» Fiction » Sweet Peach Liberty, Le'Terris Burney [interesting novels to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Sweet Peach Liberty, Le'Terris Burney [interesting novels to read .txt] 📗». Author Le'Terris Burney

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that private Axell Maxxx is scheduled for duty in 3 months and must arrive for immediate training in a week reading it I sit on the edge of my bed looking out my window waiting for Axell to walk in the door then a few hours later Axell:Mom I’m home)he comes in that afternoon seeing me sit in a chair in a corner of my room sad blank and depressed he calls out to me but I say nothing for I was speechless without words Axell sees me the letter in my lap then reads it aloud then looks to me seeing I’m not happy as he is excited but understands my depression Axell:I know you don’t want me to go mom but look when I come home I’m gonna make you and dad happier than ever we’re gonna be fine,I’m gonna be fine) I get out the chair and walk to my window not standing for it I tell him he’s not going until he finishes school he says he has to but I say no once again and asks why.



Liberty:Because you’re my son your still in school and your not 18 wich means your not old enough to make your own decisions yet so no your not going)rolling his eyes he goes to his room when Sam I sit with him talking about Axell’s departure at dinner while Axell hides in his room with his plate getting cold I eat with frustration while talking to Sam stabbing my food with the fork then jamming it in my mouth one piece at a time Sam:I agree he’s too young and too smart to go to war it’s not worth it so why go? We both agree on that so you did the right thing)Axell stumps his way downstairs joining us at dinner looking down at his plate picking at it with neither me or Sam saying a word as he eats one pea at a time next to his mashed potatoes chewing slowly and swallowing gently Axell:Fine I won’t go to the army) still no reply we finish our plates and make our way to bed.Friday comes and I sit on the back patio in the early morning playing my guitar haven’t had the time to play it in these last few months so I thought today would be a good day to do so humming a tune as I play some soft country music with my body moving with the flow.Music plays in the backwoods again then I stop playing hearing the soothing sounds the echoeing tune playing softly in the distance almost as soothing as jazz.I get up to follow it the sound then hear it another direction I look that way heading that way then hear another except it sounds like a violin all together more sounds of guitars playing soft music was all around me playing at one pace sounding gentle and pleasurable the wind blows lightly as I start spinning in a circle with my hands up reaching for the sky I feel Aidess’s presence and many others as well as I dance with joy and a smile and a few chuckles saying aloud’’I want more, and the music gets louder with more violins added to it raising my hands out higher a flock of doves fly out the treetops from all angles by the numbers by the 100’s possibly thousands.The music stops and I stop dancing as I watch the birds disappear into the clouds and towards the sun leaving a storm of feathers staining the backyard as if it snowed taking a deep breath of fresh air.I walk to the house and start my daily cleaning as the sky snowed feathers Axell walks home from school talking to his himself as I sit on the front porch later that afternoon eating a cookie Axell:Hi mom) kissing me on the the cheek before going inside to do his homework I follow behind seeing his room clean and spotless with his coin collection next to his window in a glass frame and his shoes sorted behind the door by color and name seeing me he digs in his schoolbag showing me an A+ on his mathwork putting a smile on my face showing how proud I am this called for a celebration Axell:Me and my friend Trey from school already decided to ask our parents about going to the arcade and hit the laser tag next to the bowling alley) At first I look at him with a look that says I didn’t know you had friends or a friend.I shak it off and give him my permission to go out as long he’s not out too late while he’s out me and Sam take this time to make a latenight dinner for two pouring two glasses of red wine dressing up in along silver dress and white heels withmy hair down ending with a wave on the end seeing me as sson as he walks in Sam smiles impressed with what he sees wondering if theres a special occasion but tell him no.I just want this night to be ours and everlasting he sits on the couch and I sit on his lap sipping a glass of wine while he flattersme with how I look Sam:You are the most beautiful I’ve ever seen from your head to the ten toes on your feet) I kiss him softly on the lips having him taste the strawberry lip gloss running his hand up my dress feeling my soft lotioned skin of my legs all the way up to the thigh and carries me upstairs to the bedroom where make love with passion as he looks into my eyes feeling the warmth of eachother’s body.under the and on the mattress we hold as our grip get tighter as Sam goes deeper closing my eyes licking my lips feeling Sam kiss all over my neck and going down my chest and near my heart as it alone beats steady with a pace feeling him deep hard and more pleasuring then before and I loved evry moment of it knowing I was with Sam.



The next morning the sun shines clear with the songs of birds chirping it’s rays opening my eyes to a new day Sam must have gone to work earlier than normal as I see myself naked in the bed alone from lastnight covered in the thin bed sheets Sam leaves a rose next to my pillow guessing it was a thought I smeel it scenting it’s freshness how lovely for him to make a goodmorning even better.Axell’’ I almost forgot about him going out lastnight with his classmate knowing I’m use to seeing him everyday and quickly put on my housecoat walking down the hall to his room.Well it looks like he came but didn’t feel the same his room was spotless as always and his coin and his coin was still intact along with his shoes still in the same spot but what drew my suspicion was how neat his bed was made was wich was something he was not good at since I know I had to do that every morning and looking at the clock it’s the weekend so I know theres no school or afterschool programs operating so the question is where is he? Looking in his closet I see half his clothes gone.i had a clue as to where I’m just hoping he didn’t.I turn to leave out the room and see a letter taped on the back of the door written by Axell reading:Dear mom when you get this letter I hope you understand that I’m doing this myself as a man going to the army may not be to your liking but it’s the only way I know to be a man yours truly…Axell)I fall against the wall holding the letter tight in my hand lost and speechless thinking of my son….my only son might not come back home or never at all.I say nothing feel nothing or do nothing just sitting on the front porch holding one of his t-shirts in my hand hurt and heartbroken.I sat at the table that night looking at my plate while Sam tries to enlighten me as he eats with concern, “I understand that you’re upset, but from a man’s point of view he has to grew up they might send him to war I mean come on let’s just wait and see before we get carried away with this.” “Are you serious? He’s your son, my son, our son, and you expect me to just blow it off as easy as 1, 2, 3?” I got up and left the table going to Axell’s room where I lie in his bed holding a stuffed teddy bear I gave him on his third birthday. Looking out of the window at the stars when I notice Sam’s presence standing in the doorway peeking in on me; he goes into the other room to go to sleep holding a grudge against me for the way I was acting at the dinner table. I see a shooting star fly across the sky as I begin to fall into a fitful sleep followed by a dream of Axell. I wake up quickly when I hear him call my name. I look at the clock to see that it’s midnight and realized that I’d fallen asleep in Axell’s bed. I get out of the bed and walk down the hall peeping in on Sam. He’s sound asleep lying on his left side snoring, with drool leaking on to his pillow. I shake my head and continue on my way to the bathroom. I look in the medicine cabinet and find nothing, I look under the sink and again I find nothing. I turn towards the tub and get flashbacks as a kid of my attempt to end my life. Thinking it my work this time I turn the cold water on; as I watch the tub fill I take off my shirt and my pants and step into the shivering cold water wearing on my black undergarments. I slowly sit in the water and turn it off as I see it reaches the top. It comes up to my breast; freezing my toes to the capacity of numbness. I take a deep breath and slide under the water with my eyes closed. My fast beating heart beats faster and faster. At the fastest beat I clutch the rim of the tub trying my hardest to stay under the water, but can’t resist coming up to the surface for air breathing heavily and looking around for a sign of Aidess or his presence. I try to figure out what to do next; an idea comes to mind, but I decide to save it for another day.


Later that morning I see Sam leaving to go to work, as I watch him drive off I run to the back door and into the woods. As I’m running I trip on a rock, and stand up and check myself to just to make sure I’m ok. I continue on my way till I see the peach tree, I look up to the heavens and call to Aidess; no answer. I look around and call to him again; frustrated I call to him once more. Nothing. No sign or presence of him; just a flock of startled black birds fluttering above my head. I drop my head in disappointment walk home with a thought of no hope.


Six months later, Sam has decided that we should separate due to my depression and my mad attempts to knock on deaths door. I sit on the front porch holding the same t-shirt not paying attention to the world, the people or the events that surround me. I only yearn for my son to return home. When I eat, I consume only enough to keep me alive; when I sleep it would only be for

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