» Fiction » Nightfall, Pranay Javeri [diy ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Nightfall, Pranay Javeri [diy ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Pranay Javeri

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to the evil monsters? Have they become allies of each other?"


She smiled," I don't know too------what really happened to the felons?" Then we both left the heavenly place reluctantly as we were leaving for our town.


Now we all were taking a deep breath of relaxation. The elder people of our town were thinking of celebration.


The celebration was actually a bonfire night that started in the evening on 2nd September 1993.  All gathered to axial territory which was not an official territory but it was just a small piece of land that formed the boundary of Northern and Southern territory, where there was a huge White Oak tree.  Near the tree they lighted up a bonfire around which all danced gracefully.


It was the spring season. So, a lot of fauna was grown in the surroundings. Here and there a few patches of white clouds floated swiftly. The moon played hide-and-seek with these bulging pieces of clouds.


 It was very pleasant to look at the sky at the time and to hear the night-birds play their sweet notes in the moonlit sky. The earth seemed to be washed with moon-light. The groves and small flowers looked beautiful------- their leaves and fawning looked glossy with the light of the moon.


The fire was hot as lava-----it burned the core of my soul. Bright yellow orange, flames danced, flickered knowing they were being watched by amazed crowd. The fire was a dragon roaring with fury and spitting charcoal, with immense heat that slapped my face. I could smell the wood as it was burning--------it smelt like charcoal.


The white clouds were low and hairy above in the skies, like locks blown forward in the iris of eyes. People watching the bonfire-----were in high spirits including me. The babies were crying because the fire was too hot, and the dogs howling like wolfs, the owls in the trees were tooting. When I looked up in the sky I saw a crescent moon surrounded by the most beautiful colors they were as bright as glitter, it looked like glitter had been thrown in the moonlit dark sky.  It smelt like gunpowder was burning in the air---------it smelt like tarmac. I could taste it in the mouth-----it tastes like deodorant. Then a man shouted," Here's the grand, finally." followed by a loud bang. Then when I looked up in the sky, I saw most beautiful multi-colored sky. 


After the fireworks program, we all friends gathered and danced at the celebration night on some of the famous songs of 80s and also the latest songs of 90s. I was so engrossed in dancing that I didn't notice any of my friends' clothes or looks which I usually did. In the beginning, only Millicent, I and Claire were dancing but later we were joined by Ian, Jaxton, Rhys, Stella, Sophia and Jake. After dancing and celebrating. We all shifted to the food counter.


I had worn a sleeveless black long dress gifted by my mother on my last birthday which hugged my curves at right places and it didn't look revealing 'cause it extended till my feet. I was always comfortable in such dresses. I didn't like short dresses much but wore some till knee length-------on occasions where it is necessary. The black dress had contrast wavy white print on it which made it look more beautiful. I had worn small diamond earrings that shined beautifully in the moonlight.


Millicent was wearing a sleeveless red velvet dress that extended till her knees. The dress totally enhanced her features like silky black hair, pale white skin and black eyes with a shade of brown. She had worn medium sized shiny black circular earrings She didn't feel uncomfortable in such dresses maybe it was because she was a university student and confident girl." You look great Millicent." I said.


She smiled," Thanks. You too look great." Before I could talk to her any further, Stella dragged her somewhere else. Stella was her university friend like Rhys and Jaxton and so they all were friends of mine as well.


Suddenly Sophia called me," Hey, Iris!" with a smile. I smiled at her," Hey."


Sophia was a shy girl and never completely expressed her feelings to anyone. She was innocent and straight-forward. Sometimes she would talk about her feelings with me or Millicent or Claire. Suddenly, she made a popping sound as she snapped her fingers and brought me back in the real world.


She asked with a sheepish smile," Can you do a favor for me?"


I replied with a surprised expression," Anything for you, ma'am." I was surprised by Sophia's sudden request.


"I want you to tell me about my dress. Please speak the truth. Don't exaggerate or lie 'cause I'm your friend." she said.


I said," Surely, I won't lie." So I took a glance at her.


Sophia had worn a plain black top on which she had pulled over a black and white check jacket and shiny black leggings which was a really good combination according to me. It suited her blonde hair and ivory skin. I tapped one of my fingers on my chin and scanned her from top to bottom for a minute or two and replied with a sigh," Ummm...... you look just........"


I paused to see her facial expression. She was apparently sweating and was under a great pressure. Her actions were so innocent that I felt pity for her and gave in," BEAUTIFUL." 


After hearing my comment, she instantly hugged me. As if she was expecting the same. But she soon separated and then it was my turn to have some fun," But why are you asking me about your dress or looks? You never asked me before. You never behaved like this. What's the issue ma'am?" I asked raising my eyebrow in suspicion.


She simply blushed and said in a low voice," I'll tell you soon." I gave her a slight shrug and then we moved towards the food counter.   


On the food counter, there was delicious food. There was meat, hamburgers, avocado and corn soup. There was grape wine as booze and a combination of blackberry and strawberry pie as a dessert.


I liked the food but not ate till my stomach would burst out. I said my good-byes to all my friends. Millicent was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she was with her other classmates or maybe she had already left. So I didn't ponder much about it.


Suddenly, my cousin brother Arthur came with a frustrated look and his hands on his belly. I knew that he ate so much that he was not able to stand or walk. It was his habit that can't be changed. He was cute and we both had a better sibling--bonding than Millicent and Arthur. They would always fight with each other-----like the felons who always had disputes.


Arthur had worn a Harley-Davidson t-shirt on which he had pulled over a denim jacket and black jeans which really looked a good combination.  


Arthur had golden brown hair which was set perfectly with gel and his amber eyes perfectly graced his hair.


 He asked me,' Hey, Iris would you help me to go home?"


 I replied with a grin," Of course I would." So I helped him by walking him home.


We gossiped a little while reaching home. Arthur was a really good company to keep since he had a good sense of humor with innocence. When we reached outside his house, Arthur said, "Thank you Iris. I would have been fortunate if you would have been my sister rather than Millicent. You know how cruel and emotionless she is! She left me alone when I asked her to help to walk me home. She refused to help me. Oh! God can I change my sister?" with a sad face.


Millicent overheard our conversation and here begins the fight of cat and mouse. She pulled his ear and interrogated him," Really, Arthur! What were you saying about me to Iris? Can you just repeat?"


He replied with pain clearly in his voice," I told her nothing my dear sister. Now please leave my ear."


I laughed a lot catching my belly. Hearing my belly laugh Millicent suspected Arthur and asked me "What was he speaking about me? Tell me Iris?"


By seeing Arthur's innocent cute little face, I told Millicent, "He told nothing about you dear."


"I know you are lying but I'm not going to make an issue about this petty little thing." she retorted.


Saying this Millicent left off his ears. As soon as Millicent let go her hold from his ear, he went running upstairs directly to his rooms as the lights of his room were switched on.


I told Millicent by keeping my hand on her shoulder," Bye. Sweet Dreams. Take Care. And please don't go rough on him."


She retorted," You don't know how irritating he can be at sometimes! And same to you dear." followed by a slight smile.


Saying this she went inside the house and Arthur from his window threw a paper. It fell on the ground. I picked it up and saw that paper--------------it was a thank you letter by him to me. He could have just messaged me instead of writing a letter. Boys are really dumb! Or rather Arthur is too dumb to think of messaging instead of writing me letter.


He wrote to me in his messy and bad handwriting... 


"Dear Sister Iris,

                   Today you saved me From Millicent. She was really cheeky today. You know better that how much she hates back-bitching. She would have beaten me badly if you wouldn't have covered up our little talk. She's far worse than the felons when it comes to me. She would never leave an opportunity of beating me. So Thanks a lot.  :) :D

                                                By Your Cute Brother, 



I read the letter and started laughing madly. My stomach started to pain due to the hearty laugh.


I went home. Mom and dad were already fast asleep. So, I didn't ring the door bell. I opened the door with the extra set of keys of home I had with myself. After opening the door, I slowly closed it behind me and hanged the keys on the wooden key holder beside the door. I loved the key holder since I had crafted it in my Work Experience class in Std. Eighth. It was a pine tree that I had crafted.


After having a glass of water from kitchen I climbed the stairs towards my bedroom. I quickly changed into my nightdress and tied my hair in a messy bun and lied down in my bed without any more talks as I was too tired.


I quickly pulled my sky blue colored quilt on my body. But while sleeping the thoughts about the celebration and about Arthur's atrocities were going in my mind and I was laughing so loudly that my mom came in my room and asked, "What happened dear? Why were you laughing so loudly?"


I replied," Nothing mom just some funny memories. Good Night, Mom".


 She came near me and kissed my forehead and said in low and gentle voice," Good Night dear." I looked at her with a smile on my face. She really knew how to make my day better. All my stress had vanished by her soft musical voice.


"Now what are you staring at me? Do I need to sing you a lullaby?" She said and I snapped out of my thoughts. She really had a good sense of humor.


I gave light chuckle and groaned," Mom......"


"Good Night honey." she said and moved out of my room closing the door of my room behind her.


My mother had a peace loving nature. She didn't like loud noise. She had a fair complexion bluish-green eyes and blond hair. She was beautiful than me. Sometimes she would look of my age. I know I am exaggerating but I just loved my family and especially my mother------A lot. Her name was as beautiful as herself-----Celestine Robins.


My father was handsome but his thoughts were totally different from Mom. He was Sheriff cum Deputy Mayor of Austral territory. He thought that whoever breaks the

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