» Fiction » Fifty Shades Of Him, Belina Sainju, Anugya Kunwar [best thriller novels of all time .txt] 📗

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able to answer correctly.

"Er.. Good" he said flustered. I on the other hand was having a hard time stifling my laugh.

"The teacher just got out smarted." I sang under my breath.

"Yep, Mr.Sexton is just like that." he said chuckling.

"So um.." I questioned looking around the class.


"How come you finished this reaction so early?"

"This? Oh it was a piece of cake. I am really good at chemistry you know." He said playfully putting the glass rod back into its place.

"Wow very modest of you, Anyways how come you are my partner? I was paired with Alex, wasn't I ?" I said a bit bewildered.

"Actually what happened was umm..,"He started as he turned off the burner, looking at me, "How shall I put it in a "modest" way.." He said pretending to stroke his chin.

"Oh god! And here I thought Zayn is the drama queen."

"My ego is hurt."

I just chuckled at his childishness.

"Anywho, OK I am not bragging OK. Actually I am quite a humble lad but then if I take the humble route then it will be me beating bout the bush..."

"OK OK stop the rant and start the brag." I said chuckling.

"Um..Well this whole class is full of girls who want to date me, you know." Harry said, and the seriousness in his face couldn't stop but make me start laughing.

Oh god!!! And now I was choking on my own spit which made me cough.

"Oh god, she is dying!" Harry shouted earning looks.

I looked at him with watery eyes.

"A little water would be appreciated." I croaked.

"Here" he handed me a bottle, and I could see that face trying to stifle the laughter.

"Thanks." I managed and tried not to frown looking at his expression.

"See, that's why you should not laugh at others misery." Harry pointed out.

"Pft! Whatever, go on." I replied putting the bottle on the table.

"Yeah as you see," He began as if he had been explaining me some difficult theory,"It's creepy to have a partner who looks as if she wants to get into you pants and eye rapes you all the time." He said shuddering.

Psh, arrogant. Albeit I had to bite my bottom lip to stop myself from laughing like a maniac, hearing his words.

"Tch tch." I said lightly patting his shoulder whilst failing miserably to suppress my building laughter.

"Moreover, it was horrendous to find out that I was paired up with Summer. That girl, oh god," He said shaking his head, "She is um... I can't even find a word to describe her. She is mental. No offense though." He said apologetically.

"So I asked my dear friend, Alex, to swap partners. He told you were new or something. So we asked Mr. Sexton and being the gullible self he agreed." He explained.

"Woah! I said looking at Summer who was gazing at Harry as if noticing his every movement of the muscles and quickly looked away when she saw me looking at her direction, but not before frowning at me.

I cringed.

"You know by reading Summer's expression I can tell she is halfway done with you." I giggled.

"Shut up, Cecilia I am trying to ignore her." He closed his eyes pressing his fingers between his eyebrows.

I just laughed out keeping my voice low as the teacher was still in class.

"Shut up."

"Harry and Summer sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G." I sang kinda enjoying his reaction.

"Mr. Styles and Ms.Winston! I have stayed quiet doesn't mean you can cross the boundaries," Mr Sexton boomed loudly,"If you have finished the work; solve the question on page 22. Let the others do their work in peace."

"Oops", Harry and I said in unison, slowly sunk to our seats, trying to keep a straight face.




Chapter 6 : "And why do you need to see my expression?"

Chapter 6 : "And why do you need to see my expression?"


"Care! Shut up, my ears are bleeding."  

"Yeah, I can see that." she said sarcastically as we made our way to our afternoon classes. Ugh!

"No Cece, why aren't you excited? In less than 2 hours we will be shopping a terrific dress for the party! "

"Yeah yeah, I am so excited! Instead of sleeping or reading a novel I get to waste.. I mean spend my time doing such a wonderful thing with the person who has her blabbering switch always on. Man! Can't wait!" I ranted rolling my eyes in the end. 

"I am so not talking with you." And with that she stomped away with a frown on her face.

"Okay Care sorry!" I called out.

 She turned around to look at me with a stern look. " Ms Cece don't you dare think that just because I am angry, we are not going for shopping. Cuz I repeat, plans are still on. And a strawberry sundae will turn my frown into a cute smile. Kay?"

I just sighed realizing I can do nothing else now but to agree with her.

"Now bye."

And with that she was off swaying her hips in a exaggerate way. 


* * * * * * * * * * * * * 


"Vas happening!"

"Geez, don't sneak on me like that" I said a bit startled and shifted a little to my left on the bench, making space for Zayn to sit down. 

"My my so strong headed you can be, eh?" Zayn said chuckling, making himself comfortable.

 "You really are enjoying my misery." I said giving a short glance at him and looking infront, adjusting my right hand on the table and placing the palm under my chin.  

 "Nope I am not at all enjoying the memory of the I-just-saw-a -ghost expression you had a few minutes ago."

"Screw you" I mumbled staring at the empty space on the ground.

 "Well that reminds me of our assignment and how I didn't get to ask you questions." He said pouting.

I just chuckled. "Yeah about that, you will not get the answers till Friday." I replied turning towards him.

 "Friday? But why?" He asked confused. 

"Well the thing is today you have my 'dress shopping' for the party and tomorrow again, I have my 'gown shopping' day," I explained him the thing that I had been thinking about a few minutes ago, "So basically my awesome two days is going down the drain. And I'll just be free on Friday."

"Aw poor Lia–bear." he cooed pinching my cheeks.

"Hands off me, Vaalik." I said swatting his arms away. 

"Ouch! That was painful." he said melodramatically. "Anyway on a serious note when should we meet? I mean we only have a month to finish this and with the upcoming events it's gonna be difficult. I have band practices for that day. Man!"

 "You are performing? Wow that's sick! I mean this day is like important right? And you get to perform? "

"Tch! Lia didn't I tell you we were good." He said clicking his tongue.

"Yah yah and didn't I roll my eyes and said, let me quote it 'very modest of you' Vaalik? "

"Ah Whatever. So what about the project?"

 "Hmm.. Somebody is eager... "I said singing the last word. 

"Aha! You wish."

"Ummm... Well Alexander Graham Bell invented this stuff called phone. So you can call me maybe?" I said teasing him. 

"But this phone thingy won't let me see your expression, genius."

 "And why do you need to see my expression? " I asked furrowing my eyebrows.


 "Good afternoon class." And yet again we were interrupted by Mr. Evans.

"Lia! Lia." Somebody whispered breaking my concentration.

"Hmm..." I said looking to my right where Zayn smiled and passed me a paper. 

I opened it cautiously so the teacher wouldn't notice. Zayn snickered beside me. 

"What?" I whisper shouted. 

He just shook his head sideways in response. Raising an eyebrow, I ignored him and read what was in the paper he gave.

 I got an awesome idea! We can Skype. This way I even get to see your expression and we can do it anytime. 'Zayn-malik1d' add me. 

I turned the paper and wrote my reply.

Good idea, though I still don't get your obsession with my expression. 

I folded the paper and sneakily passed it to him. Well what can I say I am really a scardy cat whilst doing such 'illegal' stuff. 

I looked at him if he had any reply to that but he actually just gave a quick wink to me and I, being me just poked my tongue out earning an amused look in return. 


* * * * * * * * * * * * * 


"It was your fault." I said accusingly to Zayn as we made our way out of the class.

"My fault?" He replied with a poker face and within seconds burst out laughing, "You should have seen your expression when Mr Evans told you to stop poking your tongue out." And with that he started laughing again. 

"Ugh! Zayn Malik, stop laughing."

 But this made him laugh even harder. 

"You are nothing but trouble, Vaalik." And with that I literally started to run to my class so I didn't have to cope to Zayn's annoying laughter.

"I am trouble? Wait till you attend the advance bio when you see my whole band there." Zayn called out ending it with his booming laughter. 

I just cursed myself cuz Tuesday's last period was none other then Advanced Bio, though I had this giddy feeling inside thinking that I am going to be meeting all the members of the band.




Publication Date: 05-01-2015

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