» Fiction » the side of darkness you dont see, leanne [uplifting books for women TXT] 📗

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jacket off and slid into bed fell into deep dreamless sleep this time I didn’t see his yellow eyes I saw Theo’s bright blue eyes.
I woke to the sun shining through the curtains I open my eyes and stared over to Tiff bed it was empty I sat up with a jolt I picked up my alarm clock it was Ten o’clock. I jumped out of bed forgetting about the big gash on my foot I screamed with pain I hoped on to my good foot my eyes filling with tears. I limp towards my wardrobe I put on some pineapple jogging bottom and white t-shirt I quickly shoved some dolly shoes on bring very careful with my hurt foot. As was about to leave the room something court my eye it was on the floor I turned to stare at it. It was Theo’s jacket he gave me yesterday it was left on floor where I dropped it when I went back to bed. I picked it up and put my arms through it. I walked into the canteen everyone turned to stare at me I walk straight past Theo and his group I saw Theo look at me and smile. I sit down next to Tiff there all finish speaking and turned their concern gaze on me “why didn’t you wake me up Tiff” I smile everyone to show them I was fine and there can stop worrying about “I thought it would be better if you got a lay in you had a bit of a shock yesterday” I smile at Tiff again. I put my bag on the floor and stood up to go to get some food and a drink. I was waiting in the line ready to get some food when Theo came and stood behind me “so you’re wearing my jacket” he chuckled it made me shiver I turned to face him he was smiling down at me “yes I am my jumper is a bit to small” I smile back that made his smile get bigger. I turned back around and grabbed a tray his armed reach around me for a tray “you know you could of ask me to get you a tray instead of reaching over me” I smiled even though he couldn’t see it “maybe I just wanted to get close to you” he laughed in my ear I wish I could hear that sound all the time and this moment wouldn’t end but nothing turns out how I want it to. Emily came up from behind us “Theo what the hell are you doing with her” I span round on my heels to face her she wasn’t smiling and my smile was wiped off my face “he was just talking Emily” she didn’t even look at me while she grabbed Theo hand “Emily she right I can talk to her” she didn’t look up at me “you stay away from my boyfriend” when she said that my mouth fell open I can’t believe he going out with her I thought he liked me. I walked away from them got my food and went back my group of friends all that time I felt Theo eyes on me. I sat back next to Tiff “Crystal you alright” I just nodded and dug into my food. After I had enough I put the rest of the food in the bin then walked out of the canteen without looking at anyone I felt sick of people staring at me because of my cuts on my face.
I step outside into freezing cold air the sun was shining but the wind was very nippy. I walked over to the bench and sat down I felt a tear rolled down my face I wipe at quickly I can’t cry. I sat there for awhile I bathed in the peacefulness everyone was still in bed or in the canteen so I was all alone I thought I would feel better on my own but I didn’t I felt worse. I heard footstep get closer I bathed in the peacefulness everyone was still in bed or in the canteen so I was all alone I thought I would feel better on my own but I didn’t I felt worse. I heard footstep get closer I thought it might be one of my friends I looked up to find Theo standing over me I stood up to walk away he grabbed my arm before I could make a run for it “Crystal we need to talk so don’t walk away from me” he looked angry that I was trying to ignore him. I tried to pull away from him but his hand wouldn’t budge I turned to face him “we have nothing to talk about Theo now let go of me” he didn’t listen to me I tried once more to move his hand from my wrist but I couldn’t so I gave up. He asked if we could go for a walk I nodded we started walking “Crystal I know I been sending the wrong signals to you”. I walked I walked a bit faster he grabbed my arm “are you listening to me” I nodded not saying anything I didn’t trust myself to speak how could he say he was giving me the wrong signals it looked to me that he cared for me. He span me around to face him I never lifted my eyes to his I just stared at the ground “Crystal say something I don’t want to hurt you” I looked up into his eyes “well you ready hurt me and about send all the wrong signals why did you start talking to me you never talk to my group of mates before I came here so why now start talking to them and me I’m nothing like you your way up on their” I lifted my hand as high as I can reach “and I’m way down here” I moved my hand lower down from where it was he grabbed my hand “Crystal you’re not way down and you will never be I don’t deserve you and I don’t want put you in harm’s way that why I’m trying make you stay away from me Emily she look after herself but you can’t and I don’t want you to get hurt”. I saw his eyes blaze a bright blue colour I could of got lost in them but I know I shouldn’t “what do you mean that Emily could look after herself and I can’t I serviced that thing last night” his eyes never leaving mine he stepped closer to me “Crystal you were lucky last night that thing was after you is dangerous and you had luck on your side and their worst thing out there than that thing”. I felt my anger boil up and I felt tear rush to my eyes “don’t you tell me it was a flock do you know what I went through to stay alive” he looked at me he saw the tears welling in my eyes “no I don’t know what you went through no one does because you haven’t said anything about it” I felt the tear roll down my cheeks I wiped them away quickly as I can “I don’t want to talk what happen to me because I don’t want to remember it ok maybe I’m weak n most probably right that I was lucky now I’m thinking about it I’m sorry shouted at you” I tried to hold back a sob but I couldn’t I put my hands to my face and burst out crying he stepped closer to me and put his arms around me. When I calmed down a bit “why don’t you tell me what happen to you it might help you forget” I thought about it for a while he still had his arms around me so I felt safe to tell him.
I told him everything from when I left the girls at the cafe to when he found me near the end of telling him I burst out crying again he tighten his grip around me. We stayed like that for ages but then the bitch from hell Emily walk up to us she looked like she wanted to kill me she pulls us a part “and what do you think you’re doing with my boyfriend” she snarled at me. Theo stepped between us “Emily she my friend I was just comforting her so don’t go speaking to her like that” his voice changed from being nice and warm to being ice cold what made want to crawl away from him. I stood there staring at both of them for a while then I just turned away “I don’t feel well so I be going now” I hear Theo feet move towards me I also hear Emily walk away from us. We walked in silent’s to my room when we got to my room I went to open the door he grabbed my shoulders lightly and turned me around to face him “Crystal I think you should go to the nurses soon if you feel even worse later promise you will” he looked deep into my eyes it felt like he was looking for something that would reassure him that I would go to the nurses if I was in pain. I just nodded I went to turn but he still had my shoulders in his grip he moved one of his hands of my shoulder and stroked my cheek. He dropped his hand and stepped back from it look like he was shaken up by what he just done “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that” as he was saying the last words he turned away from me and walked away I stood there staring after him. I stepped inside and shut the door with the door closed I fell to the ground in tears I cried for ages until fell asleep on the floor huddle in a ball.
Chapter 3
I woke up with a jump I felt someone hands on my shoulders shaking me I started to scream but then I stop I recognize the voice trying to carm me down it was Tiffs “Crystal wake up it me” I pry my eyes open to see Tiffs bright green eyes staring down at me. She helps me up on to my feet one of my foot still hurt. I started to get headache from all the crying I had done before I fell asleep. Tiff sits me on my bed and made me tell her what happen why was I on the floor I told her what happen between me Theo and Emily and when I got back to the room I broke down crying.
When she went to go meet the others for a quick snack before our curfew I went to the nurses office it was dark outside the moon was hidden by clouds the wind was bitter cold against my skin. I stepped into two nurses building I felt something cold and evil brush across my skin it made me feel like I shouldn’t be here. I carried on walking but I started to tiptoe quietly across the tiled floor towards the nurses office I hear a voice muttering something in a different language. I get on to my knees and crawl through the door I don’t know why I’m acting like this but something telling me it for my own good. I peek around a big plant what has covered me up from the nurse’s view. She was hunched over an old looking bowl what had lots of
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