» Fiction » the side of darkness you dont see, leanne [uplifting books for women TXT] 📗

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Chapter 1
Hi my name crystal the past few days have been so horrible my parent have been fighting every night this week. There keep arguing about me going to boarding school my mum doesn’t want me to go but my dad wants me to go and whenever I try tell them what I think there tell me to go up stairs. My dad thinks I’m bad influences on my little brother and sister so he wants me to be chucked in to boarding school far away from my family.
Tonight when I was laying in bed the shouting got really bad it woke my little brother and sister up so there came into room looking a bit scared there asked me if there could sleep in my bed. When we were huddle together about to fall asleep my dad walks in and tell Todd and Sophie to get to there on beds there jump out of my bed run back to their rooms.
When my dad shuts the door and turns back to me and tells me to pack my things up because I was going away to boarding first thing tomorrow. When he leave my room my mum walks in she looks like she been crying her eye puffy and blood shot I sit down on my bed and she sits next to me. We sat in silent’s for ages until I turned round to face mum and burst out crying telling her that I don’t want to leave and she sits there hugging me and telling me that she know that I didn’t want to go.
In the morning I was dressed packed and ready to leave Todd and Sophie were downstairs already having breakfast I walked into the kitchen the atmosphere in the kitchen changed from being happy to sad angry and confused I sat at the table I said nothing I just ate my toast when I finish I went back upstairs and sat on bed I looked around my half empty room most of my draws were empty now and most my wardrobe was empty as well most everything I had was all packed and ready to be ship off to boarding school. The only thing that was left in my room was posters of my favourite band some photos of me and my best mates and old computer what takes forever to load up.
It was time to leave my mum standing by the door crying I give her a big hug and tell everything was going to be alright my dad was waiting in the car I said my quick good bye to everyone even Todd’s pet fish because he wouldn’t let me leave unless I said goodbye to Goldie. When I’m in the car dad says nothing he just starts it takes ages till we get to the school. I look out of the car window when he stop the car inside the gates of the school the school is huge and posh I’m going to stick out like a sore thumb if the student are as posh as this school my dad turns to me so I turn to stare at him “so Hun do you like the school....?” I turn back towards the school then back to dad I stare at him for a while “how much did it cost dad” he stares at me for a bit then he smiles “not that much I know some people there got me a deal so it was cheaper than it was going to be” I just stare at the school with horror how am I going to fit in most my clothes are handed down the students here most probably have really expense clothes. Dad steps out of the car and opens the boot to get my suitcases out I sit there staring at the school I don’t want to get out of the car “crystal are going to help”.
I get out of the car I walk around to the boot. I went to go grab one of my suitcases out of the car that when I feel and smell someone standing behind me I turn round to see a very tall boy standing talking to my dad he offered to help with the suitcases I just stare there was something about him that made me not trust him. He turns to me sensing that I was watching he smiles his was very dazzling his eyes were very bright blue I could just swim in them but my senses told me to stay clear of him he turns back to dad and helps him with my suitcases I just wanting to tell him to burger off and leave me and my dad alone because we don’t need his help but I don’t say anything because it feels like my mouth is glued together after he helped my dad with getting my suitcases out of the car it didn’t take long though because I only had two suitcases with so why did he offer to help while I was thinking about that the boy had just turned to me and thrust hand out to me I take his hand just to be polite his hand is quite warm “hi there my name Theo walker it nice to meet you” I just stare at him for a while I saw his eye look me up and down when he met my eyes again he smiled I pull my hand away from his and his smile got wider.
I went to pick my cases up but Theo beat me there he smiles again “sorry but I didn’t catch your name “I look up at him he smiling down at me “while you to get know each other I’ll go and see Mrs. Coop and sweetie be nice” he smiled at Theo and me locked the car and walked off “so what your name then” I try and get my cases back but he started to walk I had to run to catch after him “my name is crystal wood and can you please give my suitcases back” he just smiles and carries on walking it like he never heard me.
As we walk up the steps to the school I feel a bit paranoid like there are eyes watching me I move a bit closer to Theo without realising even though when I first meet him my senses told me to stay away from him but now they’re telling me much he safer than what I’m feeling. I look around me before we step into the school there no one around but I still feel something watching me so I move even closer to him so are arms are practically touching he looks down at me this time he not smiling he just stared into my eyes like was trying to find what made me get closer to him then he looks away.
When we’re inside he puts my cases down by the receptionist desk I’m still by the door when he turns back towards me. He smiles at me then walks off I just stare after him the receptionist tells me to take a seat and Mrs. Coop will only be a minute. After I sat down I read a couple of articles from a magazine Mrs. Coop came out of her office with my dad and some very posh dressed girl she smiles at me and walks over to me and sticks out her hand out towards me “hey my name tiffany but people call me tiff and you must be crystal my new roommate” I take her very small but elegant hand in my shake it her grip was firm but warm I smile back at her.
When we finally get to are room after dad and Mrs. Coop had word with me before dad leave he tells me don’t mess this I got a good deal and all that stuff it was past midnight so I just wanted to go to sleep. As I step into our room I stop right in the middle of the room and pivoted around to look at the room it was huge with two big wardrobes, couple of drawers, and two desks with each a laptop on it and each side of the room were huge beds with pink lacy bedcovers. When I was finish staring at the room I turn back to Tiff she smiles I never relies that she actually quite short and her eyes are so green that it feels like your looking into a field in the summer she very petite unlike me I’m quite chubby but curvy as well so it ok I wouldn’t want to be too skinny.
After I unpacked everything I sat at my desk and turn on my lamp so I wouldn’t wake Tiff up because she most probably hates me for it. I get my dairy out and start right in it..........
Dear diary
First night at my new school I can’t sleep they something not right here. Today when I first arrived there was this boy called Theo walker every senses in my body told me to stay clear of him but when we were walking up the step to the school I felt eyes on me so I moved closer to him. But when I got to the top of the steps I turned around there was no one there but I still felt like eyes were watching me so I moved even closer to him so are arms were almost touching but I felt save with him oh god am I being paranoid because first I wanted to stay away from Theo but I feel save near him ........
It was about three a clock when I actually got to sleep so when I woke about six because someone shaking me. I open my eyes to see Tiff shaking me she smiles and tells me we have to get ready because classes start at 8 so we got 2 hrs to get dressed do makeup and have something to eat.
Tiff change my outfit twice until came up with a skirt tights and a brown top and she had a really short skirt on and a blouse. When we done makeup and hair we went to the dinner room for something to eat lots of the girls stared at us wondering who the new kid was most probably. For breakfast I got a toast and a hot chocolate we sat with Tiff friends there were only five of us the other three girls were called Lisa, Bridie and Imahn there were really nice to me.
We were talking about who had classes with me when two girls stopped right in front of our table Tiff looks up and give them a really evil look “what the hell do you two want” there both smiled at her then looks at me and there smile disappeared and she glared at me and walked off. After their left us Tiff turns back towards us I ask her why there gave me evils “there gave you evils because Theo keeps looking at you and she likes him” she pointed towards the table he was sitting with his mates and where the two girls were standing “Emily doesn’t like it when I a girl gets more attention than her from him especially with a

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