» Fiction » Nightfall, Pranay Javeri [diy ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Nightfall, Pranay Javeri [diy ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Pranay Javeri

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told me, "Okay. So I will go home and help my mother. Till that time you be ready. Arthur is to getting ready. That lazy ass is same like you."

 I replied, "Millicent, are so.... rude. I won't forgive you."

Millicent rolled her eyes and went back to her house giggling and I without wasting time went to take a bath. I took a hot shower and cleaned each and every corner of my body. After taking a bath, I dressed up perfectly wearing a black colour off-the-shoulder t-shirt and a grunge jeans cum leggings. My mother was ready with the breakfast. She had worn a brown sequined lace collar top and a white skirt with brown ribbon on it which had an attached beautiful white flower.

While munching breakfast my mother told me, "Please go safely and carefully and don't you, Millicent and Arthur waste time. Also keep a check on atrocities of Arthur. Do you understand?"

 I replied in a calm voice, "Okay Mom. Don't worry.  I would come as fast as I can. I know how much you love me." She rolled her eyes and I gave a humorless chuckle.

After finishing my breakfast, I asked my mother, "Mom do you know where dad is?"

"Dad went to his office in the morning."

I was amazed and I was going to inquire more about that but at that moment Millicent called me," Are you ready Iris?"

"Yes I am ready. Wait a minute."

 "Why were you so late?" she asked annoyingly.

I replied in a low voice, "I am sorry, Millicent."

She mocked looking at me," Okay. Don't repeat it again."

I replied," I will never repeat it again Your Highness." with a chuckle. Arthur standing beside also accompanied me.

Arthur had worn a t-shirt with a 'Hey Arnold' print and a navy blue jeans. His hair as usual set in spikes by gel and sneakers in the foot.

After the conversation, we started the journey towards River Torrens. Millicent was driving the car. She had a Holden VH car which was gifted to her on her last birthday by Uncle Willmur-----------Millicent's Father. As we drove to river, Millicent and I was talking about the war. Arthur was listening to us with great curiosity. His face expressions were so funny. I saw that in the mirror.

Millicent asked, "Has Uncle Steve told you about the death of people during the war?"

I, in amazement replied, "What? He didn't tell me a word about it."

 I insisted her to tell me the news completely and was supported by Arthur. She told both of us, "Two or three people were killed by vampires. Their mutilated bodies were found in the corn farm near the borders of our territory." I was stunned hearing the news. So, this was the reason that Dad looked so tense and frustrated last night.

I immediately asked her," Which territory they belonged to?"

 "They belonged to the Arctic Territory."

"Who were they? Did you know them?"

 "Yes, one of them was my friend's cousin."

While talking about the dead people of Arctic Territory, we arrived near river. Millicent told me," Iris I am going to set up all the food and other belongings nearby the river." So she went on other side of the river. The river was filled with swans which were as white as milk.

I sat nearby the River just staring at river. The water of river was as clear as a mirror and as cold as ice. It was a sunny day. The light blue sky was clear with some white clouds floating here and there. The river water was reflecting the blue color of sky. It seemed a little blue but eventually it seemed a lot transparent. I could make out the fishes swimming in it. I didn't intend on frightening them so I didn't disturbed the equilibrium that was maintained.

Arthur had gone to take some of his belongings from the car. So, I was all alone there staring at the river. Suddenly I felt my throat getting dry and I was out of water at the moment. So, I started filling the water from the river in my bottle as the fishes scattered here and there in panic. The water was so fresh that I took a sip of the water. By taking the sip of the water I was refreshed as the water tasted sweet and pleasant. It began to send electric flux in the pit of my stomach.

While filling the water I was staring at the swans. At a glance, I saw a person standing back of the Maple tree nearby the river. This Maple tree was a connection between River Torrens and Adelaide Hills. It was exactly opposite to where I was sitting.

The person standing behind was not near to me but I saw his eyes dark blue in colour shining in the bright sky and skin was milky white and looked a little frozen. As if he had just come out of a refrigerator. I know that the thought is hilarious but I was astonished by seeing him. Many questions arose in my mind. I started asking questions to myself-------------'Who was he? Was he a human?'

 I stood up from the place and went near him but till I would reach near him. He ran from that place. He was too fast or else I was too slow to catch him. I followed him but he was too fast to catch. Then too I continued to follow him but he was nowhere to be seen. By the time, I was following him-----------it was dark not because the sun had set but because I was standing in the woods all surrounded by thick branches of trees. I could clearly hear the sound of magpies and jays.

At that moment, Millicent shouted aloud," Iris, where are you? Are you fine?"

Millicent's voice was followed by Arthur's voice, "Iris, Where are you? Are you safe? Answer me."

Hearing to their voice it was definite that they were angry as hell.

I shouted back," I am in the forest and I am safe Millicent. Don't worry."

She asked," Where are you in the forest?" I replied," I am at the archway of Faynights woods." 'Faynights Woods' was a name given to the forest at the foot of Adelaide Hills by the civilians living near the hills. It wasn't official name although.

She replied, "Wait there. We both are coming."

 I waited there and they both appeared in few minutes. Her face was red as a tomato due to anger. Arthur standing behind Millicent signaled me with a 'today- you- will- be- murdered- by- Millicent' look. Seeing her face I was totally aghast and was standing frozen at that place.

Millicent came near me and screamed at me with pointed look," Why did you come here? Don't you know that the bloodsuckers often come here?" Her voice was a blend of tension and anger.

I was going to tell her about the person behind the Maple tree. But seeing her tense face I was not able to tell her about the incident. But then I made up my mind and I called her," Wait Millicent I want to tell you that why I went in the forest."

She groaned," Now, What?"

"Fill me in, Iris" said Arthur with a goofy smile and excitement on his face.

 I asked by keeping my hand in front of Millicent and Arthur with a 'need- assurance' look," You both promise me that you wouldn't tell this to anyone."

Now they both were excited to hear what I wanted to tell them. But Millicent tried to hide her excitement and made expressions that she was not so interested to hear it. But Arthur couldn't and gave me 'I-am-excited' look. I think that is enough of looks for one day.

Living her facial expressions aside, I told Millicent and Arthur," Millicent when I was filling the water in my bottle, I saw a person behind the Maple Tree which connected the Faynights Woods and River Torrens. He had shiny blue eyes and a little frozen white skin."

Hearing my words Millicent was totally astonished. She didn't speak a word for few minutes but then broke the silence. She held my arms tightly and she came near me and asked me," All that you just told me was real or you are just playing a prank with me?"

I replied with astonishment clearly in my voice," No, I am telling the truth."

After hearing my reply Millicent told me," You were really fortunate today. But who told you to follow the person?"

 I asked her," What happened? Why are you angry on me?" She told me nothing and walked forward.

Now we were out of forest and I asked her but she didn't speak a word as if she had taken morn. She walked towards the picnic spot, picked up the lunch basket and turned towards us and said, "Picnic's over guys. We should leave now." I and Arthur were shocked by hearing her comment and ran behind her.

Now we were walking with the same speed and there was no chance for Millicent to run away. Here 'we' means 'I and Millicent' as Arthur had gone to take some of his belongings which he had forgotten back near the river. Millicent was three years elder than me and she knew about everything so in that case she also knew about the person behind Maple tree. I was eighteen years old and she was twenty-one years old.

I insisted her or rather forced her," Who was that person? Tell me Millicent."

She was not ready to tell me but at last she surrendered and said," He was a blood sucker-----------a VAMPIRE whom you had seen behind the Maple tree and followed him in the woods."

After hearing her reply I was totally shocked. But I was a little bit happy too because I was fortunate. I told her," Don't tell this to my parents or anyone else. When the time comes I will tell them about the person to my parents."

Millicent interrupted," He is a vampire-----------not a person---------------a demon."

 I didn't trust Millicent about the person or vampire. But then I thought she promised me she would not break the promise. Till now we had reached near the car and were talking standing beside the car.

To avoid the danger of Millicent spilling the beans and also since Arthur was coming towards us, I changed the topic somehow.

 I suddenly asked her," Are you going to plant any exotic plant in your garden."

She gave me a confused look so I signaled her that Arthur was coming and she replied, "No, Not now. What about you?"

 I immediately replied in an enthusiastic way," I am going to plant a new tiger lily plant in my backyard."

Then she questioned," Oh, when are you going to plant the tiger lily?"

"I am going to plant it after few months."

"Why so late?"

I said" Because it is the time of Arctic winds flowing towards the south." She sighed. While we were talking, Arthur had reached near us. So, we made a move towards the car.

 The journey towards home was without any talks. It was just me and Arthur singing songs that were playing on the music player. Hearing our voice, Millicent was terrified and frustrated. Seeing her irritated face, I and Arthur were laughing a little between the songs.

While singing we reached to the town and we met our friends--------- Claire Barling and Ian Abel.

Ian was a brilliant but also an absent-minded personality whereas Claire was good-looking but a Couch-potato too. She had worn a Red printed crepe dress with a blue scarf while Ian had worn a shirt and black leather jacket on it.

 Ian was fair in complexion but his hairs were black in colour, he had black eyes & sharp nose. He was good looking but I treated him always like my friend or rather an irksome friend. He was tall enough-----------maybe 5'9".

Claire was not too fair but she had a golden brown complexion and long black curly hairs. Her eyes were brown which suited her with a good figure. She was a little shorter than me.

We went near them. They

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