» Fiction » Fifty Shades Of Him, Belina Sainju, Anugya Kunwar [best thriller novels of all time .txt] 📗

Book online «Fifty Shades Of Him, Belina Sainju, Anugya Kunwar [best thriller novels of all time .txt] 📗». Author Belina Sainju, Anugya Kunwar

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like to ask u all a question." The teacher announced.

We all nodded.

"In your opinion, what does reading a story mean to you?"

"To explore life."

"To explore life in a better way."

I and a guy said that in unison.

I was a bit shocked and looked and behind to see the same guy who had come late, mirroring my own expression. Mr. Evans chuckled.

"So Ms. Winston would u care to explain how a book helps you explore life?"

"Well umm..."I said shifting uncomfortably as the whole class attention was on me. But when I began to speak all the hesitation was left behind.

"Well, reading a book gives me bliss of knowing someone else's life, pain and happiness in their perception. It helps me to connect the character. The heart racing mysteries, the profound love, astounding friendship helps me to um.." I hesitated to find out the right word.

"Reflect?" the same guy questioned.

My eyes flickered and met his. A smile slipped my lips.

"Yes, exactly reflect upon our lives which help to explore it in a better way."

"Good, I think you and Zayn share the same perception. Well before I forget, class this lady here," he said pointing at me," is Cecelia Winston. She is a junior and as you can see her deep thoughts as led to this class."

"Good." He repeated again looking at me.

Mr. Evans was beaming at me. I on the other hand wished that I had not tied my hair and left it open so I could use it as a shield from all the looks I was getting.

"Anyways, so the story..."

Mr. Evans droned on whilst I started taking notes, trying to avoid the people's stare.

After 45 minutes of pure bliss the bell rang.

"So class before you leave, I have a quick announcement. You guys have a project that you should work on."

The whole class groaned, me on the other hand was performing a mental happy dance." The project includes you and your partner. You guys have to know about your partner's life, their story and write a character sketch on them. You have a month to complete and I want you all to be present with it that day. Now dismiss."

The whole class rushed seeking for partners and here I was looking like a lost puppy. I started packing my stuffs and slowly in a hope that someone could approach me.


Someone cleared his throat. I looked up to see a smiling Zayn. " Yeah?" I asked.

"Umm..would you like to pair up for the project? I mean we share the same perception "he said quoting Mr. Evans. I was more than obliged, so I replied smiling, "okay, by the way thanks for the help earlier.

"It was just a reflex you know. I actually didn't mean to say it out loud." He said chuckling." But it's nice to know it was useful. Anyways I am Zayn." He said bringing his hand forward.

"Cecelia." I said shaking hands.

"Okay, see you later, gotta go. You better run else you'll be late." he said.

"Kay, bye."

I took my routine out to see that I had History. "Ugh..." Cursing I headed to the most boring class of man's existence. It was my luck that the class was just down the hall and I wasn't late.

45 minutes of cursing, yawning and doodling finally led me to the most awaited hour. LUNCH.

I hastily picked my bag as I made to the door when someone pulled me to the side.

"What the hell!" I screeched snatching my arms away.

"Oooh, Cece, what got your panties on twist?"

"Ugh..Care, never do that again."

Okay, okay, anyways let's go, my friends are dying to meet you.

I narrowed my eyes. "Friends, as in?"

"You stupid girl, what do you think ? A hot girl like me will be a loner?"

"Pft" I said rolling my eyes.

"Bravado, I love your modesty." I said clapping my hands. "Now shall we go?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"The hell is this supposed to be?" I said examining the slice of something that was meant to look like a pizza.

"Welcome to Woodsville High,Princess." Sam said chuckling. In response I did the most mature thing; stuck my tongue out. He just mimicked my action. Psh, Copy cat.

So here we were in the buzzing cafeteria with Caroline's oops my friends. The little group of hers invited me with warm smiles. Sam was the most easy going, Matt and Ann was in their own lala land and Kate was the chirpy one. All in all the lunch break was going on pretty smoothly, giving me a sense of comfort that I hadn't felt for so long like at least somewhere I belonged.

"Cecelia?" somebody said tapping my shoulder. I turned around confused as no one in school knew my name. My confusion was changed to shock when I saw Zayn standing in front.

"Huh, Ah Zayn." I said trying to hide my shock. Our table was silent. Everyone looked at either me or Zayn with bewildered looks. Zayn seemed to notice that.

"Hey guys, I'll steal Cecelia for a quick moment." He said cheerfully addressing them all. A murmur of heys,okays and hellos aroused from our table as we went to a corner.

"So I was thinking that we should start with out project so that in the later days even if we procrastinate our project won't get affected. Whatcha think?"

"Sure, so today?" I said excited. Don't get me wrong, projects assignment always spark my interest.

"Okay, today at 3 at the VS café ?"

" Um sure." I said hoping my mom wouldn't oppose the idea. Okay, who am I kidding, she would be exhilarated to know that I am socializing, right?

"Okay, see you then, here's my number, if you want the direction or something."

With that he went to the table somewhere at the centre of the cafeteria. The table was surrounded by at least a dozen of girls swoon, literally swoon when Zayn made his way. I noticed that seated on the table were other four guys, one was blonde, other two were chatting animatedly but the curly haired was the one who caught my attention. He was talking on the phone with someone and laughing out loud with a dimple forming on his cheek. A smile formed on my lips seeing those dimples.

"Hmm, so Cece would you care to explain what the hotty was talking about? By the way the guys you are gazing and smiling at, is Harry Styles. He is cute, eh? " Caroline said nudging playfully as I made my way towards our table.

"Firstly, the curly haired guy is cute but well bleh! And I am smiling cuz he just reminds me of someone I know. Secondly, Zayn and I met in literature class and he is my assignment partner." I said trying to eat the "yummy" not pizza. Yuck!

"OHHH you are lucky. He is such a hot shot." Kate said.

"God change the topic please else I'll be puking ." Sam said over dramatically. Kate just poked her tongue out .

"Zayn is a nice guy, I guess."

"Whatever." Sam said.

"Stop being jealous Sammie." Care said teasingly. The two of them bickered till the bell rang.

"Ok guys see you then. Does anyone have advanced chemistry right now?" I said crossing my fingers. Caroline started laughing hysterically.

"Tch! My naïve Cece , we barely pass chemistry and you think we might be taking advanced classes? Sometimes I really wonder how people say you are smart!" she said trying to pull a serious look.

I smacked her playfully,"Yeah yeah whatever. Bye guys."

I headed towards the class and sat at the third row. Getting everything ready I waited for the teacher whilst my eyes scanned the faces of the class mates. Yep I was that bored . A loud laugh caught my attention and I tilted my head to see the person . A sense of nostalgia rushed over me when I saw the pair of dimples .I saw in the lunch.

The curly headed guy was still talking on the phone but more than that fact I was confused . Why does this stranger remind me of someone?

"Pft this thing that I have for dimples always gets me." I murmured to myself.

"Hello, class I am Mr. sexton." the teacher said addressing the class and interrupting my thoughts.

I had to stifle my laugh at the choice of his name I know it's rude but more than that it was funny.

"Sir why aren't you teaching biology? Mr. Sexton teaching about sex . That would be great." someone said from behind. The whole class doubled with laughter

."Silence people." Mr. Sexton said turning red. "Ahem! So yes I would like to tell you about the course. We will have practical classes quite often because I believe in practical studies but it will start from tomorrow only. Today I will choose a partner for each of you."

The whole class groaned.

"No ughs and stuff I am selecting partners and that's final, if you have some problems talk to me personally." He added sternly and the class groaned again.

I on the other hand was on cloud 9. First I get chemistry practical lesson which I love, second he selects a partner which gives me the freedom of having the burden to select one. Whew, thank god.

"Paula Benson and Ashley Greene...

Summer Benson and Vanessa Hudgens....

Juliet Jenson and Chace William...

Cecelia Winston and Alex Stewart"

The teacher called out and that's when I noticed that he had already started calling out names.

Alex raised his hands indicating that he was my partner. I just smiled at him and he nodded his head.

"Now you have been separated and the class starts from tomorrow, so if you have any problem, talk to me beforehand." The teacher announced.

"Today we'll be learning....."He started teaching and I instantly began to take notes.

Whew, I let out a sigh. School had been over five minutes ago and here I was eagerly waiting for the next day I mean c'mon we have chemistry practical classes.

Well, now I was here in the parking lot searching for Care.

"There you are." I said finally spotting her.

"Yup, so how your day?" Care asked with a zing on her face even after this tiring day.

"It was umm... nice, to be honest." I replied.

"Great, okay listen, so this weekend we have this party the seniors are throwing for us and we ought to go!" she squealed

"Oye, calm your horses woman. First of all, I don't do parties secondly my mom won't allow and thirdly I can't argue about this right now I've somewhere else to be." I said checking my watch.

Care looked at me as if I had grown an extra head or something.

"What?" I demanded.

"Firstly," she said imitating me, "you said you'd start out new, secondly your mom will be more than willing to send you to the party and lastly where are you going, anyway? Got a date already, eh?" she said with mischief twinkling in her eyes.

"You are insane, I think I'll make Ann my best friend. She doesn't even talk much." I said teasing Caroline.

"Yeah yeah and you'll get Matt as a licking toy, you how they are always sucking their faces off?" she pointed out.

"Eww Care! Okay, change the topic."

"Sooo," she said drawing the word, "where are you going?"

"VS café." I stated.

"Hmm, good choice. With whom? I hope you didn't make a new best friend." she said raising one of her eyebrow.

"You and your drama, Care. Remember I told you, I have a literature assignment? So I am meeting Zayn this afternoon to discuss about it." I said nonchalantly.

"Ohh Zayn!" she squealed," Have fun then, doing the project work." she said it in such a way as if she meant it otherwise.

"What do you mean?" I said narrowing my eyes.

Caroline burst out laughing. "Just kidding. Ok you better hurry then. When are you meeting him?"

"At 3."

"Ok , so let's go."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

15 minutes later Caroline pulled her car at my house.

"Thanks driver, now pick me up at 8:45 tomorrow." I demanded haughtily moving out of the car."

"Anything you say milady."Caroline

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