» Fiction » Nightfall, Pranay Javeri [diy ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Nightfall, Pranay Javeri [diy ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Pranay Javeri

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were also talking about the killings of the Arctic territory.

Claire enquired," Hey! Iris and Millicent what are you doing here? Is Arthur there sitting in the car?"

I replied," We just came from the River Torrens."

She asked," What were you three doing there?"

 I replied," Nothing we just went there to have a little picnic of ours."

In between our conversation, Ian jumped and asked me in an enthusiastic manner which made me jump as well," Do you know about the killings of Arctic Territory?"

I was little surprised by his behavior.  I answered slowly in a low voice," Yes, I know about it too. Millicent told me."

Hearing my answer, Ian immediately asked Millicent," Do you know about the killings? Please tell me."

Millicent replied, "Wait a minute------- Don't hyper. I don't know much about them. I only know that they were from Arctic territory and one of them was my friend's cousin."

Hearing Millicent's reply he got disappointed and his face wilted like a rose who didn't get water for a week or two in summer. I am so obsessed with flowers.

Then I promised him," I will ask my father about the killings and tell you all about it."

Hearing this he caught my both hands and said," Thank-you so much Iris. I don't know how to thank you."

 Claire mocked him," You would be quiet will be the best way to thank her."

Hearing Claire's sarcasm we all started laughing except Ian who was angry on Claire and gave her a furious look.

So, I told him in a calm voice," Cool down, Ian. This all things happen only between friends. Everything is fair in friendship. "

Making fun of each other is part of friendship." agreed Millicent. So Ian calmed down a little but there was still a frustrated look pasted on his face.

All of a sudden, another school friend of our--------Jake Irons appeared. Jake had a fair complexion and he had bluish green eyes. He was not so brilliant but he was a nice athlete and he was a richer than all of us. But he never hovered about his richness but on a contradictory he was a kind-hearted personality. His father was a capitalist. He had worn a white tee and black jeans just like George Michael.

He greeted all of us," Hey! Guys what're you doing here?"

 I replied," We were just talking about the killings of Arctic territory."

He immediately replied," Oh! Yes I know my father was too talking about it to my mother this morning."

Than Ian asked him," Do you know something about them?"

Jake replied," No I don't."

Than Claire said to Ian," Iris is going to tell us about it tomorrow. Can't you keep some patience, stupid?" Ian was hot tempered. He shouted on Claire," You are stupid and idiot too. You bitch, just don't interfere in my work." They started to fight like dogs and cats.

Jake said in a teasing tone," Ian boys don't fight with girls because they're so weak."

 On his comment, Claire retorted," Because girls are smarter than boys and you both are afraid of girls so you both are not ready to fight against me."

So Jake replied," Wait I will show you how much boys stronger are!" He caught Claire's hands and twisted them. She screamed loudly in pain and agony.

Then it was my cue. So, I came in middle and stopped them and ordered both of them," Don't fight like the felons."

Then Ian said sarcastically," No Iris don't stop them. You only told that everything is fair in friendship."

Hearing to Ian's comment, Jake suddenly stopped and said to all of us," Do you know that the fair is soon going to be setup?"

 Hearing to Jake all of us except Jake exclaimed together in one voice," Oh! We totally forgot about that."

 I immediately asked to Jake before Ian would start his interrogation," Where it will be setup this time? I still remember it was set in Austral territory last year and how much fun we had last time."

All agreed in one voice to my statement," Yes, you are right Iris."

Then Jake replied," This year the fair will be set in the axial territory."

After that Claire asked him," How do you know this much about the Fair?"

Jake replied," This time my father is one of the sponsors of the Fair. So I know all about the fair. But I will not tell everything or else there would be no surprise left. But it was a smart question Claire."

Hearing his reply we all were shocked and surprised because to sponsor a Fair---------person needs a huge amount of money in his pocket. But we understand that as Jake is rich, he and his family can afford that much of amount.

After that Millicent said," Iris we should leave now as it is half past nine."

Hearing that I remembered my mother told me to come early and also not to waste time with friends. So I too hurried.

I said to all of them except Millicent," Bye, all of you." in a hurry.

Ian called me," Iris, don't forget to ask your father about the killings." I nodded my head to say 'Yes' and ran towards the car. Arthur was waiting in the car for us-------------mesmerized by his cell. He didn't even bother to look at us when we came in a hurry towards the car.

My mother was waiting outside the house. She was looking a little bit tense and angry.

Millicent said in a low voice," Iris, Aunt Celestine is angry today. Beware and all the best." I thanked her.

 She immediately drove her into block beside our house. My house was in Block No. 3 and Millicent's house was in Block No. 4. Each Block consisted of seven to eight houses. There were total 27 blocks in our town and a separate commercial area.

I went near my mom who was standing at the threshold of door tapping her right foot on the ground and her hands folded along her chest. She gave me a furious glare. She was not ready to talk to me. She went inside the house without saying a word and I followed her. As we entered from the door there is our drawing room or living room and the kitchen is to the left of the drawing room. On the second floor, there is bedroom of mine and my parents. And on the third floor there is our guest room, study room or library and attic.

I went to library instead of going to my mother. Because she was in a bad mood and if I would go to her to say the reason and a sorry then I might be kicked out of the house by her. My mother didn't like indiscipline. She always hated if anyone breaks the rule----------much like the sheriff of our house.

The library was big and it had five long shelves. It had big table made of Maple wood in the middle and six chairs beside it. My friends and I would hold a group study here sometimes and we would sometimes go to the Alice Spring Public Library which was in the extreme Northern part of Austral Territory------------almost in the axial territory.

There were five sections. As we enter from the door. From Left to Right------------the First sections was of Philosophy and Social Studies, Second of Romance, Third of Drama and Comedy, Fourth was of Science and the last section consisted of the Encyclopedia and General Knowledge. The Encyclopedia was the most boring section which I would rarely read or even visit.

I liked Drama and Comedy and Science Sections. So I decided to read the books of Shakespeare. There were many books and plays of Shakespeare like Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, The Merchant of Venice. He was one of my favourite writers. I took the book 'The Winter Tale' to read as I was reading that book for the first time. It was a fusion of tragedy and comedy as I completed reading its summary and preface. Now, I went towards the Act 1 Scene 1.

It started to read,"Act1 Scene1: Antechamber in LEONTES' Palace.

Enter Camillo and Archimadus

If you shall chance, Camillo ..." And I started reading Scene 1. I completed Act 1 Scene 1 and continued Scene 2: A room of state in the same too. After that I completed the whole Act 1. And I started Act 2 Scene 1: A room in Leontes' Palace.

As I started, immediately Millicent came in. She called me but I was so mesmerized by the book that I didn't respond to her at all. So she came towards me slowly and kept her hand on my shoulder. Due to which I was so terrified that I screamed and created a hullaballoo in the whole house.

My mother who was asleep in her room hurried towards the library.

She asked terrified," What happened?"

I replied to her sheepishly," Nothing."

Then she asked in a less terrified voice," Why did you shout so loudly and panicked all of us?"

Then I told mom all the story and we all laughed loudly. I took the advantage of the situation and said sorry to my mother and she forgave me without asking the reason. I took the advantage and ignored it.

My mother went downstairs. I asked Millicent," What happened? Why were you in a hurry? Is there any special news?"

Millicent full of excitement said," The Fair it is going to be held from 20th January to 2nd February in the Axial Territory."

Hearing that news I was totally surprised and happy too. I asked her," Are you telling the truth or it is just a bull and cock's story."

 For my satisfaction, Millicent showed me a pamphlet of Fair. It was written that---------the FAIR was going to commence on 20th of January and end on 2nd of February. I said," Oh, so Jake was saying the truth. So when should we meet and plan about the fair?"

She replied," We should meet in the Square Park tomorrow at 10:00 am. Please be on time you lazy ass."

I slapped on her shoulder and assured her," Okay. I will call all our friends and also come on time." She interrupted rubbing her shoulder," I have already informed everybody about it before coming to you."

 I asked her with a smirk and my eyebrow rose," From when did you become a smart ass?"

She retorted in smart way," I am serious only at important things." I stared at her with a smirk on my face.

At that instance, my mother came in and said," Dinner is ready" and also asked Millicent," Will you join us for dinner?"

She replied, "No Aunt, mother must be waiting for me."

My mother went out of library & I told Millicent, "We will meet tomorrow at 9:30am at my house. Bye."

She nodded her head as if to say 'Yes'. I kept the book that was in my hand in its respective place.

Then I went down for dinner at the dining table. My parents had already begun to eat their meal. There were many delicious dishes like Mushroom soup, Ginger bread, Cheese sandwiches and Apricot Juice.

My mother really made delicious food. It didn't take much time for me to finish up all the food. We finished our dinner and I helped my mother to clean the dining table and also helped her with the dishes. It was10:30 pm by the time we finished all our work.

 Before going to bed I wore my night dress and combed my hair neatly and then tied it in a messy bun. I glided in my bed and took my sky blue quilt on my whole body and rolled into a ball. While sleeping, I started thinking about the FAIR and the fun we would have there but I don't know when I felt asleep.

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