» Fiction » I never knew my life would be changed forever, By Tatyana Thomas [types of ebook readers .txt] 📗

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is wrong here? There is one good thing about coming here and that is i can be closer to my dad. He was everything to me. Now that he is not here my life is falling apart. I try to fix it but i can't maybe i just should go back to live with my mom . Thats all the time i have today.
I got up slowly and put the note that i wrote for my dad on the grave walked away with out looking back. I need to face it my dad is gone and i can't aways be coming here . I said my finely goodbye and started to walk home. This is a big world i am not ready to lose everything again but i lost Sam i don't think i will ever be friends with her because of Taylor he can be so stupid sometimes. As i got home there was something on my door. It was a note i opened it and started to read it .
Dear Katie i know you have so much on your mind right now. I also understand why you wanted to live close to your father. I won't make you come back and live with us. Just know that you have a home here and that i love you so much . Your the only one that i care about. There is something you need to know . I didn't cheat on your dad with mark. I love him alot . I hope someday you will love him too . wish the best for you. love your mom.
As i looked at the letter i started to cry. I don't want to lose my mom but i have to someone she doesn't know all i have to say is i hope she is happy with him. I turned off all the light and headed up to my room as i lay on my bed i closed my eyes and went to sleep peaceful.

Chapter eight- what is love?

I decide to call Seth as i dialed his number i almost hang up but he pick up the phone. Hello? who is this . I took a deep breath and said its Katie . Katie do you know what time it is ? Um no should i ? yes its five o'clock. I'm sorry i can call you another time Seth . No its fine is something wrong ? No i want you to come over and tell me who you really are . Are you ready for that yet Katie ? My life is already not perfect and yes i am sure . I"ll be there in five minutes. Until then Seth i hung up the phone.
I got ready for Seth and sat on my favorite chair since i was a baby. As i looked up again Seth was right in front of but the door was not open. I looked at him again with so many questions in my eyes. Are you ready to know who i am asked Seth. Yes Seth i am ready. I am a vampire i was since i was five years old . Your a what ? Vampire said Seth. No this can't be real! There is no such thing as vampires. There is Katie you just don't know the world your living. If your a vampire then why can you love me i though vampires can't love people. They only love there blood to drink. Katie that is not real vampires can love, come out in the sun, and they can stand being in the same room as humans. Oh so i am just a human to you is that it ? No Katie you are way more to me then anyone can ever be or will be Seth said looking at my eyes. I looked away saying noting . I should not have told you that you weren't ready i can leave if you like me to. No don't leave me i want to ask you a question and you can't lie to me . I won't lie to you ever again Seth said. Is Taylor a vampire too? No i don't know what he is. I can't tell who he is and what he is. So what your saying is that Taylor may be one of you or something worst? asked Katie. Yes that is why i told you to stay away from him i wasn't trying to take you away from him i was to warning you that's all. And when you said you loved me did you mean it ? Katie i still love you and yes i mean it even though i am a vampire. It just means i have to be careful because your breakable said Seth. Breakable i am not said Katie. Katie do you know what love is ? Yes i do why ? Can you tell me it is ? yes i can . Love is something two people share the person that you think about all the time. The one person you want to be with the resets of your life said Katie. You forgot one thing Katie it is also the person you want your life with and the one you can't see hurt Seth said. I looked at Seth and then looked away fast because i feat tears coming down. He walked by me and took my hand in his. I looked up at him and tried to turn away but his other hand was holding my face. Katie asked Seth. Yes ? I love you i want you to know that . Then before i can say anything back he took my face in both hands and kiss my lips slowly and softly. I love you to Seth I said. He smiled at me holding me close.

Chapter nine- My life was changing

Would my life ever be the same. Would my friends know how i feel about seth. I know i lost Sam forever there is noting i can say or do to make her be my friend that part of my life is over. The only good thing i have is Seth. Being with him is like a fairytale where i can be anything and he would never tell me i have to change for him. I needed to tell Taylor that we would never be but we would always be friends. It's a big world so many people thinking vampires are fake. Belive me when i say that if they knew they would just scream running away. We have no where to go but up. As i put down my diary Seth walked in with breakfast in his hands. What is this ? I had you breakfast it took you along time to wake up . How did you sleep? I slept great . The food looks great and smells wonderful thank you . I would to do anything for you Katie . Anything are you sure about that. Yes anything you want i will get. I want you to make me like you said Kaite. Anything but that. Why you said anything and i want to be with you forever. I know that honey but you have friends and family here that love you. I just don't want to take your life away from you when you have so much time. You can go to college get a real job and be happy. I don't and can't be happy with anyone but you. Katie being a vampire is not always fine you can't tell anyone about the real you. When you do it has to be someone you love and want to be with then they can see you the way you are. Seth just listen for a minute. I want to be with you. My life is not perfect with out you. I can't just live my life with you watching me and being happy for me. I want you to be happy too. Turning me in to a vampire is the only way i can think of for us to be happy. If i turn you, you won't want anything to do with me. All you would want is to find a vampire who does better things then i do said Seth. Taking Seth face i looked in his eyes as i said there is no one else i would want to be with in this world or no one i would anything for then you. If i had to die for you i would. I want you to be done with High School before i can be thinking of turning you in to a vampire. You know Seth that i will be done with school fast because it's my last year. Yes but you are going to have fun to. What are you going to do to make sure i have fun? I will make you sign up from sporting and make you be a cheerleader. I will do sports but there is no way in hell i would be a cheerleader. They are to cheese and just smile to much for my taste. Katie being a cheerleader is not a bad thing it would be fun for you. God Seth for the last time i will not be a cheerleader hell i will just sign up for all the sports. I will change your mind sooner on later. Can we just talk about something else? asked Katie. Yes we can what would like to talk about ? What are you going to do today? I am going hunting in a few hour until then we can do anything you like. What would you like to do ? I was thinking about going to the mall i need new clothes. What happen to your clothes Seth asked laughing. It's not funny i forgot to take the reset of them with me from my mom's house. Really he said still laughing thats bad maybe i want you to not have any clothes. I just looked at him until that sunk in then i backed away slowly from him. Katie i am just joking come back here. No !! that was not funny Seth your scaring me. One scened here was across the room the next he was in front of me. Katie i would never do anything that would hurt you . I know that i am your first boyfriend and i would never make you do something that you wouldn't want to do believe me. You are way imported to me i don't want to lose you to something stupid i did. I believe him i know he loved me love me so much that he wanted me to stay human.

Chapter Ten back to school

I can't believe I have school today i told Seth he was setting on my bed watching me pick out an outfit for my senor year of school. It's your last year you will be done with school sooner then you know. Before i forget don't forget to sing up for sports. Really Seth you are making me do this it's so not fair!! It's fair i want you to be happy your last year of School. Make some friends go to party's have fun. I will be here. I have things i need to do so don't worry about me just have fun that's all i'm asking.
What are you going to do when i
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