» Fiction » Fifty Shades Of Him, Belina Sainju, Anugya Kunwar [best thriller novels of all time .txt] 📗

Book online «Fifty Shades Of Him, Belina Sainju, Anugya Kunwar [best thriller novels of all time .txt] 📗». Author Belina Sainju, Anugya Kunwar

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said with an over dramatic "knee touching "bow.

"Ok ok I get it you respect me, now get your ass-head up ad drive away. I've got enough of you today."

And with that we started laughing like hyenas .

"Ok I better hurry, see ya!"

"Cece!" Caroline called out.

"Hm?" I said looking at her. The blue eyes which were filled with fun was now filled with worry.

"Ummm....." she said playing with the seat-belt.

"Care, get it out of your shitty mouth." I said trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah yeah,its just that umm.... Zayn is sort of ...OK he is a player. Just be careful kay?"

I was shocked I my defence, who wouldn't? I didn't see this coming .

Then I snorted with laughter because that was totally unexpected.

"Aww Care, I didn't.... think... Zayn....that..."I said in between my laughers.

After I got hold of myself I said, "Care, I don't see Zayn that way. So its really unnecessary of you to worry kay?"

"Okie dokie love." She said all chirpy.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I scanned the faces of the various people which were filled with excitement, happiness, joy, sadness, envy and all the paradoxical feelings.

Yep some were in a chirpy mood, some sulking In the corner whereas some in their own wonderland; indeed the café was buzzing with all aspects of life. That's when my eyes met the brown ones.

"Hey Lia! You are 55 seconds late eh?

* * * * * * * * * * * * *



Chapter 3 : One word, four letters, HOPE

Chapter 3 : One word, four letters, HOPE


I looked at Zayn like he was from another planet.


He just clicked his tongue.

"Ugh! you are so annoying i am never late."

"But you are today ."he pointed out.

" As if " I said poking my tongue out making him bubble with laughter .

"Hush it child it wasn't even funny, by the way I'm Cecilia."

Zayn stopped laughing ,now it was his turn to look at me like I was an alien .

"I know your name is Cecilia." he said chuckling .

"Yes Cecilia not Lia." I said in a matter of fact tone.

"Weellll......" He said drawing the word."For me, you are Lia. Cecilia just seems too foreign to this tongue ." he said winking. I rolled my eyes at his cheekiness .

"Anyways lets start our assignment now shall we ?" I said taking my notebook and pen out .

"Well lets order something shall we ?"he said mocking me.

I just chuckled and nodded my head.

" I'll have a strawberry milkshake ."I said giving a sweet smile.

"Two strawberry milkshakes, please." Zayn said addressing the waiter .

"Okay, lets get started ."we said together .

We looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"So? Um I'll ask first?" I said with a little bit of hesitance .


"So, okay I have actually prepared a questionnaire so I'll be asking from there kay?

He just nodded his head. Not even a slightest surprise was seen on his face .


"Zayn!" he said smirking

"I know that dumb-ass, opps I meant dumb um um guy! yeah dumb guy. I-I um wanted to know the full name." I said stuttering.

I mean I cant just curse at someone new, that's rude . Moreover I didn't want to scare Zayn off .

Okay okay I know I'm being melodramatic but whatever .

" Aww Lia, cursing is allowed." he said in a baby voice . I mean I know pretty bad words myself like di..."

" Okay okay I get it ." I said interrupting him whilst my hands reflexly flew over my ears .

"Oh.. My...God ! Aha you are so funny . " he said in between his laughter.

" Yeah yeah enjoy my misery, I'll be the one laughing when I name my project as the DUMBASS SADIST ZAYN VAIN Malik ! for my topic. "I said waving my hand as if the topic was written on a banner up in the imaginary air.

"My will be , ' I THINK ASS IS A PRETTY BIG WORD LIA." he said teasingly .

I just poked my tongue out in response. ( I tend to do this a lot these days )

"Very mature eh ? Anyway my full name is Zayn Javaad Malik." I immediately jotted it down .


" Jan 12 ."

"Where are you from?"

" Bradford, London."

" Ah! British lad, I see.

"Favourite colour ?"

" Pink!" he said nonchalantly. "No! Wait actually its hot pink."

"Hot pink?" I stated raising one eyebrow.

And with that he started laughing .

"Gosh! your face was priceless ."

"Oh!" I said realization dawning in. "I took that seriously for a second ." I said chuckling at my stupidity.

"Electric blue."

"Woah, peculiar choice umm... Favourite hobbies? "

"Okay behold now, cuz I have plenty ,firstly singing its more like a passion, writing songs, poem, sketching and umm reading books."

My jaws dropped "Singing?" I asked in disbelief. "You can sing ? Wow! that's awesome ." I said shaking my head.

"What you don't think I can sing ?" he said pouting,"We actually have a band . It's weird you havent heard about us we are pretty popular ."he said teasingly with a tinge hint of amusement twinkling in those orbs.

"Very modest of you vaalik."

"Vaalik ?"

"Yep! vaalik as in a hybrid combo of javaad and malik .

"More like a weird combo ." he said with a lopsided grin .

"Ouch! my creativity is hurt ." I said faking a gasp .

"As if there was any creativity to start with ." He said teasingly.

"Ouch! Again "I said clutching my heart.

"Drama queen"

" As if! Okay back on track . Um tell me about the band ?"

"Well firstly we are known as One Direction. There are five of us Louis, Liam, Niall, Harry and the hottest one me."

" Woah! you are good?"

" Gosh! Lia get out of that sceptic bubble that is surrounding you and yes we can sing. We are far better than "a good"." He said making air quotes followed by an eye roll.

"Anyway, Lia are you coming to the party this weekend ?"

"Ummm...." I said taping my chin, " I am not much of a party girl you know! " Just as I said that my phone buzzed in my pocket indicating I got a message from someone.

"Wait a sec, kay?" I told Zayn and opened my message.

In the mean time the waiter brought us our milkshakes.

"Woah! that was quick NOT ." Zayn muttered beside me.

I nudged him and with a sweet smile acknowledged the waiter.

Tomorrow after school we are going to Tiffany for shopping.

Ps I asked your mom already. No arguments. Period!


"Ugh! I groaned. Caroline and her persistent self.

"Who was that ?"Zayn asked relishing his milkshake .

I took a sip of mine .

" Well! cancel what I said earlier I have to come to the party." I said sighing.

"You say it like its a bad thing. By the way what do you mean by have to?"

" Of course its a bad thing. I mean firstly Caroline, a friend of mine is abusing her power of being my close friend and is forcing me to go there!" I said appalled, "Moreover tomorrow I have to go shopping albeit I don't want to, I have to! And lastly my weekend got wasted and ruined."

"Oh gosh! poor you."he said sarcastically, "Come on, this party will be fun moreover we are performing and I'll be there to accompany you if your friend ditches you." he added with a wink.

" Yeah yeah like that's gonna make it any better."

" You're such a pooper."

" You're such a dork."

" Whimp."

" Potato."

" Lady finger."

" Pumpkin."

And with that we burst out laughing.

After few more giggles and a little time which took us for sobering, I looked at my watch.

"Holy cheese cakes! we have been here for over an hour. I have to go." I said gathering up my things.

"But I haven't even asked you questions yet." Zayn exclaimed.

"Psh! We have a month." I said waving him off.

"Wow such a procrastinator."

I just elbowed him.


"Serves you ." I said grinning likes Kid on Christmas morning. "Okay um... I'll leave then. It was fun today ." I said getting up from whilst searching my purse to take out the money.

"Ms Lia, I am a fun guy. Your time with me will be a hella good roller coaster ride and nope today is my treat so lady keep that money inside." he said pointing at my purse.

"No no, that's something I don't appreciate."

" See Lia i don't have a curfew like you so i can argue about this for a long time but you in the other hand.. "

"Okay I get it but I'm leaving the money anyway." I cut him off realizing he was right.

"Aren't you stubborn ? Think of it as a treat for our new friendship please." he said making a puppy face .

"Damn you! I said stuffing the money inside and sprinting as fast as i could.

At a distance I could hear his laughter ringing.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"I am home, mom!"

"Hey honey" she said smiling,"What took you so long?"

"VS coffee shop" i replied all chubby.

"Ohh, so i guess you have made some friend then, am I right?"

"Yep." I said popping the p.

"Go change and let's have dinner, kay?"

"Sure, mom"I mumbled as I made my way to my heaven upstairs. I plopped down on my bed resting my tired head on my soft fluffy pillow.

"Whew!" I breathed out puffing the air. I got up and removed my long sleeved tee before I get too lazy and let my eyes droop. Looking at myself in the mirror the reality dawned in the faint pink thin line just on the right shoulder blade, making me realize how selfish I had been the whole day. Drowning my happiness, I had not even for once thought about the happiness I had taken away from the person that meant so much to me, he still means but all through out the day I had not spared even a second in his rememberance. Slowly tears rolled down my cheeks as I felt my nerves stiffening trying hard to refrain the whimper which only made it even harder at my chest. Shivering I touched the gruesome mark and suddenly the horror and the dread of that day dawned in making my knees so weak I had to sit down on the floor leaning against the bed.

"Lia, calm down, its fine." I tried to assure myself whispering. Slowly I got up and took out a quarter sleeved tshirt in order to hide the mark. Not that it was that visible, it was just a faint line but for me this mark was like a tatoo encarved deep in my soul which could never be removed.

"Honey..." my mom said in a soft voice entering my room.

"Hm.." I whispered, though it was barely audible, turning at the direction of the door and the moment I saw her I was engulfed in a bone crushing hug. And as if the tears were just waiting for it, I couldn't help but cry out loud letting all the pain that I had bottled up for over a year now slipping out.

"Sh...It'll be all right, it was not your fault sh.."was all my mother said after some time.

"Mom, am I supposed to be happy? Am i supposed to move on? Will this guilt ever

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