» Fiction » Hell High (UPDATED!!!), Emily Mabee [best ebook reader ubuntu TXT] 📗

Book online «Hell High (UPDATED!!!), Emily Mabee [best ebook reader ubuntu TXT] 📗». Author Emily Mabee

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and yells "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" The owner of the pizzaria comes out and chases everyone away. He looks at me and Danny, then at Danny's jeep. We get in the jeep and drive away.
"Are you alright Alie?" He asks me. Why is he asking me that? He's the one who fought.
"Yeah, are you?"
"I'm alright. I asked you because of what they wrote." I look down at my lap. Danny squeezes my right hand. I stare out the window for the rest of the drive. We pull into an auto paint shop. I look at Danny and frown slightly. He cups my head in his palm.
"I was going to get a new paint job anyway, what they did gave me a good reason to now. Don't feel bad." He pulls me into a hug. Danny jumps out of the jeep, before I can take my seat belt off he's holding my door open. We walk to the front desk and Danny sees the manager.
"Yo Danny my boy, what can I do for you?"
"Hey Liam. New paint job please."
"No problem. What colour?" Danny looks at me and then to Liam.
"Ahhh. Alright, good choice. By the way, this ones on the house."
"No, I couldn't."
"Fine. $30, and that's as high as I'm going." Danny smiles and shakes his head and leads me over to the chairs.
"What was that?"
"What was what?" Danny smirks.
"Why did you look at me and he say Ahh alright?" He smiles. I can't help but feel weak when I see that smile.
"You'll see."
"Okay then..." Ask him. Ask him.
"Danny, what did John mean that I stole you from Brittany and that she caught you staring at me?" Danny sighs.
"A few weeks ago I was walking to school and she came up and started talking to me. She was flirting with me and then she asked me out. I saw you walking ahead, and I told her I wasn't interested. I guess she saw me staring at you and figured out that I was interested in you." We stare at eachother in silence for a long time. His face is soo, so-
"Danny boy, your jeep is finished." We stand up and Danny walks over to Liam and says thanks and leads me to the jeep. When I see the colour, I feel like jumping into the air, no into his arms. Instead, I just stare at the jeep quietly.
"I asked him for the colour of your eyes." I look at him and smile. He opens the passenger door for me. I hope in. My favourite song comes on. Rumur Has it by Adele. Ironic right? danny changes it, and I look over to him.
"I guessed that song would have made you feel sad again." I laugh.
"What's so funny?"
"It's actually my favourite song." Danny laughs, and turns it back. He pulls up into the drive of my house. We get out and walk to the door.
"You want to stay for a bit? Maybe even diner?" I hope I didn't sound needy or desperate. He smiles.
"Sure." We walk into my house. I take my shoes off and head up stairs. I hear Danny behind me. I open the door into my room, next thing I know Danny tackels me onto my bed. I break out into laughter. He stands on his knees and raises an eyebrow and smiles. Oh no.
"Don't you -" I break into uncontrolable laughter. Danny's ontop of my tickling me. I feel like a fish out of water. We both stop moving. His face hovers over mine. Our eyes meet. I love his eyes. I get lost in them. I close my eyes. Our lips meet. This feeling comes over me and I deepen the kiss. I've never felt like this before. I feel like I'm worth something. I feel alive. Danny pulls out of the kiss. Dissapointment washes over me. He props himself up by leaning against his elbow. God he looks so hot like that.
"I have two questions."
"Ask away." My heart is still pounding from our kiss.
"One, how do you feel about me calling you my girlfriend? and two, how long do we have until your parents get home?" I'm in shock.
"I'd like that if you'd call me your girlfriend, and we have two hours until my parents get home." He smiles at me and leans in to kiss me. There's that feeling again. This time he deepens the kiss. I feel this warm and tingly feeling come over me. I can't help myself. He flips me over with one hand. Now I'm ontop of him. He deepens the kiss again and slides his hand up to my waist. I want him. I want him so bad.We pull apart from eachother and stare into eachothers eyes. I slide onto the bed and cuddle up to him under his arm. He turns his head and kisses my forehead.
"Why me?"
"Why did you choose me? I mean, com'on, look at me. You could of had Brittany, but you chose me. Why?" He runs his hands through my hair.
"Since the day I moved in across the street, I knew there was something about you. Each day I see, I see more and more the beauty of you. And Brittany is.... Brittany. I don't like her. I like you." I smile and kiss him. We start at it again untill we hear my parents come through the door. We rush out of my room and down stairs.
"Alex, why is there a jeep in the driveway?" My dad asks as he takes his shoes off.
"Because Danny's over. Can he stay for dinner?"
"Oh hi Danny. How are you?" He walks towards Danny, and they shake hands.
"I'm good, how about yourself?"
"I'm good. You got a nice handshake there." Danny smiles. We flow into the kitchen and sit at the island. We all make small talk with eachother. This feels right.
"Mr. Duncan, if I have your permission, I'd like to date your daughter." That caught me off gaurd. My dad looks like he's studying his options closely. He turns his glass in a circular motion while looking into it. the whiskey swrils around and the ice cubes clink the insides of the glass.
"Yeah, why not. Just don't go hurting her. You understand?" Oh, dad, always trying to sound tough when you're really just a big softy.
"I wouldn't think of it."
"He means it dad. Today he-" Stop. Stop while you're ahead.
"Today he did what?" my parents say at the exact same time.
"For a few weeks now, Brittany has been spreading rumurs around school about me, and has turned everyone against me, and today Danny stood up for me when people started saying stuff.."
"Oh. well that was nice of you Danny." My dad nods his head at Dany.
"The spaghetti is ready." We take our seats at the table. I take a sip of my water.
"Umm, please, uh if you have sex, be safe. Use protection." I can't help but spray my water. Did he really just say that?!
"He has a point hun, I'll take you to the doctor's and get you on birth control."
"Mom!" Danny sits silently. After helping my parents wash dishes and clean the kitchen Danny and I head to the bowling alley. He opens the door for me and closes it behind me. I can see my dad peeking through the curtains. Wow. Really? We back out of the drive and head to the bowling alley.
"I am so sorry about my parents." Danny stays silent.
"Danny?" Oh god. Please say something Danny. Please."
"They have a good point Alex. They're just protecting you, and I wan't to protect you to."
"What are you saying?"
"Do you know how much I have to control myself when I kiss or touch you Alie? I don't know what it is about you, but when I touch you, kiss you, it's like an explossion and-"
"So you're saying that you'd sleep with me?" I interupted him. He stops the car at a red light.
"Yes. Yes I want to sleep with you. I want you." I lean over and kiss him. There's horns blarring behind us signaling that the light has changed. We hold hands the rest of the drive. He pulls into a parking lot.I look at him confused
"I'll be right back" He kisses me and walks into a store. I sit in his jeep quietly. I see another car pull in. Brittany and John. I duck and hide.
"Is that Danny's jeep?" John seems to be confused.
"It can't be. We practically destroyed it." Danny walks out.
"It is Danny's jeep."
"What's it to you?" Danny says.
"Just surprised how you got a paint job so quick." Brittany chirps.
"Where's your girlfriend?" I can hear the jealousy in her voice.
"I'm right here." She turns and looks at me. Her eyes balging out of her head.
"Hey slut. How ya' doing?"
"Pretty good since I got Danny." I throw back in her face. I can see that it stung. Danny hops into the jeep and we're off. We pull into the bowling alley parking lot. He digs through the bag and places a box on my lap. I turn the light on. Trogan Condoms. I look at Danny, I have a knot in my stomach.
"It's for when you feel that you're ready. I don't want to preasure you into anything, I just want you to know that I," He looks down at his lap.
"You what?" We've only known eachother for a few years but it feels like we've known eachother for years. We've only been dating for a few hours, but it feels like we've been dating for two years. Why does he make me feel the way I do? I think I'm in love with him.
"I think I'm faling for you Danny."
"I'm falling for ya two. Now lets go get our bowl on." I laughand we walk through the bowling alley doors. We're in lane number one, and it's five pin. Danny is in the lead. He looks so smooth and hot the way his body rolls into place as he slides down on one knee, and his foot slides behind him to the side. I walk up to him and slide my fingers into his and kiss him. I go for my turn, and he cups my butt. I giggle and throw the ball down the lane. STRIKE! I jump up and down. Danny stares at me and laughs. After bowling Danny drives me home. I kiss hin goodnight, and I walk into my house and upstairs to my room. I change into my pajamas, brush my teeth and go fall to my bed.

Chapter Four

"I'm sorry Alie, but I was only pretending to like you. How could you actually beliee that I'd like, when there's Brittany? You're pathetic." Danny walks away and meets up with Brittany. Brittany slides under his arm, and looks back at me. She gies me one of those smug smiles. I drop to the ground. How could I let this happen? How could I let my gaurd down? Tears run down my face as

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