we have to, there is no other way. I am so sorry to put you though this. Taylor don't say sorry. I am fine with it as long as i get to be with you after this is over with then it would be wroth it she said smiling. I .. I.. What is it Taylor ? We have to act like ourself at school because we don't know who is watching us so that means no holding hands or kissing at all. I understand i said looking away from him. Don't do this please Katie. Do what ? i am just looking out the window . I need to see your face for the last time until we can be together. Taylor i .. Stop talking and kiss me before we get to Seth's house. I looked in his eyes took his warm lips and kissed him like i never kissed anyone before. I love you Taylor and i always will no matter what will happen to me she said getting out of the car not looking at him. Taylor looked at her and felt a tear drop down his face. I love you too Katie he said driving away.

Chapter thirteen- New feeling

When i got to the door as i was about to open Seth look at me with sad eyes like he was crying. Does he know that no can't think about that right now.
Where were you i went to pick you but you were no where to be seen! Did something happen ? No everything is fine Seth i just had to stay after a little thats it. Did you already get in trouble your first day of School ? Oh no no i just need to talk to my teacher and then i got hunger so i got something to eat i'm sorry i didn't call you. Were you crying ? He turned around and looked at the wall. Seth what's wrong please tell me ? Katie tell me something he said throwing me against the wall putting both of his hands on the wall is there another guy that you like if there is then i'll let you go. If you love that Taylor guy you should know he is too a vampire. We been enemies for years to come and still are. God is this what it's about ? To see who can have me first ? So everything he said to me was a lie and you lied to me too is that right ? No my feeling for you are real i don't know about his though and one more thing We are brothers. What the hell you said you didn't have any sibling . All you too can do is lie to me! I am done with this here is your ring and you can gave him this i said taking it out of my mouth then i put it back in my mouth. I will gave that to him goodbye Seth. Wait can i have a kiss before you go ? Sure i said i will never see you again so why not i said turning around and as i was about to kiss him he picked me up and ran upstairs. When we got to his room he locked the door and put me down. What in the world do you think your doing? what part don't you understand i don't want to be with you or him! No you don't you understand? said Seth. What are you talking about ? Katie he does like you and i can't live with that. Yea well what are you going to do ? Katie you said you wanted to be a vampire right? Yes i didn't but i don't want to be a vampire now or ever so please let me leave. No Katie i won't not until i turn you into a vampire that's what you want i can tell, you don't need to lie to me. Lie to you? i am not and you are the one who aways lied to me all the time. Did you think maybe it would have been better to tell me the truth then i would have understand you better ? You don't know how many times i tried to tell you but you always said you had things to do. Now you will be mine forever because when i turn you, you won't belong to anyone but me ! Do you really think i would let you do that to her Seth. As i turned i saw Taylor standing by the window smiling. How did you get here ? I was walking and i heard someone say that they don't want to be turned into a vampire but there was only one person that would say that and then i finely run here and here you are trying to turn her and telling her lies about me said Taylor. I am leaving said Katie. No you can't said Seth. Why is that ? i can leave and i am going to so leave me the fuck alone she said running out the door.
Wow look what you did Seth! Shut up Taylor you don't know anything about her ! I know more then you do i was friends with her longer then you were. Do you always have to get in my business Taylor ? I love her and now she doesn't want anything to do with me or you! I wasn't the one who lied to her forever and i when i think she is ready to know more about me i will tell her so you just back
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