» Fiction » Hell High (UPDATED!!!), Emily Mabee [best ebook reader ubuntu TXT] 📗

Book online «Hell High (UPDATED!!!), Emily Mabee [best ebook reader ubuntu TXT] 📗». Author Emily Mabee

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look at any other places.” The realtor woman smiled at my dad.
“That’s fine with me” she chirped.
“If you’d sign here on the lease, you can have the keys today.”
“Well then, where do I sign.” The realtor giggles. I ignore her obvious flirting and step outside to the balcony. The view is fantastic. I have my very own balcony! How cool is that?! I take my phone out and I call Danny.
“Wow…. Are you okay babe? This is rough. I mean the divorce, new marriage, and a new sibling? Not to mention that you’re moving out from across the street.” Danny squeezes my hand.
“It’s upsetting that my mom did that, and I’ll miss living across the street from you. But on the other hand, the apartment is a half a block away from school, and the apartment is amazing!”
“I’m glad you’re being optimistic about this babe.” He leans down towards me and kisses my forehead. I smile and giggle at him. I feel my phone vibrate.
“Hey, could you give me a ride to Leons? My dad wants me to help pick out furniture for the apartment.”
“Yeah, no problem.” We walk over to his jeep and Danny opens my door for me. I smile and shake my head.
“And there’s another plus to this.” I look at Danny as we pull out of his driveway.
“Yeah? And what is that exactly?” He raised his eyebrows. He looks so hot when he does that.
“You can come over during your lunch cause it’s not far, and we could... you know.” I lightly slide my hand to the inner side of his upper thigh. A huge grin spreads across Danny’s face. We pull into the Leons parking lot. I see my dad waiting at the front doors.
“Hey dad!”
“Hey kiddo. Good to see you Danny. How have you been?” He smiles at me.
“I’m good thanks. Alex told me what happened, I just want to say that I’m here for you guys.”
“That’s very nice of you Danny. Thanks.”
“So what color are we thinking for the front entrance?”
“I’m thinking blue.” I’m actually really excited about this. I mean what my mom did hurts, but living with my dad, and just my dad, that will be awesome.
“Sounds good to me.”“Can we afford to get all our furniture now dad?”
“Yeah… why wouldn’t we? Alex, I don’t exactly know what you think I do for a living, but believe me. We can afford this.” He shook his head and smiled.
“Okay. How about we go a cream color for the kitchen?”
“That’s fine with me, but what color do you want your bedroom to be?”
“It’s going to be a surprise.” Danny shakes his head at me and smiles.
“Nothing. Sounds like you got it all planned out in your head.”
“I do actually.” I can’t help but smile.
“Alright then Alex, can we at least look at your bedroom furniture? That way I can pay for it?”
“Okay.” I walk through all the set ups that they have on display. One in particular catches my attention. It’s modern, but vintage looking and simple. I like it.
“Is this one okay dad?”
“Sure. Let me get a sales person.” My dad approaches an older man who’s wearing a dark blue top and black dress pants. They start heading toward the back of the store. I pick out a few shelves and a desk in the mean time. By the time we left the store, I think the store owner loves my dad. My dad probably made the biggest purchase of the week. Maybe even the month.
“Alex, could you go home and get dinner ready for us? And then start packing up the things you want to have at the apartment?”
“Yeah sure. Is spaghetti alright?”
“Sounds yummy.” I smile and I wave bye as Danny and I pull out of the parking lot.
“You want to stay for dinner?”
“If it’s okay with your dad.”
“Of course it is. He likes you, you know?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” When we pull up to the house I see a car in the drive way. My mom and a man steps out through the door. Rick I assume. I stay still, when Danny goes to open his door I stop him. He looks at me and I shoot him a desperate look and he nods his head. I wait for the car to be down the street before I hop out. I start up the walk when I feel it. I feel a tear slide down my face. I wipe it away quickly before Danny could see it. I walk into the kitchen and get a pot and fill it with water. ***
Chapter Seven

"So how are you doing in your online courses Alex?" 

"I'm doing fine in them" I swallow my food.

"Alie hun, I'm sorry that your mother and I disapointed you with this." Rick puts his glass down on the coaster.

I feel Danny place his hand on my shoulder.
     "Do you need to do that Danny?" I stare up at my mother to get Rick under control. But she just looks the other       way.
     "Pardon Mr. Hastings?" Danny asks.

"Do you have to touch Alex like that? Right in front of her mother and I? It's uncomfortable to see our daughter being touched like that in front of us." I'm shocked, I just stare up at Rick and my mother and I shake my head. I grab Danny's hand and head for the door.

"Where are you going young lady?" Rick's voice booms around the corner. 
     "To my dad, where my home is."

"Alex..." I can hear the sadness in my mother's voice but I just keep walking until I'm in Danny's jeep.

"You alright babe? He squeezes my hand.

"I'm alright, I just want to go back to my dad. Rick is just.... well he hasn't grown on me any that's for sure."

"I want to take you out. On a weekend outing. Just you and me." I look at him and smile.
     "I love you Alex. More then I can ever express."

"I love you too Danny." I cuddle into him as we drive to my dad's place.

I look up at Danny as he turns on to a side road.

"Danny where are we going?"

"Relax. I talked to your dad. I told you I had a weekend planned." I bite my lip and smile at him. He looks down at me and laughs. 

"You look very attractive when you do that."

"Oh yeah?" I lean in and kiss his neck.

"I love it when you do that."

"Where are we going? You never answered."

"Remember when we just drive and drove and we ended up in Kirkville?" All I can do is smile wide up at Danny.

"well I thought we'd take a little camping weekend in that valley we came across. The one with the river and the wild flower patches growing."

"You are the best thing that ever happened to me Danny. I love you." I nestle in even closer to him and close my eyes.



I have my head resting against Danny's stomach looking up at the stars when I feel him sit up and take my head between his hands. I lift my hand up and place it on his hand that's holding my cheek.

"Alex, you have been more than anything I could have asked for in a girlfriend. I've never felt the way about anyone the way you make me feel." I feel tears coming to my eyes, the blood running through me, I can feel it pool into my cheeks.

"I've known you for years as the girl next door, but these past seven months, yes I've been keeping track.-" I giggle.

"-have been the best time of my life. You just bring out the best in me. I can see it, my family can see it. They love you to peices you know. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, that I know you are the one I want to be with the rest of my life-" I'm crying. I can feel the tears run down my cheeks. Danny wipes them away with his thumb.

"- I know we're young, and that it's too early to get engaged, hell I can't afford to get you an engagement ring that will sparkle like your eyes. But I did get you this." I can feel him take me into his arms and sit me up. He digs into his pocket and pulls out a box. I can hear my breath go wavery and uneven. Danny wipes the water from his eyes and open the box.

"I got you this - It's my promise to you that I will get you that sparkley engagement ring, and after that a wedding band. I promise you that I will always be there for you no matter what and that you can always count on me. Alie, will you except this promise ring from me?" I just stare at him with tears running down my face. I can't speak. I just nod my head crying. Danny pulls me onto his lap. I wrap my ams around him. We just sit the in eachothers arms, when he peels me off of him. And he slides the ring onto my finger. I feel myself lunge at him and I start kissing him with all the eneregy and passion that's serging through me. He spins me around so he's on top of me. He kisses all over my neck and back up to my lips. His lips are beside my ear when I feel him gently bite my ear. Pleasure rushes through me. 

"I love you Danny." the words are barley understandable.

"I love you too Alex." Danny starts to unbutton my shirt and I unbuckle his belt and the butoon on his jeans. I kiss his neck before he  leans down and kiss my stomach as he takes my pants off. I rip his jeans off and he laughs. This is picture perfect. Lying here with him under the stars on this blanket. Danny pulls another blanket over us. He meets my eyes before he thrushes himself into me. A loud moan escapes from my mouth. He kisses my neck so hard that it tingles and more pleasure rushes through me. I kiss Danny's neck, and I feel my hands run over his smooth and sweaty back. I cup my hand on his but and I feel him stop and we stare at eachother and smile. Danny looks into my eyes and then he pushes himself harder into me. I feel my eyes widden and a moan comes out. He pushes harder and faster into me. I can hear quiet moans from Danny. I reach my hands to face and I

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