» Fiction » Hell High (UPDATED!!!), Emily Mabee [best ebook reader ubuntu TXT] 📗

Book online «Hell High (UPDATED!!!), Emily Mabee [best ebook reader ubuntu TXT] 📗». Author Emily Mabee

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into the mirror. I have a fat lip and a black eye. I see Danny walking up behind me in the mirror. He wraps his arms aound me and rests his head on my shulder.
"You still look beautiful babe". I turn so we're face to face and hug him.
Chapter Five

I hear my laptop I.M chirping away. I look over at my alarm clock. 2:00 am, what the?! I sit up and stumble over to my desk. The screen light is blinding. It's like I'm going down a tunnel and there's a blinding light that everyone talks about when they've had a near death experience. I see the word 'Loading' pop across the screen. Since it's loading, I might as well go to the kitchen and get a snack. I walk down the stairs. It's so dark that I almost fall down searching for the floor. I walk close to the walls feeling my way to the kitchen. I dig through the fridge. Where are they? I know we have some. Ah ha there they are. I grab the strawberries and head over to the counter. I pick out four strawberries and rinse them under the tap. I walk over to the light switch and turn it on. My heart stops. The air around me feels cold all of a sudden. I work up the courage to walk over the back door and flick on the back porch light. Okay, that’s creepy… I could have sworn I saw a figure peering into the kitchen. Almost as if they were studying me. I peer out the windows leading towards the back. The hair on the back of my neck stands up. Don’t panic I tell myself. Don’t panic, don’t panic. I double check the lock to make sure that it’s locked and secured and I flick the porch light off. Just get your snack and go to bed I tell myself. I finish cutting the tops off and I go back to my room. I hear myself breathing hard. I guess I ran to my room instead of walking like I thought I had done. I can see my room by the glow of my laptop. There are clothes all over the floor. I bend down and gather them up and toss them in my laundry bin and head over to my laptop. My hand fingers glide over my keypad. Weird, I thought I had signed off of my I.M account. I have three new messages. I click and open one.
“Hey slut. I have a lil friend you could blow”. The mouse arrow opens another message box;
“U whore! Im surprised u don’t have herpes u slut.” I feel my face start to flush and burn. I open the next one.
“Do us a favor and die slut!” I quickly find the log out button and exit my I.M. I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I make my way over to my bed and I lay there staring at the ceiling. I hate my life. I want to die. I want to die. I want to die. I grab my cell phone from my nightstand. I text Danny and press send. I stare up at the ceiling. I hope I don’t wake him. My phone bursts into a Katy Perry ringtone, wide awake. Ironic, I quickly press a button so the music will stop. I set my phone to vibrate. Danny texted me back.
“What’s the matter babe?”
“I need a hug, something. I need you. I don’t want to be here anymore. I can’t do it. I’m sorry Danny. I really am.” Why did I do that? He is going to think I’m nuts and run the other way. Why do I do such stupid things? Why. There’s a rattling sound coming from outside my window. I freeze. I hear my window slide open. I can smell the cool fresh air. I curl up into a ball and look at my closet door. I almost jump when I felt my blanket be lifted off of me and someone slide into bed next to me. Slide their arms around me and hold me tight. I turn and I see Danny.
“I’m sorry if I woke you.”
“Don’t. I told you that I’m here for you babe. I love you. When I got that text I knew I had to come over.” Danny slides his hand over my leg and up to my upper thigh. His hand stops. I study his face. He looks sad and horrified. What’s wrong? Then it hit me. My cuts… I feel stupid. Danny hand slides up over my chest to my chin and he pulls my head up meeting his. I stare into his eyes. We kiss.
* * *
When I wake up it’s 6:30 am on Monday morning. I get up and head to my closet put jeans on and I throw an old t-shirt on and grab my school bag. I head down the stairs and out the door. Danny is waiting in the drive with his jeep. He smiles when he sees me.
“Morning gorgeous.” I blush.
“Morning babe.” I get in the jeep and lean over and kiss Danny.
“So this morning, I’m thinking of pancakes?” I can’t help but laugh when I hear the excitement in his voice. I nod my head, and just like that we’re flying down the driveway. Danny and I holding hands howling to the music that plays over the radio. We pull into the Danny’s parking-lot and we get out of Danny’s jeep and head inside the restaurant. By the looks of it, it’s just opening. We’re seated right away at the back of the restaurant. Our waiter comes around the corner and welcomes us.
“Hello, my name is Matt. I’ll be your waiter this morning, what can I get you?” Danny clears his throat.
“Hey, we’d like some pancakes and two hot chocolates please.” I smile at him. Matt nods his head and he turns around the corner and into the kitchen.
“Can you let me pay this time please Danny?”
“Nope. I’m the guy, I get to treat you.”
“Well what if I want to treat you?” Danny raises an eyebrow and winks at me. I giggle. He leans closer.
“Oh I think you know how to treat me babe.” His voice sends thrills through my body. I want him. I bite my lower lip and smile at him just then the waiter sets two mugs of hot chocolate with whip cream on top in front of us.
“Your pancakes will be out shortly. Enjoy.”
“Thank you” my voice is quiet and polite. I pick my mug up and lick a bit of the whip cream off and Danny laughs at me.
“What?” What’s he laughing at? I give him a confused look. He laughs harder and reaches for his phone and holds it up. I hear a small click. He laughs and reaches across the table and wipes whip cream off my nose. I blush with embarrassment.
“Relax babe. That was really cute. Look I took a picture.” He shows me the photo and I laugh. I smell the pancakes. They smell delicious, I hear my stomach growl. Matt comes around the corner again and places the stack of pancakes down in front of us. He smiles and gives us a pitcher full of maple syrup. I look at Danny and we both break into a wide grin. We put butter on our pancakes, followed by maple syrup and then, we dig in. They’re so yummy, the edges are nice and crispy but the rest of the pancake is soft and fluffy. The maple syrup is just like a cherry on top. Our meal is quiet. We’re too busy savoring the flavor that dances across our tongues. Danny pays the bill and we walk hand in hand to his jeep.
“Thanks for breakfast babe.”
“No problem babe. Anything for you.” I smile at him and reach up and kiss him. Danny deepens the kiss. He opens the passenger door for me. As I’m getting in I feel him grab my butt. I turn my head and look at him laughing. He winks at me and smiles and walks over to the driver’s side. When we arrive at school everyone is staring at me and shaking their heads. I feel Danny pull me in under his arm. When I look up at him, I can tell he knows something is wrong. He opens the school door for me, and then quickly takes me back under his arm. He’s protecting me. But from what? I can still see and feel their whispers and looks. Danny looks down at me and shows a small frown.
“What’s wrong?” I whisper to him.
“I don’t know, but by how everyone is being, it can’t be good.” I can hear a tint of worry in Danny’s voice. When we reach my locker I stand with my back against the locker door and Danny stands in front of me. I see everyone staring at me. I feel self-conscious. I close my eyes. Suddenly there’s pressure on my stomach. I open my eyes. John is stand to the front side of me, his hand pressed against my stomach. The whole hallway is still. No one moves or talks.
“How far along are you Alex? Is it kicking yet?” John asks with a huge smug smile on his face. Before I could respond John is on the floor and Danny standing over him. I see John smile. Everyone moves aside in the hallway when they see Brittany coming.
“Wow Danny, protective much over your unborn baby?” Unborn baby?! What?! They think I’m pregnant?! That’s impossible. I’m speechless. Danny tenses up.
“Alex is not pregnant.” His voice is tough and harsh, it’s like he’s daring her to keep going. She smirks and stares at me.
“Alex, on behalf of the student body, I congratulate you on your baby.” I just stare at her.
“I’m not pregnant Brittany. You need to stop it now.” She steps closer to me, and into my face. She smiles.
“Make me.” She whispers to me. Danny lightly pushes me behind him, separating me and Brittany. Everyone starts whispering. Then someone yells “PREGO”. The whole hallway starts laughing and calling me names.
“Prego”, “Knocked up slut”,“Pregers”. My eyes start filling with tears. I hate my life. Danny grabs me by the hand and we run for the doors. When we reach the parking lot Danny lifts me into the jeep and sets me in my seat and runs to his side and hops into the driver’s seat. He leans over and buckles me up and he races out of the parking lot. I pull my legs up on to the chair and wrap my arms around them and cry into my legs.

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