» Fiction » Hidden Secrets, L.K Du Plessis [my reading book txt] 📗

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immediately dialed Anthony. "Hi you have reach the mail box off Anthony Ross please leave a message and I'll get back to you" "Dam it Anthony, where are you? Phone me" I hanged up and phoned Jonathan but his phones just kept on ringing no answer either. Something was wrong and I had to get home fast.  I beeped Audrey “Yes Ms. Ross” “I will be out of the office for the rest of the day please takes all my massages.” “Very well Ms. Ross” I gathered all my stuff and just short of ran out the office.


Chapter 7

I drove like a maniac to get home, lucky for me there were no traffic officers to give me a ticket for the stop signs I skipped. All the way home I kept trying to get hold of Anthony or Jonathan but neither of them was answering their phones. Antony said everything went well so what was wrong now. Not bother to lock my car, I ran up the pathway to the porch, it was good to know I can still run in heels and not break my dam neck. Emily had the door open before I got to it. "Hi Em, where's mom? What happened?" "You better get in here" Closing the door behind me I turn to Emily "What the hell is going on? Mom sounded stress and very frantic" Emily looked like she had seen a ghost. “Did anyone get hurt?”  "No, no one got hurt, um something just happened and it’s not good “I was getting very frustrated. "Oh for crying out loud just tell me already "Emily looked like she didn’t know where to start so she just blurted out. "It turned out Anthony was an undercover cop and they arrested James" Oh crap this was it. "Where is Vince? “ She looked at me odd as if I didn’t hear her. "I'm not sure, he send me a message saying he is fine but I don't know where he is" "Ok as long as he is fine" She shook her head "Alexis didn't you hear me, Anthony is a cop. He arrested James, mom is freaking out"

 I took a deep breath squeezed her hand and assured her I heard her "I heard you Em, where is dad" She looked even more confused "Calming mom down, making calls to see if he can get James out." Shaking my head in agreement I asked another important to me question that she didn’t seem to find as important "Where are the kids" "They are visiting my mother.” Finally she snapped. ”Why aren't you freaked out about Anthony?" I understood her confusion but wasn’t sure what to tell her. "Why should I be?" I shrug my shoulders and at that moment "You knew!" We looked up at my mother as she all but yelled the words, her words was an accusation. I quickly asses that the situation was very tense and I didn’t want to worsen it so instead of agreeing I tried a different tactic

"Hi mom" "Do not hi me Alexis” She said each word slow and clear as she moved close towards me, and Emily retreating to a corner like a scared child. ”did you know your brother was a cop?" I could deny it, but lying to my mother was never on my list of strong point and I didn’t see any point in starting now “Is a cop mom" "Alexander get in here now" I knew she was mad when she used my father’s full name to call him. "What is it? I was on the phone with the lawyer" "She knew, my baby is in jail and she knew" My mother didn't look at me just gestured with her hands; my father looked from my mother to me. I tried to calm the situation. "Mom it’s going to be alright" She looked at me as if I was her worst enemy “How will this ever be alright, Anthony betrayed this family. His own flesh and blood and you knew. You" before she could finish the front door opened behind me.

 Looking at my mother’s face I didn't need to turn around and look to know it was Anthony. "You, where is my baby?" "Mom please calm down and let me explain" "Do not tell me to calm down, you arrested your brother your own flesh and blood how could you stoop so low" Vincent walked in behind Antony and put his arms around his wife who visible relaxed. My mother turned to Vincent “Did you know as well?” Anthony answered instead.  ”No he didn’t know mother” My mother looked from Antony to me and back to him with disgust "So only her” “Mom” Anthony started to say but she held up her hand. ”No get out; you are no child of mine" Finally my  father stepped in. "Lauren that's enough." My mother looked at my father with complete shock and so did the rest of us. "Give him a chance to explain" "Alexander, Don't you care about my baby, that poor girl in there" When my mother pointed to the living room I only realized I never even asked if Dina was ok. My father shook his head, “Screaming will not result this, we will give Anthony a change to explain and that is final” At my father looked and Anthony he was clearly as upset about this secret as my mother was but unlike mother my father always kept a level head in all situations. "Mother James is fine, he is in custody for his own protection" I had to hand it to Anthony he was much calmer than what I would have been in his situation, even in my own I want to scream right now. "Everything is going to be alright mom" Mother just stared at Anthony “You can’t be trusted” was all she said. Anthony gave up on mother and turned his attention to my father. “With James arrested Mcklousky wouldn’t think of him as the traitor and will leave him alone.”  My father seemed to agree with that, ‘Why didn’t you tell us?” He wanted to know as we all moved into the living room to sit down, I decided Ill rather stand close to the door it might be safer. Anthony continued as we entered the living room “We have been after Mcklousky for a while we know he does more than just insurance scams but he is very sneaky so we can’t get anything to stick. We knew if we can get him on insurance scam we can make the rest stick so when the job came up we assembled a team to go after it. Instead James went after it as well I tried to talk him out of it warning him how dangerous Mcklousky is but he wouldn’t listen. I couldn’t tell him we were after Mcklousky James would have blown the whistle and a lot of innocent people would have paid the price.” We all listened it all made sense to me and Vincent and Emili seem to agree but the rest was just getting madder the more he explained. The only other person talking was my father everyone else was dead quite. “So what happens to James now?” Anthony looked at my mother first carefully before he answered. “If he turns state witness and testify against Mcklousky he walks” “And if he doesn’t he goes down as coconspirator” my father finished for him. Anthony just shook his head. No one said anything while my father thought it over, finally he asked the obviouse question.”you told James” “Jonathan is currently exsplaining his options to him” My mother snorted “those aren’t options”.  Finally after Anthony finished my mother looked at me. "How long did you know?" I looked at Anthony and he winked at me so I answered. "That Anthony is a cop? Since John got here" I figured I might as well tell them, it is bound to come out sooner or later. "How did you know and no one ells?" "John told me" Anthony wanted to say something but she wouldn't allow him to talk. She was cold and cruel towards him in her tone of voice and not much friendlier with me.  As much as I love my mother she was going too far. She was over reacting and I was moments away from telling her. "I can't believe you would keep something like that a secret, have you no loyalty to your family?"At that Anthony just about lost it, we grew up with loyalty and he wasn’t going to let my mother question where my loyalty lied. "It’s my fault I told Lexi she can't tell anyone" My mother snapped at him. "I'm not talking to you"I couldn’t take any of this anymore. "Mother that's enough" I almost screamed the words at her. I know I was about to cross a line that I shouldn't but I didn't care my mother was wrong. "Anthony did what he did to protect this family, why are we getting your cold speech while James is the one who put this family in danger. All you care about is James, what about me that got threatened today by Mcklousky. I risk my dam job and life but all you care about is James. And he had a chance out of this. If I didn't know any better I would say he and Amanda are all you care about. Why is that mother don't tell me Sam was his father too" The words was out before I could stop them and I realized to late what I have said. My mother slapped me across my face, making my cheek sting. "I'm am your mother and you do not dare speak to me that way, get out of my house now" I didn’t hesitate for one second."Fine by me" I heard Emily gasp, Dina stopped sobbing and I felt rather than see Anthony stand behind me. I turned around grabbed my bag and head for the door. I heard my father call after me and my mother telling him to let me go. I didn’t care where I was going. Outside I head for my car I can't believe I just did that I just wanted to get out of there. "Lex wait" Anthony ran to catch up with me"What Anthony" I snapped I didn’t mean to but I was at breaking point and I had about as much as I could take. "Are you still wearing the wire?" My hand automatically reached for my chest. Oh no the wire. Anthony pulled me to the back of the house and into the shed where he removed the wire. "Are you ok" I nodded. I didn't want to speak all I could think about was what just happened, what I just said and it is all recorded on this dam wire. How could I have forgotten that I was wearing it. This means Jonathan hear what I said, did he know about his brother and my mother or that Amanda was his brother’s kid. Did anyone know? Anthony switched  the wire off then asked me. "Is it true what you said about Amanda?" Anthony's question

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