» Fiction » Hidden Secrets, L.K Du Plessis [my reading book txt] 📗

Book online «Hidden Secrets, L.K Du Plessis [my reading book txt] 📗». Author L.K Du Plessis

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It’s been ten years sins the last time anyone in my family has heard from my youngest brother James older than me by only a year but the youngest of my three brothers. James was always stubborn always wanted the easy way out of everything and he was the most disappointed when my father decided ten years ago to finally retire from his outlaw ways and his criminal life style. My name is Alexis Ross I'm 28 years old at 5 foot I'm average build with an average weight. My long dark hair and hazel eyes makes me an average Italian girl. Although I’m only half Italian on my father’s side, we not sure exactly what my mother’s side is but some where there is Italian as well.  I and two of my brothers have dark hair and brown eyes, while my youngest brother and sister have slightly lighter hair and blue eyes.

My father was a master criminal with insurance fraud i don’t know the details to his criminal career or how he did what he did. What I do know is it was ten years ago that my whole world turned in a blink of an eye and everything went to hell in a hand basket. i was in my senior years of high school, it was just another morning finishing to go off to school, my father was getting ready to go to work and James was supposed to go to college. What started as a normal day soon turned to chaos when my mother went into labour with our baby sister Amanda and the last born of our five children. I overheard my father, and my older brothers Anthony and Vincent as well as their lifelong friends Sam and Johnny, discus a job the night before.  The ‘job’ was to commence later that morning but everything change when my father had to rush mother to hospital and James decided it’s high time he was included in the family criminal activities much to mothers objection.

 I was at school while Amanda was born a beautiful healthy baby despite some complications due to mother's over stressing, and the job I later heard failed. It was a complete ambush Sam was shot dead and Anthony was arrested. Jonathan and Vincent got themselves and James safely back home. No one knows how the police knew where they were gone be, but somehow the police was tipped off and everything went to hell.  That was the last day my father ever took part in any ‘job’.  The family quit all criminal activities from that day on. It was the hardest day for our family Sam and Jonathan were as much a part of our family as my brothers was, and my parents always regarded them as such. Losing Sam was like losing one of my brothers, and losing Anthony at the same time was just too much.

My father blamed himself for a long time wandering what he did wrong or how he could have foreseen it. It was the hardest on my mother she withdrew and devoted all her attention to the baby. Our once close family fell apart after that. James took off a few weeks later and didn’t tell anyone where he was going just said farewell and left.  Anthony did two years in jail for grand theft auto. Vincent spend all his time down the street at Emily’s house they got married a few months later and now have twin boys. Johnny and his mother moved away after Sam’s funeral as it was just too much for Mrs Pirelli to continue living there.

 I graduated and got married a year later, marriage didn’t work so well for me so I got divorced after only eight months and is currently back living with my parents raising my daughter and helping out with Amanda, working  at the insurance company now  since father’s health has made it difficult for him to continue working. Life has been pretty mundane until now.

Chapter 1


I knew something was wrong when I arrived home and mother said that Vinnie, Emily and the kids was coming over for dinner. It wasnot anyone’s birthday and it was Sunday which was when they usually came over. “Is something wrong mom?” I asked my mother knowing dead sure something was up. “What makes you think something is wrong Lexi?” “Vinnie and them never come around in the middle of the weak, and you have a look of utter distress on your face, so what is it mom?” Before she could answer I heard the familiar scream of Vinnie’s twin boys Sammy and Xander  “Granma grandpa we here” “we in the kitchen darlings” “Grammy hello, hello aunt Lexi” the always have a way of talking as one and more than once you have to look to see which one is which they sound so alike. “There’s  my favourite grandson’s” “we’re your only grandsons granny” “Aunt Lexi where is Megan and Amanda” “they in their room playing dolls but make sure to say hello to your grandfather first!” i had to yell after them cause the minute they got the location of the girls they ran off.

Amanda and my daughter Megan has become more like sister since we moved back just over three years ago when my father’s health stated failing and he couldn’t work anymore . With only two years age difference between them they have become really close.“Hello mom, Lexi, did the boys greet before running off?” “hello Em yes they did” with greeting out of the way and everyone  settling with a drink while we wait for supper to finish I finally find out the reason my mother asked my brother Vincent to come around in the middle of the week. “So what is so urgent that it couldn’t wait till Sunday” he asked her. “I’m sorry I had to ask you to come over but I had the most disturbing call from your brother Anthony this morning. It was regarding James”  “Oh that are to be good, ten years not a word then phone call and everyone has to drop everything cause it’s about  James” “Vincent that’s enough mind your mother” “yes father, I’m sorry mother you were saying” I could tell by my father’s tone of voice whatever my mother was about to say wasn’t good. “James is in hospital, Anthony says he is stable but he doesn’t look well” “What happened?” I realised the words was out of my mouth before i even noticed and with a much higher pitch in my voice than what I wanted.

 My mother took more than the necessary amount off deep breaths to steady herself and even after that it was my father who spoke it seemed like my mother was at a loss for words. “He took a job, a big one and he blew it, bad.......” “So they got to him”   Vinnie finished my father’s sentence but we knew there was more to it so we waited in silence for my parents to continue. After what seems like forever and endless silence conversation between my parents my father continued “He took the job from Mike Mcklousky” “they gone kill him” my mother sobbed the last part not giving my father time to finish his sentence and then the tears was streaming down her face.

My mother loves all her children but she has a very special place for James he is her last born boy and always been her baby just like Amanda there is three years age difference between him and Vincent who is a year younger than Anthony. My father calmed my mother and we left them a bit to set the table for dinner. Emily with her fiery red hair and always vibrant loud self was very silent throughout dinner tending to the children more than necessary. My mother tried hard to hold it together and i listened attentively as my father and Vincent discussed all different ways and means to solve the situation. Vincent was a spitting image of my father at 6 foot something broad shoulders and a no nonce attitude which is probably why he is such a good lawyer.

 At the end of the evening only one conclusion could be reached the job will have to be done or big mike Mcklousky will have James killed. Who was going to do it and how it will be done was to be discussed the next day when Anthony was bringing James home to us from the hospital. No one was pleased at this specially not Emily, she knew all about Vincent’s past criminal life and how he helped our father out with insurance frauds but he put that life behind him when he married her and neither of them would like to relive it specially not with the risk involved and their two small children to think about. “Family is family if it was your cousin” it was all Vinnie said to her and she under stood very well what he mend. Emily was Sam and Johnny's cousin and she knew what family mend, it’s the only thing you will ever die for no matter what. Die was the one option no one was going to even consider. I offered to clean up after Vincent and they left so my parents can go to bed. My mother looked exhausted it’s as if she has aged ten years just in the course of the evening and my father looked so pale.

chapter 2

I saw Vinnie’s SUV parked in the drive way as i arrived home, in front of it stood a sleek very sexy skyline I knew before I even entered the house or ask about the car that it belonged to James. He always had a thing for flashy fast cars and Nissan skyline was always his big thing. I was clearly the last to arrive at this unpleasant party and for a second I reconsidered if I wanted to be here. I heard his voice from the porch and almost ran right into Anthony’s arms. “Are you going to stay out there the entire time?”

 Oh Anthony the oldest and my favourite brother. He always treated me like his little princess, protecting me teaching me how to protect myself and always being there for me except when

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