» Fiction » Hidden Secrets, L.K Du Plessis [my reading book txt] 📗

Book online «Hidden Secrets, L.K Du Plessis [my reading book txt] 📗». Author L.K Du Plessis

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Chapter 6

"Good morning sunshine" I opened my eyes slowly and saw Jonathan standing next to my bed "What do you want? What time is it?" "Its four  and I want you to wake up get dress so I can put this on before everyone ells wakes up we are supposed to leave at four thirty " He was holding the wire in his hand, of cause how could I forget I needed to be wired. I got up, he wired me and I got dressed “I'll see you down stairs, don't fiddle with that thing" "I would promise" I held my hands up as to make my words more trust worthy. He slipped out of my room and I quickly fixed my hair and makeup before heading down stairs for breakfast.  "Morning sleepy head glad you could join us" I didn’t feel like this morning. "Morning Ant" I gave my brother a hug and he gave me a reassuring smile. Father joined us and went through everything one last time.

"Ok Alexis you will go to work and carry on as normal. We will be ready to commandeer the vehicles at five am just before the neighborhood gets up and going, Jonny will be look out and distract any unnecessary visitors. Mike Mc will be notified as soon as the security makes the discovery, report the incident and file the claim shortly after. Alexis will handle the claim just like any other and approve it without any trouble. Any question?" We all just shook our heads. "Good let's get to work" They all left the kitchen, I had some time to spare since it’s a while before I had to leave so I took my coffee and went to sit on the porch. “Need some company?” I looked up and saw Emily standing in the door. “Sure it’s a while before I leave.” She came to sit next to me her whole demeanor was tense and stressed out; I couldn’t say I blamed her inside I was freaking out.

 “Tell me this is not gone be like last time” I looked at her, I couldn’t really say how it was gone be I knew there was gone be cops and I knew it wasn’t gone go down exactly as they planned it but I couldn’t tell her that. So I smiled “it’s gone be ok Em, everything will work out.” She looked at me “You scared I can tell” “I think we all are, considering the last time everything went to hell and I lost most of my family. I suppose I am scared in a way.” I squeezed her hand then went to say bye to the kids and  headed for the front door to leave for work. As I reach my car my phone peep signaling a message from Jonathan. "Hey relax, it will all be ok Lex, you can do this and we have surveillance teams all over. Don't worry we wouldn’t repeat history" I quickly replied "I'm not worried about me, I'm worried about you guys" "Don't worry about us we know what we are doing"

 For the first time since I agreed to be part of this I'm scared. I don't know if I'm scared for me, or scared that something might go wrong just like it did the last time they did this. Maybe I'm scared it all goes well and everyone know Jonathan and Anthony are cops, what then. I haven't even though about how my family would react to that. Will my parents be ok with it, and what if they have to arrest James? My mother will not be happy with that. How they were planning on taking down Mcklousky I didn’t know either but none of it could be good. Was keeping this to my self really the best idea, probably not but old habits die hard and keeping secrets has always seem like the one thing I do really well.

 I got to work fifteen minutes earlier than usual and decided to send Jonathan a message. "Hi let me know when all goes well so I don't worry please". I barely send the message when I got his reply message. "I will and don't worry it will be over before you know it." I really hope you right, I thought to myself. For a brief second I thought about what was going to happen when this was all over but I squished the thought just as quick as it came into my head. I didn’t want to think about that right now.  I kept myself busy all morning trying not to think about it. Just after lunch time my phone buzzed "Yes Audrey" "Ms. Ross there is a Mr Mcklousky here he would like to file a claim personally. I was told to send him to you, he is high priority." "That's fine Audrey you can send him in" I was surprise at how calm I sounded since I could hear my heart pounding. "You can do this" I told myself as I straightened myself to meet with my high profile client.

  "Mr Mcklousky, I'm Alexis Ross how can I be of assistance?"  "Ms. Ross, how lovely to meet you. I would like to put in a claim I have had some misfortune this morning" "I am so sorry to hear that, please come sit then I can assist you. Can I get you something to drink."  “No thanks I’m hopping this wouldn’t take too long” He said as He took his seat across from my desk. “That will be all thank you Audrey” I closed the door and composed myself the best I could. I acted every bit the professional insurance consultant that I was. "Your misfortune may I acquire as to what it was" "Let's cut the formalities Ms. Ross, I have other places to be, I'm here to be seen. Now you know I had your brother steal my vehicles and I'm sure you have my paperwork ready so just tell me where to sign" I handed him the paper work and he signed each of the documents. This guy gave me the creeps why would anyone do business with someone so vial. After he signed the last document he looked at me regarding me closely. “you know” he said "You are much prettier in person, you tell your brother to be sure he keeps up his end of our arrangement or else I will be forced to pay you another visit. Now we don't want anything to happen to this pretty face do we?" As he said it he stroke my cheek and I had to try very hard not to throw up. He got up walked to the door turned. “Till we meet again Ms. Ross" and left.

 I didn't reply I was frozen where I was sitting I couldn't move, couldn't think I wasn't even sure I could breath. This monster of a man just threatened me.  I heard my cell phone ring but it only registered in my mind after the third ring "Hello" My voice was horse and I was shaking. "Lexi are you ok?" "I'm fine Ant, I think" "Did Mcklousky leave?" "Yes he is gone" "Lexi you don't sound ok did that creep touch you or hurt you" "I'm ok Ant, did your guys get the conversation" "Yes they did, you did well princess. Do you want me to come fetch you?" I took a couple of breaths. "No, no it’s fine I'm ok really. How about you guys are everyone ok, Jonathan never let me know." He hesitated for a second "We are fine; Mcklousky didn't give us time to let you know sorry" "you don’t sound too sure Ant?” “Everyone is fine ok, and if you are sure you are ok I have to go.”” I’m sure” “I’ll see you tonight" then he hung up.  I decided to let the un easy feeling go after all he said everyone was ok so I went back to work and filling the claim as quick as I can.

 About two hours later my phone buzz again "Yes Audrey" "The boss would like to see you" "Which boss?" "The big boss Mr. Smith" "Oh dear, did he say why?" "No just said he want to see you immediately" "Ok I’m on my way" Great just what I need a meeting with the big boss, I wonder what it is about, and suddenly that sick feeling in my stomach was back. Moments later I was standing outside my boss’s office his pa said I can just go in, but I need a few seconds of deep breathing. I knocked once then entered, "Mr. Smith, you wanted to see me?" He looked up from some papers on his desk he was going over "Yes Ms. Ross please come in" He gestured for me to sit and I did nervously "You handled a claim this morning Mr. Mcklousky, you marked it as urgent. Why?" Oh crap, my heart started pounding and I could feel my blood run cold. I had to keep it together I couldn't blow this not now. “Ms Ross Im waiting” I snapped out of it “Sorry sir” he looked irritated “Why urgent Ms Ross?” “Oh because Mr. Mcklousky is one of our very important clients sir he insures a great deal with us, and when he took time this morning to come in personally I thought it be a nice gesture on our part to handle his claim as quickly as possible" He looked down at the paper work again "I see, well Ms. Ross that was very cleaver thinking. I’m sure you went over all of this and made sure it was all in order” he said as he pointed to the papers work he was holding. “Yes sir” I couldn’t believe how nervous I was and silently I said a prayer that it will all be ok. “Very well then, you can phone your client and tell him we will settle his claim today, his money should be available within an hour." What wow I couldn’t believe it. "I will do that, thank you sir" "Thank you Ms. Ross" I left his office and got back to mine as soon as I could.

 I sat down and realized I was shaking and I really wanted to throw up. I told Audrey to phone Mr Mcklousky I didn't have the stomach to talk to him again. After I regained my good senses I decided to send Anthony a message and let him know what my boss said, I wasn’t sure if they were still listening on the wire. It was almost three pm just over an hour to go before this day will be over. I was still busy typing the message when my cell phone rang. I frightened the day lights out of me and I dropped the phone, I answered   not bothering to check the caller I'd as I picked it up from my desk. "Hello" "Lexi where are you?" "Hi mom, I'm at the office now. Why, what's wrong?" "Just get home as soon as you can" "Mom what is it? Did something happen?" "Just hurry" She hanged up before I could say another word. For the third time today I felt my blood go ice cold and my heart rate racing. I automatically and

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