» Fiction » Hidden Secrets, L.K Du Plessis [my reading book txt] 📗

Book online «Hidden Secrets, L.K Du Plessis [my reading book txt] 📗». Author L.K Du Plessis

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I can hear his voice breaking slightly, its hard to talk about Sam I don’t think anyone really has. I don’t look up at him instead I talk into his chest as I put my arms around his waist. “Maybe Amanda should know, I just think we should deal with one problem at a time.” He doesn’t say anything just holds me. When he finally speaks he is so serious it’s almost scary. “When this is over, I will give you time to explain it to her. I am going to tell my mother so don’t take to long.” He tenses up as he says is, waiting for my reply. I break away from him but not completely I take his hand and pull him back to the couch we were sitting on the tension is to much. I don’t like him like this all serious and scary. “Fine I will make sure she knows.” He considers my words. “You not gone tell her?” I shake my head “Its not my place I’m not her mother.” “What if your mother wouldn’t?” I smile at him, “If she knows you are going to tell your mother, she will trust me.” He shakes his head but doesn’t say anything else. He pulls me closer again and I relax.Looking around the apartment for a change in conversation. "This is a nice place, why don't you live here?" I didn’t bother lifting my head to answer him "I meant to, I used the money I got from the divorce to buy it but I moved in with my parents to help out for a little while. That kind of became permanent."  "So you never thought about moving here?" I look around thinking about it “Not until earlier this evening, in truth I have never even told anyone about this place it was kind of like my save house for me and Megan". He looks concerned “Did you ever need to use it?" "Not until today" I shrug and he nodded. “How did you find it?” I was very curious to know, I wasn’t lying when I said I never told anyone about this place. ”I told you I’m a cop, plus I might have had this habit of keeping an eye on you. I knew when you bought the place but was surprised that you didn’t stay here” He kissed the top of my head. This was too much confusion for me.I sat up and turned to face him. “What the hell John” He looked at me confused “Did I say something wrong now?” “How about everything, you left without a good buy get back trust me with your secret, act like you care about me. Now you tell me you have been keeping tabs on me why. “He quietly considers my words, and then looks hurt when he finally replies “it wasn’t an act, I thought you knew that.” He took a steady breath then continued. ”I tried not to check up on you but I just couldn’t ever get you off my mind.” I can’t believe I’m hearing this. “You shouldn’t have loved me Lex” He said the last part so soft it was bearly more than a wispers “if I had control over it I probably wouldn’t” I smiled and got up.  "Listen John it’s getting late, it’s been a really long day. You can sleep on the couch if you want but I'm going to bed" "Lex" He took my wrist and pulled me to him as I stood to walk out. As we stood face to face he ran his knuckles over my cheek. "Are you ok? I mean after today, that guy your boss all the drama" I gave him my best attempt at a smile "Im ok really" "I'm sorry you had to go through that Lex" he was being so sincere  I reached up kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks for being here John" Then left the living room before this turned into something it wasn't. "Mommy! Mommy! Wake up" "What?" "Wake up mommy uncle Jonny is making pancakes" "Yes he said we must wake you up, wake up Lexi" "Ok, ok I'm awake" Half walking, half being dragged I make my way to the kitchen and the delicious smell of pancakes and a very sexy half naked Jonathan making them. "Good morning" he said with a boyish grin and his still wet from the shower hair. "Morning what time is it?" "It’s just past eight." "Eight! Dam it I'm gone be late" "Relax I already phoned your office and said you wouldn't be coming in now sit and have a pancake" Now he’s just being arrogant, but since I’m really in no mood to go to work today I will let it go for now. “Sit next to me mommy" "Thanks, and thanks for this" I gestured towards the pancakes "Didn't know I had stuff here to make it" "You didn’t, I picked it up when I went for my morning run. Routine stuff" he winked at the routine stuff so I figure he was checking the area out. I decided not to dwell on that. "Wow I'm impressed. When did you learn to cook?" He made an offended face and then hit back with. "I'm a bachelor Lex and cooking really impresses the girls" He winked and I just laughed.  After breakfast I offered to  clean up while the girls went to brush their teeth and change into the emergency clothes I had for Megan. I hope they find something that fits I haven't change the clothes in two seasons. I was still thinking about the clothes when Jonathan pulled me from my day dreaming. "Hello anyone there?"  "Um sorry yes, what?" He laughed "I asked what happens now" I thought about it for a second I want to go get back into bed, sleep and when I wake up this was all a bad dream. A very bad dream cause in reality Jonathan isn’t supposed to half naked in my kitchen. I shake the thought as quick as it popped into my head. No. I wanted to say we could start by you putting on clothes but I don’t want him to know that he affects me at all. "Oh, well I suppose I have to go face the mess I made" "Do you want me to come with?" "Well I would be nice to have a cop there to keep me out of handcuffs"  gave me a devious  smile "I can think of a different scenario of you in hand cuffs rather than out of them" I made a shocked face. Was he being serious "That's not funny John”  “I know its sexy” we both laughed then he turned serious. “I’m serious Lex I saw you're gun and heard your temper yesterday. I can’t keep you out of cuffs if you actually kill someone"  I put my hand over his mouth “Would you shush about the G.U.N. no one know about that." He pulled back a little "Wow, you look so innocent and yet you have so many secrets. I don't even think I know you"  "That's because you don't know me, and I never claimed to be innocent" I heard the girls arguing in the room and left to go sort them out. It was after ten when we left. We decided to go in his car and leave mine hidden in the garage. Although suddenly that don’t seem like it was such a good idea what if I want to leave. He must off sense my saddened hesitation cause he put his hand on my knee and squeezed it. When I look up at him he just smiled and mouthed. “You ok?” I want to say no, not even close but I’m not showing any weakness around this guy not even facing my family. He left and I had to learn to be strong on my own and I will be strong now. So I just smiled and whispered “I’m fine” He parked in the street and not in the drive way. "You ready" "As I’ll ever be “I said with a fake smile. Something told me he didn’t buy it, but I wasn’t going to hold on to that he doesn’t know me so he wouldn’t know when I lie and when my smiles is fake. "I'm here Lex nothing gone happen" I let the girls run ahead. Jonathan took my hand and hold it tight. I tried to pull it free but he wouldn’t let me. Wow maybe he does care. "Where have you been" Here we go the drama that’s our family "I thought you told me to go mom" I’m probably looking for trouble baiting my mom but I’m kind of past the point of caring right now. "Don't you get smart with me, I was worried sick" I was about to say something stupid and start a new fight, but John squeezed my hand and I swallowed my words. "I'm sorry mom."  "Leave it now Lauren, they save and home" Trust my father to be the one trying to keep the peace. “HI dad" "I sweet heart, please don't scare us like that again" I felt like laughing they never acted like they cared why now but I wasn’t going to start on that so I decided to take an easy out. "I wouldn't" My father looked at Jonathan holding my hand and I saw a strange look cross his face, somewhere between anger, disappointment and definite disapproval. He can’t possibly have anything against Jonathan he was the one that asked Antony to get him here. So why is this bothering him. "Lexy don’t you want to go make us something to drink please, and Jonny can I talk to you in private" My father didn’t wait for an answer from me just gestured for Jonathan to follow him into his study which he did. Now a good girl would do as her father asked but I never claimed to be a good girl. so instead of going into the kitchen and fix the drinks, I slip out and crouch under the study window. "What do you think you are doing?" My father was trying to keep his voice down but he was yelling at John, which by his tone of voice I can tell he was trying to keep his calm. "What are you talking about Alex?" My father snorted "You know exactly, you and Alexis. I thought I made it clear cant date my daughter. Have you forgotten?" Jonathan sounded appalled "No I haven't forgotten. How could I forget, that was why you made me leave town remember" "it was what was best for everyone you agreed to that. Did you tell her?" "Of cause I didn't tell her. You can relax Alex, Alexis made it pretty clear just how much she hates me. This whole thing is make believe so I can keep my cover and she can help her brother"  I heard my father pacing behind his desk. “You sure you didn’t tell her anything, Alexis is my life I’m not losing my daughter.” Jonathan was getting irritated. “I said I wouldn’t say a thing but I think she should know.” “No never, you gave your word.” Without another word I heard my fathers office door open and close and a few minutes later I heard the front door slam shut.  Chapter 9  I couldn't take it anymore. More secrets, more lies I don’t even know if anything in this family is true. "Mom I'm going for a walk I should be back in fifteen minutes" I needed to get out I felt betrayed and hurt even more now than ten years ago. "Ok, don't be as long as last time" "I wouldn't" I headed out the door and fall into a run. I needed to clear my head and running seems to work. As I turned the corner I ran
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