» Fiction » I never knew my life would be changed forever, By Tatyana Thomas [types of ebook readers .txt] 📗

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am at school ? I am going to paint your room blue and i need to make a trip to Washington D.C. Seth how did you know my favorite color i never told you it. I guessed it the first day when we were little you told me you liked looking at the sky because it was so blue and pretty.
Hm is there anything else you know about me that i never told you ? Yes but i don't think you will want to know. Why asked Katie. You may get mad at me for knowing it . Please tell me Seth . OK don't get mad at me please. I won't i promise said Katie. Now tell me . You never had anyone kiss you or had sex. You wanted to but you couldn't find anyone that was right for you said Seth. I looked away from him. Are you mad at me ? No i just don't know what to say. I will let you think about it while you are getting ready. Once he was gone i tried to find out how he knew that. No one ever found that out but he just did. My phone was ringing i pick it up and answered it. Hello? Katie ? Yes who is this? Taylor i need to talk to you can we meet somewhere? I have School you know that we go to the same school. No i mean after school please it's impotent. What can be so impotent that you haven't told me on the roof? Just meet me at the back door of the gym after school he said. Then the line went dead. I looked at the phone before walking down the stairs.

Chapter eleven- Last year of school.

Do you know how i told you that i would go to a different school this year? well guess what, that is true. Now i go to North High School, were no one knowns me there. As well as you know Seth wanted to drive me to School just to make sure no other guy will try to go after me, like any guy would be stupid to do that well beside Taylor. That reminded me i had to meet him after school but what school ? I don't go to West-east anymore thinking while looking out the window. Katie ? hello earth to Katie are you there ? said Seth. Yes i am what did you want to say? asked Katie. Katie don't worry about anyone but yourself. I know you will do great honey, i love you Seth said kissing me on the lips. I kissed him back then looked at the clock and said Seth i am going to be late for my first day of School i smiled. Now i should say sorry for almost making you late but i'm not Seth said kissing me again slowly and deep. About five minutes later i got out of the car and smiled going inside the School. I had to look at my schedule to see what my first class will be. It was gym no super there. I hated gym as much i hated running. As i got to the room the teacher was giving out calling out name and giving out locks. I was so close to being late for this class but as i got in the gym the bell ringed three minutes later. Ms Lee come get your lock please and then set down said the teacher. Katie got up to get her lock when she saw Taylor walking smiling like some kind of geek. Here you go honey. My name is Ms. Thomas but you can call me Ms. T. she said smiling. Why is that ? asked Katie. Your gym teacher Mr. Smith said you loved gym and not to worry about you. I smiled and went back to my spot were i was near no one. Taylor walked up to gave a piece of paper to Ms. Thomas. Alright Taylor here is your lock go take a set please. Please not by me i said hoping he would pass me but he didn't he sat down. Taylor would have said something to me by now but i guess he thinks i don't look like myself... that better to know. Alright students i am going to put you in parters said Ms. Thomas. Sam and Kate, Lauren and Lee, Tanya and Beth, Liz and Jake. Did i forget anyone ? asked Ms. Thomas. Ya Ms.T said Taylor. Oh i'm sorry you will be with Katie. Now go to your parters. This can not be happening i said why do i get to be with Taylor can this day get any worst ? Hey Katie i didn't know you were going to this school too said Taylor looking cool. Yes i said. What of it ? Hell Katie don't do this. Do what? all i am doing is trying to get my senior year over with. Yea but your being a bitch about it. Oh really now if you want me to be a bitch you haven't seen anything yet believe me i said looking at him. Katie come on can we just try to talk or be friend ? I told you that i never liked Sam i only liked you. Don't you get it Taylor? Sam is pissed at me because you like me and not her. Katie and Taylor are you done talking ? Sorry Ms. Thomas we both said at the same time. That's fine but next time you both will be staying back for five minutes after the bell. What we are going to do today is go outside on the track and walk. It's your first day so you will have it easy. Everyone was walking outside but i waited until they were half way to the track so that i can walk by my self. Hey can i ask you something ? What ? who are you ? said Katie. Don't worry you won't ever see me again. I just want to know something that's all he said. Um sure i guess ask away ... What is your name? How old are you? Do you have a boyfriend named Seth ? My name is Katie Lee but i just go by Katie. Why does it matter how old i am ? Just answer it he said looking pissed. Fine i'm eight-teen and for the last question no i don't have a boyfriend named Seth. You must have the wrong girl sorry i said running to the track. He came out of no were but he was in front of me smiling like he knew i was not saying the truth about Seth but how ? he can't be a vampire too can he? looking at him i tired to get away but he was there blocking me like he knew what i was thinking. I finely stop tiering to get away and said what do you want now ? I answered all your questions. Can you please just let me get back to my class ? Sh Katie don't be like that. You know that i know you and Seth are dating so why not make it easer on you and him he said picking me up and walking to his car. What the hell are you doing ? Why does it matter so much that i am with Seth ? God you don't know anything do you ? I though that much. He opened the car door put me in the car got to his side fast and started to drive before i can jump out. Well i think i can still try but it will hurt like hell oh well that's what i get for dating Seth . You know that you can't do that because i won't let you he had an evil smile on his face. Huh what i said. You jumping out of the car won't help anything. How... how did you know what i was thinking ? I can hear your thoughts because i am the right guy- vampire for you and you have no idea what Seth is truth me. I don't even know your name and you think i will truth you. For your information i know more about Seth then you will ever know but thanks for warning me even if i don't need it. I will tell you everything about Seth when we reach my house as for my name you can call me Dav. I don't want to go to your house i need to be at School. Seth will be worrying about me when he comes to pick me up . You won't be seeing him at all, as for your look well that will be take care of. Dav just what the heck do you think your doing ? He will just come look for me and if he wanted to kill you i won't stop him. No that's were your wrong you won't wanted him to kill me, you would wanted me to kill him. What your crazy!!! I don't even know you. I started to cry. I just want to go back to Seth . Are you crying ? I am sorry if i hurt your feelings. I never meant for that to happen. Why are you not listing to me ? I WANT TO GO BACK TO SETH NOW I screamed. What your crazy!!! I don't even know you. I started to cry. I just want to go back to Seth . He got out of the car and said were here . As i got out i started to run fast away from him. As i was coming to a stop by the tree a hand went over my mouth before i had time to scream. Now what do you think your doing ? he let me answer getting away from you what did it look like ? Katie, Katie you shouldn't have done that. Oh what are you going to do about it ? Kill me no cause then you will die and Seth will kill you over and over. No i won't kill you but i will do this . Then i felt daze and my head was spinning. I never felt like this before. I am sorry love that's all i can do so i don't hurt. You draged me ?? No i bite you little he said carring me to the house. What bite me eyes closed and i couldn't think what i was going to say, everything went black. I woke up too something cold kissing my lips, opening my eyes i saw Dav kissing me and holding me then i screamed but i couldn't because it was like his lips made sure i would never say a word when he was kissing me in a way that felt like Taylor lips when we were little. I Pull back and looked at him. Trying to make scene of what is happening here. He look at me and smiled. I always wanted to do that. Who... who are you ? Really i'm supered that you haven't found out who i am yet Katie. Should i know who you are ? All i know is that you took me from my school and now Taylor will be mad. I am his parter i have to be there she said getting up and going to the door. Katie Taylor won't care if you were there are not! Can please try to listen to me for a minute. When we get done talking i will take you home. Fine lets get this over with Dav.

Chapter twelve- The truth about Seth and Dav.

What your telling is that Seth is
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