» Fiction » Sweet Peach Liberty, Le'Terris Burney [interesting novels to read .txt] 📗

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for joy giving her hugs and kisses later on me and Sam stand outside on the back patio drinking punch Sam:I’m glad to see you do this for your mom she looks just as happy as you are before me)having Sam there made me think of how good of a couple we are his conversations never get boring his personality is just amazing and the way he talks proper grammer is always a bonuse not saying you gotta talk proper but you gotta have common sense though is all I ask and he makes me feel so comfortable with myself just for listening to me and being at my most need after the party I swept the floor then did the dishes and took out the trash while mom heads to bed I go to my room where I write in my diary about how my day was and my thoughts on the dream I had the other night and how it made me feel afterwards I go to the back and so soak up some fresh air doing so a firefly passes by me making me think of that night me and Aidess sat out here and talked getting to know eachother or should I say me getting to know him.The wind blows swiftly as I close my eyes holding myself putting my mind at ease feeling the wind against my skin.I feel the soft touch of a hand against my face and an arm around my body feeling safe feeling calm feeling wonderful only wishing someone was really there with me and to feel what I feel deep within my soul.A class of 2nd grade s summer school students come into the library the next early morning for class I take the position as a substitute teacher as they take their seats the sat quietly as I taught the lesson most of this stuff they already knew they just had to get a rerun to make sure they knew it all off the bat when asking questions the rude 6 yr old Michael lowmakss he answers one of the questions about the lesson with sarcasim he’s the only kids I have a problem with he known for bullying and fighting other students and so I sit him at a table by himself whenever he comes in.Sam was watching me teach as he sat at a table across the room while reading a car magazine after an hour of teaching he approaches me at my desk where I read my bible to keep my faith in check Sam:I know I shouldn’t bother you during work hours but I was just wondering if you would like to go out for dinner tonight I know just the place just set the time) I get nervous with him asking me out by blushing knowing I haven’t been on a date since I was 14 dating Jueleous I wouldn’t mind having that feeling back so I accept his invite with a sticky note saying: have me home by 12) Sam then walks out with a smile saying he’ll be by to pick me up around 8 the kids hearing our chat yell oooooooo chuckle a few then tell them to get back to work.On my lunchbreak I sat on a park bench reading my bible while sipping hot tea as others around me fed bread to the ducks in the lake relaxing for a minute one the students from the library catch up with me Kaylama:Hey Ms.Maxxx) what a surprise to see her here I thought all the kids were gone by now oh well anyway so me and Kaylama sat down talking about school and what she’s doing for the weekend Kaylama was a quiet child sitting in the same rocking chair but always reading a different book she rarely speaks or raises her hand to learn about the lessons she just sits there clearly focused on it she only spoke when something was really on her mind or bothering her as we sat and talked I gave her half my tuna sandwich and feed the bread crust to the ducks talking about how she’s going to her cousin’s birthday party on Saturday and how excited she is while I tell her about my plans on helping my mom around the house and making sure she’s ok.After work I come home seeing mom in the kitchen slicing tomatoes wearing a tropical blue and green hawiian dress barefoot on the wooden floor asking if I’m hungry for a chicken salad I kiss her on the cheek then going upstairs to wash up.Later that evening mom sees me snapping on my earrings rushing downstairs to the door smiling with nervousness she’s happy to see me get out and mingle Mom:Don’t keep me her out too late I’m gonna need her) she says yelling out at Sam in the car waving as we drove off while she headed back inside allowing me as a woman just this once have some time to enjoy myself.



On my date Sam and I eat at a soulfood bistro where he orders fried porkchops and yellow rice while I had a baked potatoe with coleslaw and and black beans he enjoys a beer while we talk about the lesson I taught in school today to the students with me giving him lesson on history for that brief moment then laughs in the end to see I’m quite the woman with a sense of humor and cracking a joke back at me Sam:All I can say is my job is hands on and if you don’t mind getting dirty I’ll make sure I put in an application for you).I giggle at the offer telling him no thanks while he looks deep into seeing that I’m a shy person then cracks another joke for me to lighten up wich it worked with me coming back with one of my own making laugh back in his chair getting himself back together for that brief moment and we continue our meal.After the restraunt we went for a walk in the park talking about our days in school and how we first met Sam:remember in science class with Mrs.Reegis because I corrected her on the facts of a gravitational pull and it’s elements she was totally wrong on all her answers just goes to show you can’t fool everybody what was she thinking?) we laugh getting closer as we walked the two of them debated on that subject to where Mrs.Reegis kicked him out the classroom while I just watched them go back and forth not knowing what was going through both their minds as we talk we approach a water fountain he stands infront of me holding my hand Sam:I enjoyed my night with you your beautiful your smart funny as hell and pretty well balanced I love that) he goes in for a kiss pressing his lips against mine feeling soft and warm with a minty flavor on the end shocked.I take a breath not knowing what to think then look in his hands with a thought in my mind saying this can’t be true as his looks and personality are beyond my eyes then takes my hand and walk to the car.We pull in the driveway moments later I see mom’s bedroom light on so I’m assuming she’s been waiting for me inside so I don’t waste time and give Sam a soothing kiss goodnight with a peck on the end then get out the and head for the door Mom:I see someone must have been cooped up in the house to long to be gone for 3 hours I wonder what’s up with that) Mom says sticking her head out her bedroom window I blush a little telling her to go inside as I do the same.I get a text from Sam when I get to my room reading:Sweet Dreams.At work me and Kaylama sit at a small table having bible study her being the teacher she corrects me on the story of Abraham and the three men Kaylama:Actually Abraham ran to the three men offering them water to wash their feet and shade under a tree as they came giving him news of the city God was gonna destroy) wow how astonished to see how her brain works so proud of her even though I’m not her teacher it’s good to know this little girl knows the good book better than any kid her age even better than me but it’s good to get heads up on something you miss she showed me some the palsm pages saying I could read them to keep God in mind or read them when having a bad day then thank her for the suggestion.after studying for the last hour we get up and down the street to the donut shop ordering two glazed donuts and two chocolate milks then sit outside at a small round table just curious I ask Kaylama why she don’t interact with the rest of the class Kaylama:My mom always said it’s better to be silent and speak only when spoken to or if something is really on your mind) Liberty:Well what goes through your mind when your in class?) Kaylama:Nothing really just it just depends on what mood I’m in right now I’m in a happy mood) I giggle at the cute country accent she has it’s so adorable our time together was cut short when her mom pulls up to the curb in front of the donut shop in a frenzy as if she’s in a hurry watching as she jumps out the car Kaylama’s Mom:There your are I thought you two were at the library next you decide you wanna take off let me know ahead of time without me wondering what’s wrong with you teachers these days).The pair drive off before I could get a chance to explain myself then walk back Mrs.Halrose sees me coming in the door wanting an explanation as to where me and Kaylama had gone off to telling her without a long story to it she lets me off with a warning to never run off with the kids without consent of her or the parents then lets go on my way and I’m back to work.Later that late afternoon on my way to the car I see a man trying to sell an acoustic guitar it was it was in an open case in meant fresh condition wich means it was stolen but no worries I thought I’d take it off his hands and bought for $100 then went home to try it out.In my room I sit on the end of my bed plucking the strings on it while reading an old how to play a guitar book I kept on the shelf next to my computer desk with other how to’s and instruction manuals.As I’m taking my time to learn at a steady pace I hear the soft tune of an acoustic guitar outside my window opening it the music outside sounded mellow like someone is playing it to get my undivided attention sounding romantic and gentle with ease having me doze off to the tone of the strings along with a soft breeze of the wind then slowly it fades away as I was merely lost within it then it was gone and nomore did I hear it again the echoe it made sounded like it was coming from the woods if I’m not mistakenwich told me Aidess was still out there watching me how sweet of a guy he is.Everyday after work I practiced on my guitar or when I had time on the weekends it was me and Sam in the morning of every morning it was me and mom get up make breakfast and talk making sure she always has what she needs but only asks for my time every moment I spend with her is every minute that’s worth it sometimes even

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