» Fiction » Hell High (UPDATED!!!), Emily Mabee [best ebook reader ubuntu TXT] 📗

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missunderstood the situation at the party and that you didn't bang the whole soccer team."
I'm shocked. Head to toe shocked. I get up and walk to the door. I hold the door open for her.
"Get out." She sighs and leaves.
* * *
I wake up an extra hour early today. I'm determined to look pretty today. I dig through my closet. I find my black skinny jeans. Perfect. I find my blue baggy off the shoulder shirt with a black artistic face on the front. After choosing my outfit, I hurry to the bathroom and jump in the shower. I’m in such a hurry I forgot to adjust the temperature of the water. Ice cold. I almost scream. I quickly adjust the water. I wash my hair then jump out of the shower. I walked over to the mirror and begin blow drying my hair. It’s shinny fluffy buff of bright red hair. Do I pull it into a pony tail or try to tame it. My mom’s straightner catches my eye. I section my hair into layers and begin to straighten. When I finished I was surprised at the girl looking back at me in the mirror. I’m missing something. I start rummaging through the drawers. Black eyeliner, it’s the finishing touch. Wow. I actually look pretty. I walk into my room and pack up my binder and laptop into my school bag. I head downstairs to the kitchen. My parents are sitting at the table eating their bagels. When they look up, my mom smiles and my dad looks stunned. They go back to eating their breakfast. I go into the bottom cupboard and grab a frying pan. I get eggs and crack them into the frying pan. I pop two pieces of bread into the toaster. I pour myself a coffee in a travel mug. Cream with two sugars. I turn to the stove and scramble my eggs.
“Alie, have some fruit too okay?” I smile at my mom. That’s way of telling me that there are strawberries. I open the fridge and see three baskets of fresh strawberries. I take a basket out and wash them, cut them and then put them on my plate. My toast pops. I butter my toast and take my eggs off the stove and put both onto my plate. I sit next to my mom. She kisses my cheek and tells me to have a good day and then she’s out the door. My cell phone chimes. It’s my reminder that I need to start heading off to school now. 7:15 am. I step out the door and head doen the walkway. I hope that something new and exciting happened last night that everybody will be talking about instead the rumour about me. I hear footsteps behind me. They're becoming louder and faster.
"Hey Alex!"
"Hey Danny." I share a small smile. He grins and lightly elbows me in the arm.
"Come on, we both know you have a better smile than that." I blush and look at my feet on the sidewalk.
"Danny, not to complain or sound rude, but why are you walking with me to and from school all of a sudden?" I bite my bottom lip. Please don't let it be because he feels sorry for me. He smiles and blushes just a slight bit.
"I've wanted to walk with you for a while actually.. now we leave at the same time so I can" He smiles. I smile back. We walk and make small talk. He made me laugh. Like an actual laugh! That hasn't happened since -. Oh my god. Did that really just happen? Did he really just do that? I'm dreaming. I look down. Nope. Not a dream. He took my hand and intertwined our fingers together. I look at him and smile.
"I gotta tell ya Alex. I like you a lot. You want to go to bowling with me tonight?"
"I like you a lot too Danny, and yeah. I'd like that." We smile at eachother. We continue to walk to school. Hand in hand, smile ear to ear. He's making me feel so happy I feel like I'm going to explode! When we reach the school everybody looks at us while we make our way to the doors. I sigh quietly. Danny squeezes my hand lightly.
"It's okay, I'm here for ya'." I look at him and mouth 'Thanks'." He walks me all the way to my locker. This is where I expect him to tell me to have a good day and leave for his locker. But he doesn't. He stays. I have my back to my locker and Danny has his right arm resting slightly above my left shoulder. I've seen this in movies. This is where the girl giggles and the boy leans in and kisses her. I giggle. He leans in, and whispers into my ear -
"You look amazing today, you do everyday, but today is just.." I smile and giggle. He leans in and kisses my forehead. I can feel all eyes on us and the humm of whispering, but that's all it is. A loud humm. Nothing else matters at this moment. I'm actually happy. The class bell rings. The sounds of locker doors closing fills the air. I say bye to Danny when he takes my cell phone and enters something. I assume it's his number and I can't help but smile. He grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles and slides my phone into my palm. We go our seperate ways and head to class. Class is a blur. I can't stop thining of Danny. Is this realy happening? Someonetaps my shoulder and throws a note into my hand. I look up at Mr.Davie to make sure he's not looking. I open it up. So Danny huh? Are you going to sleep with him? - B

You have tob kidding me. I rip it up and let it fall of my desk. Mr. Davie's class goes by so fast. The 75 minuts only feels like 10 minutes. The bell rings. I gather my things and hurry to the door. Mr. Davie stops me though.
"Alex. I must say I was shocked by your test results from monday." Shit had I failed?
"You got a perfect score. You even answered the bonus questions correctly. You have the highest mark on that test in the class. Congrats" He smiles and hands me my test. I take it and walk to my locker. 34 5 16. I look at my grade. HOLLY SHIT! 120%1!??!
"Damn Alie, that's a pretty good grade." Danny walks up behind me and hugs me from behind me. I put my things in my locker and turn so I can face him. This is weird, we're not even official yet he's acting like we are. I smile at him. He leans in and gives me kiss on my forehead.
"So where you want to go for lunch Alie?"
" I don't know, How about you?"
"You in the mood for pizza?"
"Yeah, that would be great."
" Pizza it is." He takes my hand in his and closes my locker with his other. We walk down the hallway.
"Ohh the slut is at it again." I flinch. Why can't everyone get on with their lives. Next thing I know I'm standing alone in the middle of the hallway. Where did Danny go-
"Were you there at the party? Were you in the room? Did you see her?" The whole hallway is quiet.
" You're on the soccr team John, tell me, did she bang you? Did she bang ANYONE on the team?" I can tell he's getting upset. John shakes his head. Everyone starts whispering
"Before you guys just assume that what Brittany says is the truth, remember this." He walks over to me. I hug him.
"Thanks Danny."

Chapter Three

"Two slices of peperoni please" I sit at the booth waiting for Danny.
" Pizza is here" He sets my piece down infront of me a slides into the seat across from me. He's so smooth. I'm dreaming. I have to be dreaming. Why would a guy like him give me the time of day? I mean look at me. I'm hidious. Danny starts to laugh. I look up at him.
"What ?"
"You have pizza sauce on your cheek." I blush with embaressment and reach up to get when Danny takes my hand and stops me.
" Let me get it." He slides into the seat beside me. My heart starts to beat faster. He wipes it off with his thumb and licks it off. I look at him and laugh. He leans towards me and closes his eyes. My heart starts to go a thousand miles per second. Again. i close my eyes and lean in. Just as our lips are about to meet, somone slides into the seat across from us. We look up at the same time. It's John.
"Why did you do that?" He looks directly into Danny's eyes. I can feel Danny tense up. He slides his arm around my shoulders.
"What do you mean?" I ask John, breaking his gaze to Danny. He looks at me with flaring eyes.
"Why did he ask those questions and say what he did?" John looks at Danny. Challenging him.
"I did what was right. She didn't sleep with anyone at that party. Brittany set her up. You and the whole team were in on it-"
"Brittany is pissed thanks to you." He interupts Danny. Good I think to myself. I must have a smug smile on my face because John turns his gaze to me.
"She's going to make your life hell now. I hope you know that and as long as Danny's in it, it's gonna be worse."
"What did I ever do to her?" I shout at John. Not loud enough to cause a scene but to surprise him.
"You stole her man. Danny."
"What?!? Danny and I didn't even talk much before friday."
"She caught him staring at you and now you're dead meat." He gets up and leaves the pizzaria. I stare at Danny. Both of us are taken back. He picks up our pizzas and grabs my hand and leads me out to his jeep. There's a group of students around it laughing and cheering. Brittany and John are in the middle. When they see us they step away and smile. Oh my god! They've spray painted his jeep! Brittany walks towards me and smiles. Danny passes me his jacket. I grab his arm. Wow, does he have muscles. I whisper to him.
"Danny ...don't." He loos at me.
"I have to." He slides out of my grasp with ease and walks up to John.
"What the hell man?" He shouts in John's face. John puffs himself up to make him look bigger.
"I told you what would happen."
"You're such a dick! She didn't even sleep with you or any other soccer team members! So why are you still harasing her? And why the hell are writing this shit on my jeep?" John shoves Danny, and there they go. Everyone pull their phones out

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