Sweet Peach Liberty, Le'Terris Burney [interesting novels to read .txt] 📗

- Author: Le'Terris Burney
Book online «Sweet Peach Liberty, Le'Terris Burney [interesting novels to read .txt] 📗». Author Le'Terris Burney
My Sweet Peach Liberty
Written By. Le’Terris Burney
School has just ended on a clear Friday afternoon and I'm still upset about the fact that i have to move outside the city to go live on the outskirts with my parents after my grandma's passing i don't get it i like it here it’s where i grew up there's very little crime everyone knows me so why leave? all because mom is depressed and dad just lost his job and don't get me wrong i'm depressed too but moving will only make it worse so far just thinking about it i can only hope that it's well worth it. Walking home with my only best friends Rebecca and Orton the best sidekicks I’ve known since junior high don't want me to leave especially Becky as i we've been through it all with her from arguments to invites to having bad days together to having cherished moments and still today hold our friendship Becky: Dang Liberty why you have to leave so soon? we're not even in college yet and your already bouncing on us) Yea i know but after my grandma passed my mom decided it was time for a change i wish i didn't have to either but hey that's family for you right? what can i say. Wishing i didn't have to she leans on my shoulder as we walk down the sidewalk like the sister i never had and wanted since I'm an only child and she's the closest i'll get to a sibling you can tell by the way we dress somedays that we can be seen as related as of today she wears a jean jacket and skirt with a pink shirt as i am wearing a purple shirt (my favorite color) with black jeans and matching jacket we're almost as compatible as the Olson twins except she's a blonde and i have jet black hair Bi-racially mixed my mom is mexican and my dad is italian so you could say i was born with the best of both worlds wearing black framed glasses over my dark green eyes Orton:Don't worry Becky you'll still have me irritating you)Becky:Yea but it's not the same without Liberty being around she always had my back) Orton is another friend of mine quiet with a sense of humor he's tall with short spikey hair a big fan of skinny jeans and small shirts looking like a punk rocker 24/7 his parents come from North Korea having and raising him in America i've known him since the 7th grade always had an answer for everything and sometimes came up right come up right i wonder why sometimes but one thing is for sure i can say he's got quite the IQ for a 14 year old not bad for his age. When reaching the road crossing we say our goodbyes and share a group hug together before parting ways Becky:I'm gonna miss you girlfriend please don't forget to call we have to keep in touch that's a must and if you get a boyfriend see if he has a brother i could use cutie to do my homework)me and Becky chuckle while Orton rolls his eyes with a smirk as he watches us as girls get a little emotional then wave with goodbyes as cross our ways of the road Orton: just keep in touch is all i ask) he says shouting across the street you got it, i reply back as i make my way home.Walking with little pace i approach Theasall Drive walking while playing while doing tricks with my yo-yo ball my favorite toy in the world as i call it entering my middle-class neighborhood where most of the residents are either elderly or middle aged with a little attitude i live four houses down where i see my dad loading boxes onto a moving van while mom dressed in a pink dress decorated with flowers sweeps the front porch yelling"hey honey, as soon as she sees me approaching the steps Mom:If you have homework now would be a good time to get to it if not pack up what's left of your room and dad will put it in the van for you)she speaks with a small mexican accent with her hair blowing in the wind my parents have been married for 12 years only having me in their life they make a good couple when they're not arguing amongst themselves as far as i know i've seen them hold hands and kiss like they had no worry in the world just seeing eachother and not what's around them i guess that's how strong love can be between two peaple maybe it's stronger then what i've seen but I'm only 14 so i wouldn't know anytime soon.I got to my room falling back on my bed looking up at the ceiling fan then pull out a small pocket photo of my grandma with me blowing out the candles on the cake of her 61st birthday with me on her right-side celebrating along with her as she kissed me on the cheek yeah that was one of the best times of my life with her and now with her gone it makes me wish she didn't have such an early departure there were still so much we had to see in the world together there were so much i wanted to learn from her but she always said god works his mysterious ways and can always show you the way to the light if your willing to follow.My cellphone vibrates in my pocket with a text message from Becky reading:Just keeping in touch) I chuckle then reply back with:Thank you girlfriend) then she writes back with:Lol) oh geez what a crack up she can be at times i haven't even started packing up yet.Dad walks in on my mobile conversation smiling saying i should loosen up about the whole moving away idea as if that's easy it makes me wonder if it even matters to him on how i feel about the whole thing Dad:You may not want to leave but me and your mom agreed that it might be best for the family considering she doesn't wanna dwell on grandma being gone I'm sure you'll find new friends along the way honey i promise) ugh my dad doesn't get it when i say quote, unquote:This sucks,but what do i know right? seeing he's not getting through to me he walks off mumbling one day you gotta grow up Liberty the world doesn't pity those who fall behind you should think about that for a minute as you grow older,ignoring him as he walks off i close my phone then rollover on my stomach to see my whole room cluttered with boxes looking up i see my white wooden covert with my grandma's old Raggedy Ann doll inside she gave her to me as a gift for christmas telling me to always keep her clean and keep her safe as she shall do the same for you in return i remember those words like it was yesterday she cherished her doll with love while i just kept her in the covert as a collection with the rest of my dolls thinking about that made me feel bad now knowing how i treated her.I get out my bed and walk to the covert glancing at the doll before putting her in my schoolbag with a kiss.Later that night after dinner i wake up from my slumber and see it's 2:30am with no sign of sunrise my dad talks over mom with an aggressive tone mom snaps back with a with a higher tone while standing her ground arguing about what's best for me and their financial situations yelling and swearing at eachother my dad punches the wall trying to win the argument unable to take it i get out off and sit in the corner of my closet covering my ears praying to God to make them stop not knowing that hearing go at eachother's necks hurts me hurting even more when my mom cries from dad's hurtful words sometimes hearing her cry makes me cry so i hide in the closet from the emotional pain it has on me sometimes for a few hours or until i fall asleep.The sun rises and i just get out the shower putting on my shoes after zipping up my pants my dad pulls into the driveway with the moving van beeping the horn me and mom load up boxes while he leans against the truck smoking a cigarette mom looks at me with a smile as if she had know worries but i knew even at 14 know what's really going on Mom:Well it looks like a new journey for us ha kiddo?)she paces back and forth loading box after box even my dad who looks fed up flicks the bud and lends a hand to speed up the process later then we're on the road with dad driving the van and me mom in the family sedan driving through the city passing by the mall then the bowling alley then the toy store passing by towering city buildings and a beach seeing some college kids surf the waves get tans and play beach volleyball then out the city we drive on the interstate where 18-wheelers were driving behind us in front of us and beside us my mom had a bad case of road rage at times when she got nervous I'm surprised i don't see that part of her coming out as far i see bad traffic normally aggravates and she perfom some kind of illegal turn maybe cross a light or two but today all i see her doing is switch lanes trying to keep up with dad who has his hand sticking out the driver's window holding another cigarette lit me sitting in the passenger seat writting in my diary explaining my thoughts on lastnight's event and how it made me feel while mom listens to some slow jazz on the radio luckily i had my mp3 charged this morning before leaving Mom:think about it Liberty a new school no a better school new friends and less trouble more for the better i know it may seem hard but come on you gotta work with me and your dad on this one we just want you to have more in your life then to settle for less) i respond telling her how dad could've just got another job and still stay in the city (Mom:It's not that easy honey) i roll my eyes and continue writting til i nod off to sleep and in due time by 5:30pm i wake up passing a sign reading welcome to Gavenhill.
The sun is close to setting over the horizon as we finally arrive in town seeing small simple buildings and a few trailors the road itself surrounded by some sand grass and cactus looking sort of like a half texas wild west country town with a little bit of city life mixed with it driving by the historic building of town hall amd a library" yea i can already tell this is gonna be a cheesy waste of my life just by looking at it.We show up at the house my parents call a home sitting in the middle of nothing and nowhere but field road and ranches 5 bedrooms and and 3 bathrooms with a backyard of green grass and more field with the woods out in the distance looking like it stretches for miles there's no telling what could be out there.I wake up from my nap after the driver's door slam shut rubbing my eyes seeing the two story house i get out investigating
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