» Fiction » Nightfall, Pranay Javeri [diy ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Nightfall, Pranay Javeri [diy ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Pranay Javeri

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law should get punishment according to his crime. He was as brave as Lion and always told me, "Never to be afraid of problems in our life. You should always try to give a tough fight to the problems."


He was good looking guy. He had brown eyes and black hair. I got my brown eyes from my father and blond hair from my mother. He also had a fair complexion but little less fair than my mom. He was six feet tall-----huge personality whereas my mom was 5'6" and I was 5'7''.


Whenever the cops would catch a criminal, the criminal would become unconscious by his one sight. His name was Steve which means "Crown" and it exactly suited his personality.


He had two sides like a coin, one side-----punisher for lawbreakers and another side-----delightful man for his colleagues and family.


After that a thought struck in my mind that I really needed a beauty sleep so that I could compete with my mother in beauty. I know I'm a little childish but everyone bears me. And if they don't then I will surely force them too. When I saw the clock then I was shocked as it was showing the time half past one. I quickly switched of the lights of my room and without wasting another second and stopping all my thoughts at once, I quickly slept.

2. First Sight.

2. First Sight.



I was awake by loud noise outside. I took steps forward to undo the curtains and look for the source of that noise. When I undid the curtains--------I saw that all people are running here and there in panic.

From all people who were running I saw Millicent too. I ran towards the door of my house. As I opened the door, Millicent was standing on the threshold panting and sucking as much as air possible. I summoned her to come inside and sit on the sofa. We both sat and I asked her," Millicent, what happened? Why are all running in panic?"

By taking a deep breath she replied," The army has given an immediate warning that the war of the felons is going to commence. So, all were running towards Gawler Mountain Ranges. You too come, fast."

 I replied in a hurry," Wait. I will call my parents then we will go."

 Millicent replied," Uncle Steve and Aunt have already gone with my parents. You have to come with me fast. Pack your bags. "

Hearing her reply I was just terrified. Many questions occurred in my mind. I asked Millicent in anguish," Why did they leave me alone? Answer my question, Millicent." I was angry and I wanted an explanation, for them leaving me in such perilous time.

Millicent replied with a sigh," They told me that they were going with all the supplies and requested me to bring you in Gawler Mountain Ranges."

I wasn't satisfied by her answer at all. I wanted a proper reason. But I knew that now wasn't the perfect time to argue and ponder on my parents leaving me alone in such treacherous time. I would demand for an answer but later. That wasn't my priority at the moment. So, I told her to wait for me and went towards my closet to take some of my clothes and other accessories. I packed my clothes without wasting a moment. I didn't keep my clothes in a proper manner. I just threw them in my suitcase. The suitcase wasn't heavy instead it was lighter and easy to carry. Having done that, Millicent drove me to Gawler Mountain Ranges in her Holden.

While going towards Gawler Mountains, many thoughts were racing through my mind. I was thinking that we were totally unknown about these creatures--------not having any knowledge that how the vampires and shape-shifters looked like?

We had never seen them so we were not capable of recognizing them. If anyone would see them he would never return. So we were not having an exact knowledge about them.

When I saw around myself, people were running in panic for a safe place. The Alert Military was giving signals to the people to run towards the Gawler Mountains.

I reached to the entrance of cave of the mountains--------my family and other people ran to conceal themselves. I went inside and saw my mother crying and my father feeling insecure about me. But when she saw me her tears stopped and a big smile came on my mother's as well as father's face. All my doubts and rage had vanished. I didn't need any answers from them anymore because their condition gave all the answers to my questions.

She came towards me and hugged me and said," Iris. Are you safe?"

I replied," Yes. I am."

My father took step forward towards Millicent and said to her, "Millicent because of you my daughter is safe. You risked your life and saved our daughter."

My mother agreed," Millicent you are really brave."

Millicent replied, "No Uncle, Iris is my best friend and sister too------so how can I live her alone in the danger."

Hearing Millicent's reply I was pleased and I hugged her. She said, "It is Okay Iris you to have saved me sometimes from danger. Don't be so emotional that you would cry out and make me cry too."

After her reply, I released her and went to meet my other friends with her. The cave was divided into small rooms for each family.

The six rooms at the entrance were given to the Alertness Army. After the curve in the cave the next rooms were our i.e. of sheriff and his colleagues and relatives too.

The rest of the rooms were given to the other people of the territory. Gawler mountain ranges were the longest ranges than any other ranges of our territory. Millicent's room was opposite to my room.

I went further alone to explore the caves in the mountains. Some of the caves were not occupied. They were in the periphery of the settlements in the mountains.

The dark and chilling cave were lit by small candles. Suddenly there passed a gush of cold air leaving the cave in utter darkness and me shivering. Without lights to enter a cave means to engulf in chilling blackness. The absence of light meant the absence of its warming touch. In the cave the only sound that met my straining ears was my own echoing footsteps. The rugged and weary walls stood surrounding me. They seemed so strong yet so beaten from the elements. Cold air filled every corner and warmth seemed to of have never tried to crawl its way in here. There was damp and musky air circling the cave. Darkness swallowed everything and seemed to make worries come into my mind of something unseen. I turned around only to stumble on the jagged rocks beneath me. As I hit the ground, I felt the moist dirt hit my face and sharp rocks pierce my skin. In the darkness ahead, my hands felt moisture seeping through what seemed to be rocks to my side. I turn around because I believed I heard something behind me. A candle was floating in the air and suddenly it lifted up to show a face in the dark....  I asked, hint of horror clearly in my voice," Who are you?" There was utter silence which was later broken by Millicent's voice. As soon as Millicent's voice echoed in the cave, the person with the candle disappeared in fraction of seconds in front of me. I wasn't able to trace its movement--------the person had just vanished in thin air.

Millicent came after few seconds with a candle in her hand. She helped me to get up. I took her support to get outside of the cave.

She asked me with a weird expression on her face," What were you doing here?"

I replied as normally as I could," I was just exploring the deeper parts of the ranges. She gave me a weird look and looked at me as if I was a retard standing in front of her speaking shit. 

She took me to the central passage where we all friends would gather to have fun. There was a big waterfall in the interior of the mountains. It was the only waterfall in the vicinity of our caves.

We all had fun there. We played day and night. At night in the central passage all people would gather to play games, dance, play musical instruments and sing. Millicent had a nice voice so she would sing and I would dance on the song with my all friends. I was not much interested in dancing but Millicent's voice was so melodious that whoever ears it would dance gracefully.

We didn't know how time passed but we were staying in the caves for approximately four to five months. The time passed but there was no message from the Alertness Military.

At last! The message came from the Alertness Military. The war ended. We all were taking a deep breath of relaxation.

All were packing up their supplies and going to their homes. We too went to our home. My father was so restless that as he came home. He didn't take rest for a minute and went to his office which was in the axial territory with his colleagues to discuss about the loss caused during the battle.

 I went towards my mother she was adjusting the calendar. After her adjustment of calendar, I saw that it was 16th January 1994. I asked my mother in a surprised manner, "Mom, year 1994. I think you're mistaken."

My mother replied," No my child it's January 1994 by the time we were in the caves."

Dad came home at night and he was very tired and worried. I was going to ask him about his tension but my mother ordered me to go in my bed as it was late for me to sleep. I obeyed my mother's order and went upstairs to my bedroom and slept.

I was awake by sharp seven o' clock in the morning. The day was bright and hot. As it was month of January and year was 1994 which was announced as the hottest year of the decade. Our Schools were closed due to Summer Vacation. School was going to reopen on 27th January 1994. As the hot winds would flow from North to south in the mid January and it was 17th of January and there was sometimes the danger of cyclonic storms.

Our Austral territory had a beautiful river called River Torrens. It was at the foot of Adelaide Hills in the south near the coast. It was filled with ducks and swans. We would also call it as Swan or Cob River.

Today we were going to go to River Torrens just me, Millicent and Arthur for picnic sharing each other's feelings and also a little gossiping. No other people to interfere between us.

At that moment Millicent called me from out of my house. Millicent had worn a purple shaded lace net vest on blue inner top with strips and white leggings and blue short fishnet gloves that matched her dress perfectly.

She asked me, "Iris, are you going to come to the River Torrens?"

 I replied, "Wait for some time. First I would have my breakfast and then we will go to River Torrens. Wait, Where's Arthur, isn't he coming?"


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