» Fiction » Fifty Shades Of Him, Belina Sainju, Anugya Kunwar [best thriller novels of all time .txt] 📗

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stop to haunt me?" I said in a low quivering voice.

At this my mother started crying,"Oh honey, of course you deserve to be happy more than happy actually. Now shh.."

We remained there hugging each other for a long time when my mum's stomach growled loudly.

"Way to kill the mood." I said teasingly letting out a small chuckle.

"Now lets go and eat."

Dear diary,

I wouldn't have been more wrong. I thought I could plaster a smile and make my way through it, pretend like everything's okay but this is all just an illusion, like love is like belonging nothing but a sheer imagination, a delusional hope. One word, four letters, HOPE, this is the epitome of my survival. I am clinging to it with all my might. Its like my heart keeps telling me to give up on the idea of giving up with every beat but my mind tells me to stop being unrealistic and face the world where hope is nothing but a four letter word and when I realise I will be broken beyond repair, people say that things will change and I will change, but when we have problems which we have to cope to us, we have only two options either to swim or let the sorrow drown us. I read somewhere that if the white keys in a piano represent the happiness in life and the the black keys represent sorrows, both the keys are meant to play music. The hope I have, gives me the strength to swim but the past I have tells me, to drown is the easier way out. They say that time heals everything but that's complete bullshit but i have to stay strong not for me but for my mom I can't see her break down again night.


I kept aside my diary and walked up to the window and opened it, the cool zephyr brushing away my hair softly and eventually drying up my tears. Thats when I hear my phone buzz and I unlocked it to see what I had just received.


This is Zayn. Save my number. Btw I made a jk wanna hear it ?

"How the hell did he get my number?" I muttered to myself whilst saving his number under the name Vaalik.

To Vaalik:

I know even if I say "no" you'll tell your joke anyway. So do it quickly. -_-

A minute later my phone buzzed again.

From Vaalik:

You got that right ;) ok here it is-

Knock knock!

To Vaalik:

Who's there?

From Vaalik:

"Zayn Malik"

To Vaalik:


From Vaalik:

That's the joke! Hahaha ;)

To Vaalik :

Oh gwad! You can't get even more lame. Bie!

From Vaalik:

Night to you too, Lia.

After reading the message I went to my bed and laid down pulling the blanket tightly. As I closed my eyes I couldn't help but let a smile slip off!



Chapter 4 : She is so not a good influence for my mum.


Chapter 4 : She is so not a good influence for my mum.


1) Legs tangled to the bed sheet. Checked

2) Drool stains. Checked

3) Hair like a bird's nest. Checked

4) Mum shouting her ass off. Checked

5) Late for school. Checked

6) Getting ready in ten minutes. Checked

7) Caroline eating grass. Checked

"Whew overall it was a normal Tuesday morning",I thought, as I sat at the table, eating my pancakes.

"So Ms. Winston, you know it's held every year and this is the 75th year! Can you imagine? I mean oh my god! Like every year there will be this pageant organized and the best part is we can participate as we're 16!! Oh Gwad I love being 16! Dances! Dresses! Parade! Party! So much excitement! This means shopping, yay!!!" Caroline squealed doing a small happy dance.

I just rolled my eyes. Caroline and my mum were talking about "Woodsville Day" (aka the day this town was found or something. It's celebrated every year, there is charity event, parties and all those "fun" stuff) with so much enthusiasm like it was their wedding day with all squealing, jumping and laughing like maniacs.

I just chose to ignore then and turned all my attention towards the mouthwatering pancakes. Hmmm..... I closed my eyes as I savored every bit.

"Today we are going for the party shopping and umm... tomorrow we will go for the gown shopping! Oh gwad! Mrs. Winston, this is so exciting! I always wanted to take part in a pageant and here is my chance! Cece and I will have so much fun."

I instantly opened my eyes. "What?" I said turning pale.

"Cece, close your mouth, I can see all the chewed pancakes. Gross!" My mum said in disgust.

I immediately closed my mouth and gulped the food. "But Ma! You know I don't do gowns and dances and wait! Who taught you to say gross! Oh god you are to much under the influence of Care." I said terrified.

"Tch tch, too late I already signed up your name for the pageant. Now let's hurry or we will be late!" Caroline said nonchalantly.

"You what? Who the hell gave you the permission? Oh my god, way to kill my mood," I hissed leaning back in the chair," I am doing no such on sense work. It's a waste of time, money, energy and umm all the valuable things. Two word. UTTER WASTE!"

"Honey, please do it for me." My mum said with a somewhat worried expression on her face, and I stand up turning my back towards her.

"Nope." I said pouting with my hands folded in front.

"But please!" Both of them whined.

"No means no." I said turning to look at my mom with a stern face," I am not....."

I stopped in mid sentence as right in front of me my mum was giving me the expression which she knows I can't resist.

"Ugh! Mom, who taught you to make such puppy dog face?"

I looked at Caroline with narrowed eyes whilst she played the innocent card. "You....." I pointed my finger accusingly at her. "Traitor", I muttered.

After a lot of groaning and mumbling with my mum and Caroline trying the puppy dog faces I finally gave in knowing I'm gonna be regretting this later.

"Okay okay, I'll do this, but promise me, no more such surprises again. Clear?" I barked .

They nodded and squealed in unison followed by multiple hi-5s and hugs and a happy dance. Psh.

"Yep" Caroline uttered.

She is so not a good influence for my mum. 



Chapter 5 : "So who the hell is my partner?"

Chapter 5 : "So who the hell is my partner?"


"I am going to kill you and now I even have two legit reasons!" I whisper yelled at Caroline.

"Oh puhlease, you were being such a drama queen and FYI I even told you we were being late but no you were all I-am-going-to-argue mood." Caroline whispered back as we made our way to our classes left.

Why are we whispering? Dunno, because we are late?


"Okay, here we depart." Caroline said in an army like voice," Take care of yourself, captain. And try not to get detention for arriving late we have some shopping to do." She said squealing.

"Yeah I can't wait." I muttered looking at the other side," Now shoo!"

Ugh! I hurried to my class muttering curses at Caroline. Because of her I was late in the 2nd day of school moreover to my Chemistry class! Damn!

I wiped my sweaty palms and turned the knob of the door. Woosh! Every head inside the classroom turned in my direction. I could die!!

"Umm... May I come in sir?" I stuttered feeling the stare of almost all the people in the class. He just sighed and motioned me to come inside.

"Ummm... Sir.." I started.

"Save the trouble, Ms.Winston. Just don't be late the next time." He said smiling, something I was not really expecting.

Whew! I exhaled the breath I didn't even know I was holding."Thank you sir, I won't be a disappointment next time." Saying that I made my way to the seat.

I stopped in my tracks and looked at Alex, my chem lab partner in confusion. He was sitting with another girl who I guessed was his partner now.

"So who the hell is my partner?" I muttered. And just as in cue, Alex motioned me to sit in the third row from the back. My eyes followed towards the direction he motioned and I saw a guy doing something with the test tube there but couldn't make out who he was.

"Anything wrong, Ms.Winston? " Mr. Sexton called out.

"No, nothing sir." I said and hurried to the place.

I arranged my books and quickly sat down. My partner on the other hand was still concentrated on something we were supposed to be doing as a classwork maybe. The others were busy talking and Mr. Sexton was giving instructions to whoever cared to listen.

I quickly understood that we were doing the sure test of ammonia as I let my eyes wander around the class because my partner here was busy fiddling on his own and blocking me from seeing his procedure with his hair.

"Ahem ahem." I cleared my throat in order to get his attention.

I was bluntly ignored.

"Excuse me?" I tried again. And as expected no answer.

I waited for a few more minutes but nope. He was till fiddling with the equipment, with the curly hair covering his face.

Wait! Curly? Is this....

Just at that moment he brushed his hair off his face and looked at me with dimples popping on his cheeks.

"Harry Styles.." I thought, remembering the words of Caroline in the cafeteria last time.

"Yep" he said cheerfully.

Woops, did I said that out loud?

"So um.. are you working on preparation of some-"

"Ammonia." He stated, completing my sentence.

"Okay.." I just muttered in response.

I watched him mix some chemicals required for the preparation. He fixed the hard test tube in the stand and turned to look at me. "So, you know I'm Harry, and you are?" He asked casually and again turned his attention towards the equipments.

"Cecilia." I uttered," Actually, Zayn had told me about you.." I said trying to explain how I knew his name.

"Oh so you know Zayn?" He said.

"Yep he is my lit assignment partner." I replied

"Kay so you are the girl." He muttered looking quite interested. I just raised my eyebrow for further elaboration.

"Would you kindly.." I started to ask what did that mean but I was cut off.

"The next step, Mr. Styles? The teacher called out.

"Nh4Cl is formed." Harry said casually as the white fume formed when he brought the glass rod near gas jar. The teacher seemed a bit taken aback. He thought Harry wouldn't be

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