» Fiction » Hell High (UPDATED!!!), Emily Mabee [best ebook reader ubuntu TXT] 📗

Book online «Hell High (UPDATED!!!), Emily Mabee [best ebook reader ubuntu TXT] 📗». Author Emily Mabee

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kiss him and he deepens it as well as deepens the thrushes into me.


Chapter Eight

It's just reaching Dawn in the little valley when I'm trying to be quiet while sneaking out of our tent without disturbing Danny. I head down to the river. Everything is so peacefull. There's a light hum of birds chirping in their nests. I can't help but hold my hand out and look down at my new promise ring.  It's so beautiful. Danny said iy was white gold, and that the design that surrounds the diamond is a love knot. I can feel tears coming to my eyes again. I have never ever felt like this before, I love the way Danny makes me feel. I have no idea how I even deserve him or how I even got him. I am so thankful for him. I sit down on some rocks that peak out of the river. I look back over at our tent when I hear something behind me. I can't determine what it is. It sounded like a grunting noise. I look over my shoulder and there's an animal standing looking at the other side of the river. I turn so I can get a better look. 

"Alex" I hear Danny call my name quietly.

"You need to come down slowly and make your way back to me." I don't understand. I get a good look at the animal. Oh my god. How the hell did I not notice it was a grizzly cub. I slowly get off the rock and start walking toward Danny backwards so I can see the cub. I feel Danny slides his arms around my waist as he's pulling me back toward our tent. We hear something to the right of the river, that's when we see the mother walk over over to her cub. I take out my phone, and I take a picture of them. Danny leads me to the jeep and throughs the cover up. 

"What are we going to do?" I turn my attention to Danny.

"We'll wait until they leave and we'll pack up. I don't want to be here this weekend around her cub, she'll be a lot more unpredictable. We'll just have to finish our weekend off in a hotel room."

"Alright that sounds good." I lean into Danny and he puts his arm around me and we just sit there and watch the bears.          


When I wake up, we are pulling into a hotel parking lot. Danny turns and looks at me and smiles.

"Hey, you're awake." I yawn and stretch. I feel Danny pull me onto his lap. I look into his eyes.

"So are we going to continue last night once we get into our room?" his voice is smooth and seductive. It sends chills up my spine. I bite my lip and lean in and whisper in his ear.

"You bet." I giggle as Danny starts tickling me. He opens his door and places me out of the jeep and he gets out behind me. We walk hand and hand into the hotel. I stare up at Danny and smile wide.

"What are you doing?" Danny asks. I can't help but grin.

"Tag!" I sprint off and look back at him only to see panic on his face.

"ALEX!!!!" I feel my side being hit and my feet come out from underneath me. Everything goes so fast but slow at the same time. 

What's that noise? God it's so annoying. Why won't anyone turn it off. I can hear more than just the beeping now. There's the sound of lights, like the flickering ones at your school that get on your nerves quick. I squint as I open my eyes because the light is so bright. God my head hurts. Ow. There's a lot more than my head that's hurting. what hurts? My neck? No, well kinda. But there's more. I can hear someone breathing next to me. I see Danny's hand ontop of mine. He's leaning toward me and has his head burried into the side of the bed. I give his hand a squeeze. OWWW. HOLY CROW OWW! Danny jerks up and looks at me.

"Hey. Are you alright?" He moves his hand toward my ear and tucks a piece of hair behind it.

"Where am I?"

"You're in a hospital room babe. We were in the hotel parking lot and you ran ahead, and that's when you got hit by a car. You hit your head against the windsheild and blacked out." I got hit by a car? Damn. 

"Oh. I'm so sorry Danny. I ruined our weekend." I look down at my lap.

'No you didn't babe. We'll have more weekends. Ones that don't involve camping with bears and hospital rooms, but hey at least this hospital has good food." He smirks at me. I giggle at him. Leave it to him to make me feel better about this with hospital food.

"Do my parents know?"

"Yeah, I called your dad, and then I called your mom. Your dad should be here any minute."

"Thanks. What about my mom? Is she coming?"

"She said she had an ultrasound appointment that she couldn't miss. She'll be on her way after though." I nod my head.

"Meh, doesn't matter. All I need is you and my dad anyways" Danny smiled at me and got up from his chair.

"Do you want anything to drink? I can get you some water?" He looks so concerned about me. Like he thinks that if I got pinched, I'd break and fall apart. 

"Danny, is there something you're not telling me?" I stare at his face. He looks down.

"Babe?" My voice is wavering now. I'm nervous.

"Well, um. When the doctor's were running test and xrays on you, the doctor said he thinks he found something he'd like to discuss with you when you wake up.."

"Do you know what it is?"

"No, he wouldn't tell me." I nod my head. I hear a knock at the door. I see a doctor standing there. He walks in and smiles at me.

"I'm glad your finally awake."

"Finally?" I asked, confussed.

"Yes, you've been out for almost 17 hours now."

"Oh.." He turns his attention to Danny.

"Sorry son, I didn't catch your name when we spoke last."

"My name is Daniel. You can call me Danny though." The doctor nods his head.

"So did Danny tell you that I believe I caught something in a blood test we did of yours?"

"Yes, we actually just talking about that when you walked in." He nods his head again.

"Okay so first I'll tell you the extent of your injuries from the accident. You banged your head pretty hard, so you have a concussion. Your left wrist has a V-Fracture, your left knee cap has been shattered into 13 pieces. Don't worry, we got you into surgery and we repaired your knee. You have some screws in your knee, so it may become a little more sensitive in cold weather." That's a lot to take in. A concussion, a break, and screwed knee? I just stare at him expecting him to continue his list of injuries but then Danny speaks.

"What did you find in her bloodwork and the other tests?"

"Oh yes. Alexandra, -" I gulp.

" - We found some signs of an early stage of leukemia." Everything else he goes on talking about I don't hear. I just stare at the wall. Everything is buzzing. It's too loud in my head. I can feel a tear coming to my eye. I hear Danny, but it's so loud it sounds like a whisper.

"I think we should continue talking about this later. I think Alex needs some time to comprehend all of this."

"Of course." The doctor nods his head and leaves. I shake my head. I feel danny sit on the bed next to me. He takes me in my arms. I start shaking my head.

"No. I can't have leukemia. No." He holds me tighter.

"Alie, it's going to be alright babe. I'm here for you. I'm not going to leave your side. I promise you that." I cuddle into him. I hear footsteps walk into the room.

"Alie hun, are you alright?" Dad. It's my dad. I feel Danny lay me down on the bed. I hear him walk off with my dad out of the room. I get myself together when they come back in. I look at my dad.

"You're going to be fine. We'll make sure of that. The doctor said it was in it's early stages, so that's good hun. You can fight it.You've always been a fighter." I smile at him and nod my head. The doctor comes back in and introduces himself to my dad. He catches my dad up to speed with my injuries. And then the leukemia talk starts. I take a deep breath. I feel Danny gently squeeze my hand.

"Like I said earlier, there's an upside to this. We caught it in time, so we can start you chemotherapy. That will be our best shot at getting you to beat this. " I nod my head. 

"When should we get Alex started on the chemo then?" I can hear the struggle but the confidence in my dad's voice as he asked that.

"We'll start her in two weeks. I've already booked her a slot on monday the 19th." 

"Thank you." I give the doctor a smile. He returns it with one of his smiles.

"Leukemia aside, you're fine to go home today once we get a cast on your knee." Finally. There's that reliefe I was looking forward to.

"Since you have a concussion, you will need to wake up every few hours. Standard procedure." I nod my head. 

"Try to get as much sleep as you can between your wake ups. See you on the 19th." And with that, he left.

It was quiet in the room. 

"Well, Danny could you take her home while I go over to her mother's and share the news?" My dad read my mind. I don't have the energy to tell her and Rick. 

"That sounds good to me." Danny nods his head as well.

"Danny, could I ask you to help me out tonight?" My dad turns his attention to Danny.

"Yeah sure, how so?"

"Would it be alright if you stayed the night and woke Alex up every few hours? I'm not sure when I'll be getting in. Alex's mom likes to dramatise these sort of things..." I let out a chuckle.

"I'll call my parents and let them know. I'm sure they'll understand." Danny got up and walked out to the hall. My dad and I just sat there for a moment. 

"Well, I should go now, that way I can get home sooner than later." He reaches his hand out and messes up my hair. I give him a half smile and nod. Danny and my dad pass eachother in the doorway.

"Alex, the nurse is here to do your cast." Danny nods his head towards the nurse.

"Great." I smile at the nurse.


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