» Fiction » I never knew my life would be changed forever, By Tatyana Thomas [types of ebook readers .txt] 📗

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! yea but its because you would not make a plan. Noting you will say will make it right for her all you have to do is let her listen to you and if she asks you something tell her the truth don't lie to her . Luke it seems that you like her said seth . No i don't i am just trying to help you but i can see that you don't want my help so i am just going to go. I hope that everything will turn out right for you man said tommy. Thanks Luke i hope so i just want her to understand me and its going to be hard to tell her everthing . You will be fine man just do your best and everything will be right said luke walking away .

Someone was knocking on my door i got up to get it . Yes ? Katie you are not my friend i can't belive this you are trying to take taylor away from me. How could you do that friends don't do that to friends!! Sam wait what are you talking about i never tryed to take him from you ! I just went to see my dad's grave and i never saw him there not intil i was walking away cry. Yea but you told him to call me why ? I told him to call you because you liked him and i said that he needs to leave me alone. Katie i think it was wrong for you moving back here said sam. Why i never did anything to anyone the only reason i came back was for my dad i wanted to be close to him thats it. I don't understand why you are even saying that sam. We were friend since five and now you think i am taking away taylor from well i am not! Katie he is in love with you and i know you don't want a boyfriend but he wants you . I don't want to be friends with you anymore and you don't have to come over to my house for dinner. Sam God is this all about taylor ? if it is then you know what i am sick and tired of people telling what to do and you have no right to tell me what to do ! That is fine with me if you don't want to be friends with me but if you don't want to be friends with me over a boy then you have a problem i said . At least i am not all alone bye katie when you see me at school don't talk to me or look at me . Sam i have news for you i am not going to your school and i will never talk to you not intil you realize that fighting over a boy is just stupit. I will never stop going after taylor i hope you know that katie ! Just go already sam and shut up ! Fine goodbye katie you will never a friend like me . Closing the door thinking maybe i shouldn't have come back if i keep losing my friends like this maybe it would be better if i go back to Washington D.C. i said . Katie ? God who can that be now i said .

I looked outside and saw Seth standing there with flowers in his hands smile at me . Seth why did you come all the way here i though i told you that i didn't want to talk to you or know you ? Katie please i just want to tell you few things about me all you have to do is listen to me thats all am asking for . Fine come in seth you have ten minutes .

Chapter Five -The truth about seth

I looking at seth thinking everything he told me when we were little was just a big lie so i said go on seth tell me what you come to say . You know that i am twenty-one and that wasn't really born in Missouri but there is way more then that i have to tell you said seth. There is someone after you and i know that you know him his name is Taylor . What wait no the only thing taylor is after is me being his girlfriend that it . No thats not it katie the is way more to that then just this . He is not the person you know he is, he is living a lie . How can he ? when you are the one living a lie and lieing to me . Katie please just let me tell you what i come to say ok ? Fine go ahead . Taylor wants you more then his girlfriend he wants to take you to his real home town i don't know were that is but i am sure its not good. So what you are saying i shouldn't be friends with him cause you think he will try to kill me or something ? asked katie. Well no but still it would be good if you don't be friends with him its for your own good. If its for my own good then are you going to tell me anything about yourself? I am going to tell you now said seth . I am not who you think i am and i can't just tell you who i am not because i have people trying to kill me . I will tell you when you will belive me . Katie i need you to know i am in love with you. Thats all i have to say . Seth i don't know if i can belive you are not this is all to much to take in i just need some time to think over this . You can take all the time in the world . Here the flowers are for you when you are ready to talk just gave me a call he said walking to the door .

Setting on the roof i just can't belive taylor want to kill me its not like him but then he told me something at the grave what was it now oh yea he said that he loves me and would do anything to get me and anything to anyone who would get close to him . Why would he say that maybe he though i wasn't listening to him or he wanted me to hear him . I just come back here to be with my dad thats all not to be in all this drama crap. I wonder when mom will find out i am not there . I really hope that she is safe with who ever she is with . Closing my eyes i fell asleep on the roof .

Katie looked so peaceful sleeping on the roof . She looked like an angel that shouldn't be here thinking taylor. Katie opened her eyes and i looked at her smileing . Taylor um not to be mean but what are you doing on my roof ? I saw you laying on the roof and though that were falling off of it. I just wanted to make sure you were safe that all. Is that a bad thing ? ask taylor. No its not a bad thing but i was just sleeping thats all really you don't need to worry about me taylor i am ok really.

Chapter six

Katie i have to talk to you thats is why i come here . No not you to . Did you know that sam come to talk to me ? No i never told her to talk to you katie . Well she did and she said that i was trying to take you away from her! you know what now we are not even friends because of you i don't know what you told her but whatever it was you better go tell her your sorry and i need time to myself. Katie i just said that i love you and that i don't want to be friends with her because she was making it hard . She is in love with you taylor why don't you understand that? asked katie. There is one person that i am in love and its you !!! No no no no it can't be it just can't !! but katie it is you ever since we were little. I remeber when you smiled smiled at me . When i need a friend you were there with open arms . I did so many things wrong but you were still there helping me though it all said taylor . I just looked at him i couldn't come up with anything to say. Can you say something katie ? I don't think because i am right . Do you remeber the day we went to the beach ? Yes that was went it was your birthday i said laughing. Yea and i think you were trying to make sure i didn't know about the party you were throwing me . Yea i said laughing that didn't go the way i wanted it to . I still didn't know how you found out about it but you acted like you didn't know anything i said . I did that because you wanted me to be happy at my party taylor said looking down . Yes but that was the last time you ever talk to me . The next year you changed so much, you were dating so many girls that i couldn't tell how many you really liked . I aways told myself that you change that night i went home and throw away the pictures we had taken together from that day on i didn't look at you or talk to you i said. I don't know want else to say but that i love you . Why do guys aways say that your not the frist guy to tell me this i am just saying . Who else told you that they love you ? It doesn't matter but i need to be alone please said katie . Just gave me a call or come over you know where i live taylor said. I got off the roof and went to my room.

chapter seven-life

I needed to go to my dad's grave to think things over. It's so much easer to think there no one to tell you what to do or say just a peaceful place if though it is a grave yard. As i was walking there i heard something in the woods turning around i looked but no one was there so i kept on walking. Then there it was again i looked again and yell if anyone is there come out here now !! but no one would was coming out then i just started to run there . Just a few more steps i can do it . I finely got to the grave yard. Walking to my dad's grave setting down i took out a pen and my notebook to write my thoughts down.
Dear diary I think coming back home was not a good thing to do . I just lost my best friend Sam. Then i got told by Seth and Taylor both that they are in love with me. What
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