» Fiction » Hell High (UPDATED!!!), Emily Mabee [best ebook reader ubuntu TXT] 📗

Book online «Hell High (UPDATED!!!), Emily Mabee [best ebook reader ubuntu TXT] 📗». Author Emily Mabee

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“Babe, it’s alright.” I look up at Danny and he gives me a sympathy smile.
“Can we go back?” Danny shoots me a confused look.
“To school…” My voice trails off. I can’t take the torture, I know what I’m going to do. Danny pulls into a parking lot, and turns around.
“Are you sure Alie? You don’t have to go, just tell your parents you went home sick babe.”
“No, it’s okay. I’m not going to my classes, I just have to do something.”
“Alright then.” I can hear the confusion in his voice as he dragged out on those two words. We turn into the turning lane for school. Danny pulls into the parking lot for the principals and staff. He looks at me confused.
“I’ll wait here for you okay?” I nod and hop out of the jeep. I run to the school doors to get out of the rain, and I walk to the guidance offices. When I step inside the waiting area for the guidance office, I see my guidance counselor. She waves at me and smiles. I walk over to her.
“Do you have a minute that I could talk to you? Sorry if I’m being a bother.” She smiles.
“Of course Alex, that’s what I’m here for. Go take a seat in my office, and I’ll be in shortly alright dear?” I nod my head and smile.
“Thanks.” I walk into her office and take seat. Her office smells like vanilla. I love that smell. It makes me feel calm. She has a bowl of rockets on her desk with a little sign that says ‘Please take just one’ with a little happy face drawn under it. She has drawings displayed on the walls which I guess were drawn by her children, or grandchildren.
“So Alex, what can I do for you today?” I almost jumped out of the chair.
“Oh sorry dear, didn’t mean to startle you.”
“It’s alright. Umm, I was wondering if you could help me with a problem I have.”
“Alright, what’s the problem?” Damn, I’m actually going to have to tell her what the problem is in order to get help from her.
“Well, it’s a long story, but I was wondering if you could help me out with a solution. I don’t want to come to school anymore, I- I just can’t take being, well centre of attention. Could I continue my year online? It’s not too late is it?” I’m desperate. She studies my face, and turns towards her computer. A few moments later, she turns back to me.
“Did you want to empty you locker today? You have the whole year online, come back in August to discuss wither you want to do your final year online as well.” I smiled at her.
“Thank you soo much.”
“No problem Alex, I hope that things will be better for you. Any problems with the courses, call me alright?”
“Sure thing.”
“Have a good day.”
“You too.” I walk out of the office and head to my locker. I open my locker and stuff all my things into my bag and remove my lock. I head out the doors of the school for the last time this year. I hear the bell ring as I hop in Danny’s jeep.
Chapter Six

The ride has been quiet, and long. My cell phone rang, I looked at the screen, and sure enough it was my mom calling. I took a deep breath and pressed talk.
“Hey mom.”
“Hi Hun, could you explain to me as why I got an email from your high school, saying that you’ve decided to do your year online?” I took another deep breath.
“Umm, I don’t want to be in the school atmosphere anymore. It’s too hard. Brittany has pretty much destroyed my high school life. The only person that talks to me without harassing me is Danny. Everyone else…” my voice trailed off. I could hear my mom sigh.
“Okay Hun. I just wish you would have come and talked to me first about other high school alternatives before you went in alone and changed everything.” I can tell that she was a little disappointed.
“I’m sorry mom, it’s just that when I walked in the school today, and Brittany had told everyone that I’m pregnant. That was the last straw for me.”
“I understand Hun. Well I hope this is a better alternative.”
“Thank you. Is it okay if I spend the day with Danny?”
“Doesn’t he have school though Hun?”
“Yes, but he doesn’t want me to be alone after what happened earlier today.”
“Alright, it’s fine with me. I like him.” I smiled to myself.
“Thanks mom.” I hung up my cell phone and looked at Danny. He looked over at me and smiled and took my hand in his free hand.
“Where would you like to go?”
“What do you mean?”
“Alie, where do you want to go?”
“How about a car ride? Like we just drive wherever the road takes us.” I stared at Danny.
“You got it.” I smiled at him and squeezed his hand.
“Yeah, I have to. I can’t take Brittany’s torture anymore. I want to be able to do my schooling and not be harassed to the point where I want to die.” I feel Danny’s grip on my hand tighten as I said the last word. I looked over at him. His face seems empty, vacant of any emotion. A sharp cold shiver runs through me.

“So Alex, how was your day with Danny?” I could hear the suspicion in mom’s voice.
“It was good. We spent the day driving. Like a mini road trip? It was actually fun. We drove four three hours. We ended all the way up in Kirkfeild. It’s so pretty there. I love it there. We had a good time. Thanks for letting me go.”
“No problem hun.”
“What’s up?” My mom shoots me a confused look.
“We rarely go out for dinner, and tonight we’re eating out. So what’s up? The last time we ate out, you told me that Bethany died.” I see my mother’s face become show sadness for just a slight second. Oh no. Who died this time? I can hear her take a breath.
“Alex… your father and I are getting a divorce.” I feel my body go numb. I think I’m choking on the meatball in my mouth. I say nothing. I stare at her with an empty look on my face.
“W-why?” I was able to choke out.
“Well, I met someone else, and I love him. Your father and I have been having problems lately, and we feel it’s the best idea to go our separate ways.” My eyes blink back my tears.
“There’s something else too. Rick and I are getting married before the baby’s born.” I feel her stare at me as I get up from our tables and head for the doors. Each step I take becomes faster, and faster. How could she do this? How could she love another man, leave dad and have another baby with another man?! I hear the blasting of horns booming around me. I stop and put my hands on the hood of a car in the street.
“Alex?” I look up. Dad is stretching his head out the window. I run around to the passenger side and jump in his car.
“I take it your mother told you.” I nod my head.
“Are you alright Alie?” I can hear the high volume of worry in his voice. I look at him.
“Are you?” He gives me a forced smile.
“I’m okay kiddo. Things happen for a reason.” He reaches over pats my shoulder. I nod my head at him.
“What’s going to happen dad?”
“Well, I was I actually on my way to look at some apartments, when you come darting across the street. By the way, don’t ever do that again. You could have gotten yourself killed.” I laugh. He smiles at me.
“Can I come?”
“How many apartments are there to look at?”
“Well, I have three today to look at in town, and then a rental house just outside of town.” I nod my head. A couple of minutes of silence go by.
“I want to live with you, if that’s okay.”
“Of course that’s okay! That’s great. But what about your mother?”
“I can’t live with her. I can visit her, but I can’t live with her.”
“Well this is it.” I look out the window and see a condo building.. There was a petite woman with long brown hair standing at the front doors of the condo building wearing a dress suit. She was holding a binder when she looked up as my dad and I approached. She smiled at us and met us halfway.
“Hello. Are you here to look at the apartment today?”
“Yes, my daughter and I are looking for a place.” She smiles and holds the door for us.
“Alrighty then. So let’s start here in the lobby. Over there is where you’d pick up your mail” She points to a wall that has a panel of boxes. My dad nods and we head for the elevator.
“The apartment that we’re looking at is on the top floor, the eighth floor. You guys will have an incredible view of the harbor. The apartment number is 216.” The elevator dings as we reach our floor. We walk to the end of the hallway. The woman slips a key into a lock and we’re in. We walk into the front entrance. The ceilings were high and the windows were huge. My mouth slips open as I stared in awe. The realtor smile.
“There’s two bedrooms both with a joint bathrooms, a modern kitchen, a spacious living room, and lastly, a dining room. There’s a laundry matt in the building on level B1.”
“Wow.” My dad and I said that at the same time. The realtor laughs.
“The master suite is to your left, and the other bedroom is to your right.” My dad walked to the left, and I parted to the right. I opened the door. Woah. This room is huge. I’d be able to fit my bed, and all my furniture and a futon in it! I feel my cell vibrate. I hope its Danny. ‘Mom calling’. Ugh. I hit answer, but I don’t say anything.
“Alie? Alie hun, are you here? Look, I’m sorry that your dad and I didn’t work out, but you don’t run off on me like that again. Where are you right now.”
“With dad looking at apartments, I want to live with dad.” My voice was firm.
“I understand… but you spend two full weekends with me and Rick and we’ll work out the holidays. Those are my only conditions if you decide to live with your father.”
“Fine.” I hung up the phone and walked out towards my dad and the realtor. I smile at him.
“Do you like this place Alie?
“Alright then, I think we’re moving in. After this, I don’t want to

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