» Fiction » I never knew my life would be changed forever, By Tatyana Thomas [types of ebook readers .txt] 📗

Book online «I never knew my life would be changed forever, By Tatyana Thomas [types of ebook readers .txt] 📗». Author By Tatyana Thomas

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say Oh i am a vampier i hope you won't be scared of me . That would be very stupit of you and i have to go man liz would be mad at me if i don't get to our date on time later seth i am sure you will do the right thing or close to it . See you man have fun dude said seth.

Hi my name is katie and i am calling about my dad's house . Its not sold is it ? No its not sold are you going to move back in it ? Yes i am i will see you in two hours thank you for keeping the house open for me Ms. Lee . You welcome katie sam will be very happy that you are moving back and your mom . Ms. Lee i am the only one coming back not my mom she doesn't if know i left Washington D.C. but it doesn't matter its better that she doesn't know intil i am ready for her to know. Yes katie well i am still happy that you are coming back . I will see you in two hours honey .

As i got out of the car i look and seen Seth walking to my car.
Hey Katie i thought you would be at your house i stop by there frist and you weren't there . Seth what are you doing here and how did you even get here i see no car . Look katie i should of told you this but i thought you would be mad at me and never talk to me . Oh what makes you think that i want to talk to you now seth ? Please i just come here to talk to you all you have to do is hear me out thats all.
Fine what is on your mind that you want to tell me so bad ? The frist thing katie i am not going to school with you because i was done with high school three years ago and i am twenty-one not sixteen. One more thing i grown up in here and i moved to Missouri when i was five . What oh my god seth what are you saying ? I am five years older then you . So anything you told me of you seth was what a lie ? were you playing with me ? really seth how can you do this to me i can't belive this so i really don't know you or who you are. This is just great well i have something i want to tell you . You know you can tell me anything katie i am always here to listen . Seth i am done with my mom this big city . I can't stand it here i am going back where i was all my life no matter what anyone tells me and seth i am sorry to say this but you lied to me and i really don't know so i am done with you. Goodbye seth i hope when you do find someone you won't feel like hiding the truth from them like you did with me . Katie please don't do this ! don't walk away from me like someone you don't know . God seth how am i ever going to belive you anymore you told me lies about where you were from and how old you were . when we would hung out you didn't look the same age as me and maybe thats why people thought that you were my brother . Don't you start with this katie i was your best friend just because i didn't want you to know about my age and where i was from doesn't mean that i missed you. I was so happy when i heard that you were moving here but im guessing that maybe you moving here was not a good idea . Seth i didn't want to move here i told you that and you know what i am so happy that i am going back home where i belong . This is all i have to say. I didn't look back at him when i drove by him standing there . Seth couldn't see me cry, it was the hardest thing i have ever done. I will him but whats done is done you can't do anything about it .

Katie omg girl i didn't know you where coming back home . I miss you so much !!! Hey Sam i missed you too . Can you help me put my things back in my house ? Yes um not to be rude but me and my mom fixed up the house for you . You have everything you need in the house and school will be starting in five weeks i can't belive it . I can its our last year we will make it the best year we ever had . So um there is somthing i have to tell you and i want you to promise that you won't get mad . I promise i won't be mad at you sam . Ok then here goes um tayor changed he um is very different and when he hears your back he will try to um well you know . Sam just tell me he will try what ? He will ask you out she looked away after she said that. Sam do you like him ? Yes i do but he is so in love with you i don't know what you did to him to make him love so much like that. I will say no to him and try to make him date you sam i don't want a boyfriend right now and i want my four weeks left to myself belive me when i say i don't like tayor i love him like he was my brother . Thank you so much katie you are the best lets go in before it starts raining on us.

This was the way i wanted it why do you hate me so much? seth said looking at the sky. Well seth i am guess it didn't go as you plane it . I try and she just said a few words and just walked away . This is not how i told you to tell her seth you know that man its hard for me to see you looking sad and crap like that makes me want to go talk to her myself . You can't talk to her luke she went back to her home where she belong. This not how i want to see you seth. We are going to her and i will be there when you talk to her . No i am done i can't she was right i lied to her and if anyone did that to me it would be hard to forgave them but you still love her and i know that will never change not intil you make her belive you said luke . Yea its a little to late for that . You got to be crazy if you think she will move on . What are talking about? asked seth . Don't get mad at me but i seen her crying when she was driving away, she will miss you all you have to do is gave her some time but we are going to Missouri and there we can watch over her . I really think that is a bad idea what if she finds out we are there and she doesn't want to be with anyone . We are doing this man lets go said luke . We took off after the girl i loved and will aways love .

Chapter three
The grave is the way we left it before we left . Dad i wish that you were here noting is the way it seems to be . I just can't live like this my life is not the same as it was when you were here . Mom cheated on you and now she wants me to live with her but i come back to live close to you . Things are never the same as they used to be i just don't know what to do anymore .
Hey taylor isn't that katie sitting by her dad's grave? asked tommy.
Yea why she is back ? sam never told me that she was coming back maybe i should go talk to her . No you can't she is with her dad and sam didn't tell because maybe she didn't want anyone knowning that she is back . I should be the frist to know because i am her friend you don't know how much i miss her . Taylor she was only gone for like four days man you are so in love with her that you don't know what's in front of you . Let's go and leave her alone . I am going to stay and watch her .
Goodbye dad i will miss you and i will aways love you even though you are not here with me anymore. I feel that you are still here watching over me . Walking away was so hard that i cryed, i didn't see who i walk into but he put his arms around me and said katie everything will be ok im here now you don't have to worry . Looking up from crying it was taylor . Katie do you want me to walk you to your car ? No thanks . What are you doing here ? I was just walking here to see my mom and dad . Wait your mom and dad died ? Yes just before you dad died . I can't belive this you are hiding things from me to . Everyone is lieing to me. I feel like i am losing everyone i ever was friends . I have to go taylor it was nice see you oh and you should call sam . Katie yelled taylor can you just please truth me . No i can't your not the frist person that feels like lieing to me is ok i just have to go i have to said katie . She walked away from me without another word and she didn't even look back at me .

Hi this is taylor may i talk to sam please . This is her whats up taylor? I have to tell you this and you can't get mad . Ok . I don't love you i love as my friend i called because katie said that i should call you . She also said that you like me i just don't feel the same about you . Taylor why are you telling me this ? katie doesn't like you she told me herself and you what it was wrong of me trying to love when you only go after her . Sam this is how it has to be one more thing i don't think we should be friends it would be better that way. Fine thanks for calling taylor goodbye !

Chapter four

So is this what we are going to do? i hope you know spying on katie is not going to do anything . Shut up this was not my idea it was your luke not mine
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