» Fiction » Hidden Secrets, L.K Du Plessis [my reading book txt] 📗

Book online «Hidden Secrets, L.K Du Plessis [my reading book txt] 📗». Author L.K Du Plessis

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made me realize maybe nobody knew. “I didn’t mean to say it" Anthony shook his haed in agreement he knew I wouldn’t do something like that. “I have to go Ant, and you need to sort out this thing with James" I didn’t give him time for any more questions. I rushed out of the shed got in my car and went straight to Emily's mother I had to go pick up Megan and Amanda. Then I will decide where to go, but for now I'm not going back to my parents’ house. Maybe we will spend the night at my apartment. I haven't been there since I moved back to my parents to help out, and it really wasn't that far. Just on the other side of town, but it was safe quiet and no one knew about it.      I picked the girls up.”What do you guys say about some Mc Donalds for supper and maybe some movies too.” “Awesome can we get ice-cream aswell?” I smiled at the two of them “Ofcause we’ll get ice-cream.”  I stopped by Mc Donald’s picked up dinner and ice-cream and rented two dvd's of their choice. "Mommy where are we going this isn’t the way home? " Megan was the first to notice we were heading in a different direction. "I thought we could go have a sleep over at a surprise place" “Cool a surprised place”Amanda said “And we get to sleep over, but we don’t have a sleep over bag” Megan reminded me.”Its part of the surprise”It was lame but it was the best I could come up with and it seems to work. It  had them excited immediately. I took the long way to the other side of town making sure I wasn't being followed by any family or police. I pulled into the undercover parking and we took the stairs to the top floor of the three story brick building.  The apartment wasn't something spectacular. It was a simple fully furnished two bedroom, two bathroom apartment in a quite complex. No one seemed to have notice us arriving and with the undercover parking my car can't be spotted. “This is a very nice place mom, who lives here?” Amanda was checking out the place but Megan always had all the questions. “We are looking after it for a friend of mine, now you two will be sharing this bedroom with the bathroom across from it. Would you like to eat n here while you watch your movie?” “Yes please.” Both girls said. I gave them their food and ice-cream and settled them in what is supposed to have been Megan's bedroom if we were to life here. I decided to relax on the oversize couch with a book. Maybe we will get to live here after all especially now with all the drama. Chapter 8  It was past ten pm the girls was fast asleep, when there was a knock at the door. No one knew about this place, and I was sure no one saw us come in. I took my gun from my bag check the magazine and cock it. I didn’t  know  who it could be, and I wasn’t  willing to take any chances. I closed the passage door that lead to the bedroom and hooked the chain on the front  door as I unlocked it. With the gun in my hand, the chain on I open the door. "What the.....? What are you doing here? And how did you find me?" "I'm a cop Lexi, it’s not that hard. Are you going to let me in?"  "Are you alone?"  "Yes"  "Does anyone know where you are?" "Cum on , No, I didn't tell anyone and no one know where I am. Now let me in please" I close the door, unhooked the chain and open the door. Gun still loaded in my hand just in case. His expression changed when he stepped inside and saw the gun in my hand.  "A gun? I didn't know you owned a gun" I smirk "Would you please keep your voice down Jonathan, you will wake the girls." He shook his head as if he’s not believing what he is seeing. "You know your mother opened a kidnapping case against you" I laughed "Are you serious?" He didn’t seem to find it amusing. "Yes she said you kidnapped Amanda" Suddenly my mood soured even more "That's just great, I've been raising that kid for the last how many years now I've kidnapped her. My mother must grow up" Jonathan looked around the apartment  "Where are they" I followed his gaze and then turned defensive  "They're asleep and if you came here to arrest me or to take Amanda you can leave because I will shoot you" Jonathan raised his hand as to surrender  moving  into the living room. "Don't shoot I came here to talk to you” I regarded him for a second then relaxed. I put the gun in the waist band of my pants just in case I needed to use it on him or if someone followed him. I got us each a soda from the fridge then returned to the living room. "You want to talk to me so talk I'm listing" He was a bit on edge like he wasn’t sure if he could trust me and if I would really kill him. "Did you put your gun away" This made me smile he really thinks I would shoot him HA! "My gun is save don't let it bother you. Now why did you come here Jonathan" He didn’t look at me instead he was sitting on the edge of the couch his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees. He wanted answers but he didn’t know if he was ready for them. "You know why Lex" He was right I did know, he wanted to know about Amanda but where to start.  We were silent for a long time, looking everywhere but at each other. Finally he broke the silence. "Is it true?" I looked up at him, those piercing blue eyes studying me. I nodded then add "I didn't mean to say it John, I forgot I had the wire on. I was upset, you shouldn't have found out like that." I was rambling on not sure what to say to him. "I'm glad you did" "What? You're not mad?" He started relaxing a bit. "I was, I was mad and upset. I wanted to kill you earlier for your indiscretion. I never knew and then I found out with my whole squad listening. I looked like an idiot.” He got up walk to the window and I could tell he was getting upset all over again. “It wasn’t my intentions” What else could I say I couldn’t exactly take it back. “I thought you did in on purpose to get back at me for hurting you” was he serious how could he think that I would something so mean. “When I got to your house and you weren’t there Anthony said you left and no one know where you. All they knew was you picked the girls up and disappeared.” I just looked at him what did he want from me. “I didn’t do it on purpose John I couldn’t hurt you like that.” “You could have told me Lex” I shook my head no, I couldn’t look at him. “It wasn’t my secret to keep I couldn’t tell you just like I couldn’t tell them you and Anthony where cops.” This he seemed to understand and he came to sit down opposite me again. “I should have realized that I was just really mad at you. I suppose I was just hurt or something for not knowing" I looked at him "So you still mad?" He smile that million dollar smile "Not at you, at least I don’t think so" I blew out a big breath "That's a relieve." He looked at me puzzled then smiled. "You don't like me mad at you?" I cocked my eyebrow was he serious "I don't like you mad period John, you a little scary when you mad" this made him smile his biggest thousand watt smile yet "Right back at you Ms. Ross, I didn't know you could get mad but it’s scary. As is seeing you with a gun."  He shook his head in disbelieve.  We both relaxed after that. “Can I ask you about it, her, the whole thing?” I didn’t really want to talk about this now. “Do we have to this now after the day we had?” He didn’t answer me. “Yes she is really your nice and yes your brother really did sleep with my mother or the other way around it doesn’t really matter to me. But no I don’t feel like talking about it.” I let out a breath he got up came to sit next to me gave me hug and said. “Ok” That was it, just ok. He didn’t let go of me so I rested my head on his shoulder and when I felt him relax so did I. “Are you going to tell your mother” I had to know. “I don’t know, part of me says she has a right to know she has a granddaughter and part of me wonders how she will react.” I knew he was right about Beth having the right to know, “Amanda doesn’t know.” He shook his head in acknowledgement then added. “Don’t you think she should know?” I looked straight at him “She is ten, how would you like me to explain to a ten year old that the only person she ever knew as her father isn’t her father. Her father is a really dead.” “I get that she is just a kid but she should know and so should my mother.” I was starting to get angry he has no right to upset Amanda’s life. “You don’t have the right to upset her life just cause your brother couldn’t keep it in his pants.” I saw the veins in his neck start to pulse faster. “My brother your mother seduced him.” This was probably true. “It doesn’t really matter who did who back than what matter is Amanda…” he wouldn’t let me finish when he interrupted my sentence “What matter is the truth Alexis and the truth is Amanda isn’t your fathers kid as she should know as should my mother for crying out loud it’s all she has left of Sam.” This struck a nerve, if it was Anthony or Vincent I would’ve wanted to know and get to the kid just because it’s a part of them that lives on. I lowered my head I wasn’t going to let him see that he struck a nerve, and I didn’t want him seeing the unwanted tears that was making their way to the surface. I swore long ago no man will ever see me cry not even if it’s because I miss my dear friend. “Do what you want Jonathan.” I get up but he grabs my hand and pulls me back. “Hey I didn’t come here to fight.” I don’t turn around to face him or answer him. “Lex?” He moves around to stand in front of me he gently lifts my chin so I could face him. “S@#t” he curses when I finally look up at him. “Dam baby doll I didn’t mean to upset you I really didn’t come here to fight.” “You not the only who lost someone John and you not the only one who misses Sam.” He pulls me into his arms and rest his chin on my head. “I know baby doll” I wish he would stop saying that dam nick name. “Its just the years without Sam haven’t been good to my mother, and to find out a part of him still lives…” he trails off not finishing his sentence.
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