» Fiction » Hidden Secrets, L.K Du Plessis [my reading book txt] 📗

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but no way was I going to say it. The last thing my father said before he and my mother went to bed was “Anthony will you get started on that reinforcement” I wonder what that mend. I considered asking Anthony what reinforcements but didn’t think it was a good time. So instead I sneaked away before anyone can confront me on the matter of helping and risking a lot to do so. Anthony got up pulled out his phone and left the room without a word to anyone  chapter 3

I woke up Saturday morning after eight which was odd since Megan and Amanda usually wake me up before seven on a Saturday to make them breakfast. I decided to take a quick shower and then to go and investigate where the kids and everyone ells where.  I found the kids in the kitchen with Vincent, James and father. “Good morning, where is everyone ells?”  “Morning sweetheart, your mother and the girls went to town they didn’t want to wake you, Anthony is on the phone in the library and we are all here making pancakes” “Morning mommy, uncle James is baking pancakes” “Morning Lexi” I shake my head at my father to state I understood gave my little angel a big hug and a kiss said morning to everyone ells and headed to the stove to give James a hand with the pancakes

“Need a hand with that?” “Please it would seem like cooking isn’t my strong point” There is a lot of things that’s not your strong point I thought but kept it to myself. “I see that, why don’t you sit and I’ll finish these” Anthony joined us half way through breakfast assuring my father that the reinforcement was taken care off. I still didn’t know what that mend and I got an uneasy feeling like I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. After breakfast I send the kids up to go brush their teeth and then go play outside. Father and the guys got started with the plan of the operation while I tidied the kitchen.

The morning passed by slow. The guys worked out the plan telling me every now and then where I came in and what my part will be. Anthony protesting it the whole time, me checking on the kids often making sure they are safe and all right playing in the back yard. It was just before lunch time when I heard Vincent’s SUV pulling into the driveway. “Sounds like mom and them are back” I said. Emily was first through the door grabbing my arm and hauling me to the kitchen “Dam Em what up with you, you nearly pulled my arm out of the socket” “Would you just get in here I have to tell you something” “Tell me what?”  But before she could say anything I heard the voice behind me and it was as if someone threw ice cold water over me.

 “Hello honey” I spun around and sure as water is wet there he stood Jonathan Pirelli. Dam it! What was he doing here, I turned to Emily who just gave me an apologetic smile and then the rest of the family followed into the kitchen. “Lexi you remember Jonny, we just picked him up from the airport” “I don’t think she does, or she is just shocked to see me” He said with a smile, the jerk. “Of cause I remember you!” My voice was ice and the look I gave him said I wished he’d drop dead. I held on to the counter to steady myself or to prevent myself from walking over to him and slapping that smug of his pretty face.

Now I might seem harsh to this very attractive, very sexy build like one of those underwear models, man but I have good reason to be. See Jonathan was always more than just sexy he is drop dead gorges. With pitch black hair and piercing blue eyes he was every girls dream guy back before he left and he knew it. With a reputation that he was with every girl in our neighbourhood that was his age, older or just a year younger girls knew to stay clear of him. I knew to stay clear of him but I didn’t. And like all the other girls I paid the price except in my case he didn’t dump me he just left. No good bye no nothing he just left and now ten years later he is back standing in front of me like nothing ever happened. Dam him.

 I gave myself a mental shake reclaim my good nature and turned to everyone ells. “I was just about to start lunch Em will you help, I was gone make sandwiches” “Sure I will let me just say hi to the boys quick” We made lunch and while everyone ells was gathered in the kitchen enjoying the sandwiches I was outside with the children enjoying our sandwiches, where I set up a picnic blanket under the tree. “Lexi, you’re not joining us?”  Trust Anthony to miss me “No I’m quite happy here with the kids” “Fair enough then I’ll join you guys out here seems much more fun” “Yeah” The kids was excited they love Uncle Anthony and in Amanda’s case her big brother who she doesn’t know. Can’t blame them I love Anthony he is a great guy but I have a feeling he is up to something. “May I join you?” “Yes” “Yes” The children all said together. “Lexi?” “Do as you please Anthony, the kids say yes so who am I to argue”

 “Anthony hey? Now I know you are mad at me you never call me Anthony unless you’re mad. So what’s up?” He thinks he is so smart, he can figure it out. “Nothing is up ok” Anthony gave me a wary look but I pointed to the children and he knew I wasn’t going to have this conversation in front of them so he let it go. It was a beautiful Saturday and after our little picnic Anthony started playing kick ball with the kids and was soon joined by my other brothers and Jonathan. My parents, Emily and Dina also came to sit outside. Me and Emily went inside to tidy up the kitchen. “I’m so sorry Lexi I tried to warn you but I couldn’t call and he was just too fast when we got here.” “It’s ok Em it’s not your fault plus it’s a long time ago. Just please don’t say anything, no one in my family know there was ever something between me and Jonathan and I would like to keep it that way” “You know I wouldn’t say anything. I’ve never even told Vincent, but I can’t lie to my husband if he asked me straight out.” “Let’s just hope with everything going on, Vince don’t notice nothing.” She shrugged her shoulders and we went outside to join everyone else.

  The rest of the Saturday was enjoyed in a family style fun day with kicking the ball teaming up girls against guys and everyone just relax all the drama forgotten for now. After our very exhausting day no one felt like making supper that evening so we just decided to order pizza. The kids hardly finished their pizza and before long they were all asleep. Unfortunately they all fell asleep downstairs so it mend they were going to have to be carried to bed, easy for Emily with her two boys she just get Vincent to do it. Stubborn me is a different story, Megan is my kid and I will carry her. “Em we need to go put the kids in bed you going to get Vince to carry the boys?” “Yes I will go tell him now. Who are you going to ask to carry the girls?” “No one there is nothing wrong with me, I’ve done it enough times.” “You know you going to start something now” “I have no idea what you mean” I gave a half a smirk smile, we both know she mend I’m going to upset Anthony by carrying the girls up the stairs.

 Anthony is still an old school gentleman and believes things like that a man should do. “Vinnie hun, would you please go put the boys to bed, Lexi will come fetch the girls now.” “Of course I will love and tell Lexi we are plenty of strong guys we will put the kids to bed quickly. James can carry Sammy, I’ll take Xander , Anthony can carry Amanda and...” “I will carry Megan” “Lexi don’t be silly, she is not as light as she use to be you going to fall carrying up the stairs.” “My daughter Vince I’ll carry her.” “Listen to your brother, I’ll help.” I ignored Jonathan and had Megan in my arms before he could reach for her to help carry her up the stairs. “Lexi” I gave Vincent a warning look and they all decided to back off. Anthony gave me a ‘this is not overlook’ and I knew I’d have to deal with him later, but for now I’ve won. I made my point of showing them I’m not helpless and I don’t need any ones help.

My, dealing with Anthony later, came sooner than what I expected. After I made sure all the kids was tucked in and turn the light out, reached the hallway and he was waiting for me. Leaning against the wall arms crossed across his chest I knew he was upset with me. “What’s your problem Alexis?”  “I don’t have a problem” “Don’t give me that crap, you have just short of hostile towards me, you point blank ignore Jonathan, and the look you gave Vince downstairs could raise the dead. So what the hell is wrong with you?” No way was he turning this all on me. “I don’t need anyone’s help with my kid, never had never will understood!” “We were just trying to help, no one said you needed it, it was offered but if it is such a big deal we wouldn’t do it again.” “Good then we understand each other. Now if you’ll excuse me.” “Oh no you don’t, you still haven’t told me what I did to upset you or why you are so out right rude to Jonathan” “I don’t have to explain myself” “Yes you do Alexis and I’m waiting.” There was no way around this Anthony wasn’t going to drop it until I told him what he wanted to know.

 “Fine you want to know, I’ll tell you. I’m sick off you treating me like a kid. I can’t help with this operation although you know without me you can’t pull this off and you could have told me Jonathan was coming. Sometimes you can be a real idiot Anthony.” He did seem to like my explanation. “I don’t think you should get involved in this job its dangerous and I have my reasons. As for not telling you Johnathan was coming I didn’t think it was a big deal unless something happen between you and Jonathan that I don’t know about?”  At that moment we both look up and Jonathan was standing at the

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