» Fiction » Sweet Peach Liberty, Le'Terris Burney [interesting novels to read .txt] 📗

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me as if he was ghost to them and an angel to me then disappears behind my uncle Vladameir after the funeral i walk to the car with my mom but get stopped by Jueleous who asks for a minute of my time mom excuses us and goes to wait for me in the car Jueleous speaks apologizing for the passing of my father Jueleous:I can't say i know how you feel but i can say i too lost someone close to me and it hurt as much as it hurts you to lose your father) we hug with light touching then i walk to the car getting home i go upstairs while mom goes to the kitchen where she pops the cap off a bottle of rum and starts taking shots one after another in the bathroom i stare at the tub for a brief moment then get myself undressed from unbuckling my heels to pulling over my dress turning the cold water on i dip one foot in getting a slight chill to the spine then the other standing in the tub i slowly sit down shaking with shivers i lean back against the tub trying to relax then hold my breath and go under the surface crossing my hands with my eyes closed my heart beats steadily then with a pace then beats fast then faster faster faster faster and faster til i open my eyes and come up for air breathing heavily jumping back in surprise i see Aidess sitting on the toilet next to me with a look of sadness on my face catching my breath he brushes some of my hair away off my face speaking softly Aidess:it's not your time you can try to end it but you won't get far seeing that my father will spare you once again you can't question why he does the things he do for it is a sin to question him but it is also an unforgiveable sin to take your own life as well) asking him what to do he gets up walking out the bathroom telling me to pray.Early wednesday comes for me i arrive in school same as always nothing changes i walk down the hallway with Jueleous stopping me once again with a fresh smile on his face as if he was really that happy to see me Jueleous:Hey beautiful) he says so smoothly i blush and we hug with him givng me a simple kiss on the cheek then take my hand as we walk down the hall together.I see Ranice then close my eyes in prayer for her not to say anything to me I'm in a good mood today and don't need the headache praying that she don't turn her ugly side towards me and that this day shall be a good one for me so far the morning went well with Jueleous taking recognition towards me time slows down as i walk into Ranice's direction lockers and chatter cease at a pause around me not seeing it but feeling it feeling no wind no air no touch just silent and still time itself just stopped.After walking by her she says nothing only glancing and i open my eyes to relief seeing Latiya up ahead holding her books with a smile seeing I'm in a good mood we walk together to our classes in the chow hall me Latiya and Jueleous sit together at the table in the corner asking me how i am feeling i respond telling her i feel better than ever hugging me as we become close friends again things go good for me throughout the rest of the summer going to school everyday coming on time with a positive attitude mom didn't know what was going on but as long as she saw i was happy she was happy me and Jueleous went out every weekend me and Latiya hung everyday again like partners in crime studying together eating together and being pretty much girly girl as always.Finally when highschool starts i run into Latiya the first day i show up dressed with new school gear i comment on her new high heels and native dress thinking it was better than the sandals i wore with my island colored dress Gavenhill high was on the outskirts of town far from home but luckily they have a bus route going my way.Before going to our first class Ranice sees us with a smile awkward to me knowing how she's becoming nice all of a sudden Ranice:I hope there are no hard feelings between us) we shake hands with me brushing off our summer school rivalry then pulls me in for a hug wich was the first time i ever expect her to do leaving me and Latiya speechless then we split off and head to class at the sound of the bell walking in i see Jueleous sitting in the back row of the class where i join him sitting in the back of the first row while the teacher welcomes us to our first day of social studies our teacher a middle aged woman in her early 40's as it seems with dirty blonde hair and green eyes dressed in a bright yellow dress Mrs.Oritch:Hello class welcome to Gavenhill high seeing most of you here are i'll do my best to make this semester as easy as i can for you) me and Jueleous hold hands under the table whispering in eachother's ear with chuckles telling me how he feels being with me and i whisper telling him i feel faboulous being with you Mrs.Oritch sees us then asks Jueleous to sit at another desk seeing she don't allow highschool crushes in her classroom.When lunchtime comes around we all sit together me and Jueleous sitting side by side with Latiya sitting across from us as we talk together about our plans for the weekend Jueleous makes a joke about Latiya's purple lip golss and almost spits up her apple juice chuckling to it without taking it too hard just me being around them made me think we were untouchable as the closest friends i've ever made out here.I don't know what came over me this summer from all that's happened but as good of a mood I'm in i just feel great when i come home i call for mom silence then remember oh yea'' she got that job at the cable company the school did no good in full filling my hunger so i go in the kitchen seeing what there is to eat but no luck from looking in the refrigerator only milk eggs bread and some left over meat loaf ugh'' looking in the cabinets nothing there either just can goods of peas beens corn and tomatoe sauce dang nothing with that said the double doors to the back patio swing open with a strong breeze blowing through my hair the wind whispers calling my name with echoes filling the air in wich i follow walking across the open field of my backyard to the backwoods stepping on twigs and withered leaves and over the rock i tripped on once then going down a narrow path looking around the environment i approach the still fully green peach tree glimmering with the sunlight shinning donw on it as a heavenly light reaching out i pick a fruit taking caution before sinking my teeth into it's sweet juicy flavor



Bitting into the peach i chew it's meat it's flavor so sweet so full fulling as my hunger is conquered and my thirst is quenched taking another bite with a mouth full of chunks i stop for a moment to wait for the unthinkable but nothing happens lucky me and i take another bite the juice was good with the fruit itself just put my mind at ease and my body so relaxed Liberty! mom calling me i finish the peach on my way out the wilderness responding to her call i know in the beginning me and her were rough with eachother but as time went by we've gotten pretty close as mother and daughter less fights more bonding it's just that her drinking problem hasn't yet left her and that scares me sometimes to wake up at night and see her on the couch taking shots then pass out drunk i fear for her more than she thinks even when she smiles in my face i still worry for her i've tried talking to her about it but all she told me was i'll be fine just give me a minute really? a minute? are you serious? i couldn't let that stop me no matter how bad it gets i had to keep my head up all i can do is hope and pray as i have done earlier this morning.Friday comes around and Jueleous tells me about one of his friends having a house party asking if i would like to come at first i hesitate knowing i'm not a party girl then give him a bogus excuse he knew i was lying then gives me the puppy dog eyes i roll my eyes with laughter then tell him sure why not excited he kisses me on the cheek telling me he'll be at my house to pick me up around 8 then runs to his class.I tell Latiya about it in parenting class and even she gets second thoughts about it then knowing we do everything together she decides to tag along after school me and Latiya walk to the buses with Ranice rushing by us saying she'll see us at the party when i get home i start my homework then later on have dinner from there i take a shower and get dressed mom is called into a nightshift telling me there were leftovers in the fridge rushing out the door she was already late.I look out my window to see her drive off as i put on my eye shadow by 8 o clock comes around Jueleous pulls into the driveway honking his horn and i rush out the door getting in the car as we drive we're both excited as we drive listening to rock music driving a little too fast in speed not knowing we passed Aidess who stands on the side of the road with a dove in his hand.We stop at Latiya's house where we see her running out the door trying to get her shoes on waving at us Latiya:I had to persuade my mom that i'd be home early but only lord knows how much fun i'll have or how long i'll be out) amen to the that we said 20 minutes later when showing up the house is overly crowded with kids from school the air filled with marijuana smoke and booze being consumed everyone dancing ranting and screaming with over joy just looking at the audience inside made me think the house would fall through from hard partying Ranice shows up with James dancing in the middle of the living room waving at us Latiya goes off mingling while me and Jueleous get sodas and go upstairs where we talk on the balcony we've dated for 3 months and now i thought this would be the perfect time to have the Talk.Jueleous:Jewels i know we've been dating for a good minute and everyday i see you keep a smile on my face and seeing that my feelings grow for you more i think...)our moment of silence is broken as we look down at what appears to be Ranice being pulled around by James drunk he picks a fight with her while stumbling after her yelling back and forth about him and another girl he was dancing with losing her temper she slaps him across the face James not backing down slaps her to the ground having her bleed out the mouth Juelous runs downstairs to her aid holding James back from

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