» Fiction » Sweet Peach Liberty, Le'Terris Burney [interesting novels to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Sweet Peach Liberty, Le'Terris Burney [interesting novels to read .txt] 📗». Author Le'Terris Burney

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my surroundings looking around the interior of the house walking through the white double doors stepping wooden flooring chandaleir above my head dad goes out to unload the truck while i go upstairs and find my new refurnished room huge with light pink rooms a walk-in closet a personal bathroom and a window facing the backwoods of the backyard patio looking out of it i see the day slowly turn to night as i go out to get my stuff and begin settling into my new what i call sanctuary and day by day as a family we help get the house in order arranging furniture hanging pictures sweeping mopping and scrubbing two months go by and we're finally finished.Wednesday afternoon after having a good breakfast i decide to go out for a walk after helping mom with a few chores now having free time i feel like getting out the house taking a mile long walk passing by a ranch and a trailor here and there then a gas station where i stop to buy a bottle of water the dry heat can really get to you after a while the store clerk seeing I'm new in town introduces himself with extreme kindness Clerk:Mhm"out of all the kids i've seen walk in my store your very much new to me what they be calling you little lady?) the clerk is an elderly black man with a strong country accent and a few gray streaks in his hair and thick beard on his face.I tell him my name then then introduces himself as Reggie spitting dip in a metal bucket next to his feet Reggie:Well i know new peaple when i see them i been here all my life and love it so with that said Ms.Liberty if you ever need help getting around you make sure you let me know) I thank him with a smile then continue my stroll soon approaching the town flea market where i sit in the food court to rest my feet while taking a few gulps of my water looking around the main street seeing a few attractions i see the same regular peaple just in another part of the world walking on red brick sidewalks historic buildings and old fashioned streetlights ugh" no mall but a flea market i guess is better then nothing .I jump to my feet and go check it out walking in i see most of the shoppers being middle aged or senior looking around and holding hands with their spouses with smiles of enjoyment doing nothing more but shopping around.The market is just a giant barn stretched with different twists and turns from jewelry art and furniture to hair salons and food vendors cellphone stores and computer repair shops pretty much the whole 9 and more choices including item exchanges oh look a boutique thats pretty much all i need to make my stay here alot easier at least i hope depending on what they're selling i hope clothes of today sorry but i can't help it i love clothes it's a girl thing some guys don't get but that's why i'm in no rush for a boyfriend now just trying to enjoy my life for the time being but as far as clothes wise they're just irresistable all it takes for me to see something cut with a little purple or light pink and i'm hooked most of the clothes i got at home are from mom and dad doing some online shopping where they do majority of their shopping for household decorations and grocery shopping yea pure nerds right? yea today is not a very flashy day for me just a pair of jean shorts and a white tan-ktop with a sports bra walking in my hightop converse.I look over to the side of a vendor next to me to go inside a store where i see a line of prom and designer dresses some even being bridal gowns one of them catching my eye was a silk violet and silver long gown with choker with a diamond hanging from it so beautiful i know i may more than enough dresses at home but this one has my full undivided attention not knowing i was catching someone else's as the dress caught mine.A group of three black girls surrounded me from behind one being taller than me and one of the others with long dreads wearing a blue shirt black skinny jeans and white hightop sneakers Girl:Excuse me sorry I'm Ranice i couldn't help but see you stare at this dress and from what i can tell i saw this dress first meaning I'm more fit for it than you are) The girls chuckle giving Ranice a high-five looking at me from head to toe she could clearly see that i was a newcomer then made a few rude comments on my glasses my hair and body Ranice:Seeing that your new here i won't rain on your parade too much but cross me and i do mean CROSS me than you better expect a beating worse than what you see on tv) she bumps into as she walks off and i continue around the store.Later coming home home from a long day I sit at the table with mom and dad eating chicken fettucini my favorite Mom:So how did your day go today honey?) it was good ran into a nice store clerk up the way then ran into my first bully and her minions at the flea market so yea my day was pretty interesting, with a mouthful of food she tells me i start summer school first thing in the morning so she suggests i kick in my hours for an early start,ok great summer school sucks but i guess it's no issue until mom tells me i can't make long distance calls to my old friends Sam and Orton like i want anymore seeing it's running up the phone bill and asks for my cellphone i drop my fork and sit back in my chair with my arms folded Mom:Come on Liberty not tonight just give me the phone i know you guys are friends but for now it's time to move on and put them on hold for the time being) Really mom? Really? first you move me out the big city into a shoebox town enroll me in summer school and now you want my phone? Dad:That's enough young lady as long as your under my roof you WILL do as your told now give her the phone before i do) rolling my eyes i throw my phone on the table then run upstairs to my room locking the door i scream into my pillow while punching the bed with my fist throwing a bad tantrum then roll over with my arms folded mad as hell tap! tap! a dove pecks at my window sill watching me let out my anger as i sit up giving him full eye contact then flies off.Early morning comes and I'm dropped off at a highschool having the summer school program with a kiss on the forehead dad drives off to work telling me to have a good day then get out the car walking through wide cold hallways filled with older kids attending or graduating highschool some goofing off and others just gossiping by their lockers hanging with their friends finding my locker i store my backpack then run to the bathroom with an upset stomach guess breakfast this morning wasn't as good it tasted Girl:You ok in there?) I come out the stall to see a young native girl standing at the door dressed in a black jean dress a dreamcatcher necklace with long black hair down to her waist introducing herself as Latiya.



Latiya:I seen how Ranice did you at the flea market yesterday she's just being a showoff because your new hope that doesn't surprise you if she got in your face once she'll do it again and again until you swing on her my advice would be use your head not your fist trust me no fight is worth it these days) walking together to our first class Latiya was very soft-spoken telling me she's a junior soon to be a senior she seemed pretty cool with a low key and calm attitude about herself and very wise with sense..We enter the library sitting at a table where she opened a geography book and got a notebook and pen out one of the teachers see me unoccupied asking if i need help with anything looking around i see other kids other kids studying and taking notes and doing paperwork and worksheets i guess there's no chilling out here.Latiya points her pen asking the teacher if he knows where the science isle then gives me the cue to go follow him as he walks off.Lunchtime comes later on in the afternoon with me and Latiya sitting at a table in the corner of the chow hall today's menu a dried up hamburger with lettuce tomatoe and no cheese just boring on the side not even a squeeze of ketchup with half-cooked fries with lumpy sludge called bananna pudding ugh" school food is no different then prison food and i never been to there to know but I'm just gonna guess that as students and prisoners when it comes to food we both would be in the same boat on that one instead of eating what's on our tray we decide to finish our conversation pushing our food to the side talking about the school and some of the kids i should avoid Ranice being one of them.Latiya:Me and Ranice use to be close friends she always had my back of course i had her regardless of anything there was nothing she couldn't tell me i couldn't tell her as girls i thought that's what we do until a few days later she started spreading bad rumors about me and i just cut off all contact and been walking solo since then she doesn't come my way and i don't come hers just keep to ourselves you see that guy over there?) i look over my shoulder to see ranice flirting with a cute young black guy clean haircut and musculant body looking like she's trying to get her way with him.Latiya:That's James have the girls here been crushing him leaving notes and letters at his locker except me why? simple to the only two girls he's ever dated and they say he's quite the woman beater when you tell him no she doesn't know that but hopefully it doesn't get that far)with that said Latiya turns to me asking what's my story and explain my dad's situation and my grandma's passing to me being the newcomer in town nodding her head she shows she's attentive but all talk gets cut short when the bell rings for the next class before splitting we shake hands on a good note before saying goodbye and talk to you later.Mom picks me up picks me up from school and i go upstairs writting in my diary explaining how my day went and my thoughts on summer school alone.I thought it would just be another night going by for me until i hear my parents arguing again i pause the music in my ipod making sure it's arguing i hear and....yes from the way my dad is yelling he's doing his part and mom yelling bout doing the same i just can't take it anymore and sneak out my room going downstairs and out the backdoor looking towards the woods i start walking then walking turns to jogging then jogging turns to running running faster and faster entering the dark woodlands not stopping or looking back i keep going keep running running deeper into the backwoods as if I'm being chased by someone hearing their yellings fade as run further inside the trees fast then faster

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