» Fiction » the side of darkness you dont see, leanne [uplifting books for women TXT] 📗

Book online «the side of darkness you dont see, leanne [uplifting books for women TXT] 📗». Author leanne

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* * * I watch her as she calm down and fell asleep in my arms. I look down at her arms to see some mark on her arms in the dim light. There were both identical from each other it was like a scar what been there for ages. The nightmare she was having was a sign that he getting stronger. And soon he will arise from the pit I thrown him in five years ago and when he does he will bring the darkness with him. But the only way he can arise is for me to set him free. I feel Crystal stir in my arms so I pull the covers even closer around trying to make Crystal feel safe with me.
* * *
The sun streaming through the curtains woke me up all the memories of my dream and what happen last night came flooding back with a bang. I moaned and tried to curl up into a ball realising that I was still in Theo arms he stirred beneath his arms tighten around protectively. I looked over at Tiffs bed her and Todd was still fast asleep with his arm around her protectively. I turned my head to find Theo staring at me his stare was so intense that I had to look away. The dream last night was imprinted in my brain I looked down at my arms to find marks on either arm identical from each other. The marks were in the same places where the knife had cut me in my nightmare. I sat up right Theo copied me and followed my gaze to my arms. I turn towards him he just stares at me “tell what the hell is going I don’t care what the headmistress or your mother told you I need to know now” the whole sentence came out as a whisper I could bring myself to speak any louder I was scared. And he could see it in my eyes that I was. But he didn’t say anything I stumbled out of bed trying not wake up Tiff and Todd. Theo stood up and watched me as I steady myself against my desk “please tell me what going” I tried begging him but he just shook his head “Crystal you know I can’t and some point you will find out but not right now”. He moved closer to me I backed away from and banged into the wall my eyes full of tears I ran past him for the door. He tried to grab me but he miss me by a few inches I pulled the door open and ran out it was too early in the morning anyone to be awake.
I ran through the doors into the sun tears running down my face remembering what happen to me in my dream. I stopped and collapsed to the floor in tears I buried my face in my hands trying to forget the nightmare and what happening around me. I just want to be home with my family not stuck here with whatever going on. I could feel someone approaching me I look up to find Theo standing over me he sits down next to me cross legged. I slid away from but he grabbed me and pulled me on to his lap I could feel his eyes on my head but I don’t look up at him I just stared at floor. The tears were still running down my face as I just listen to his breathing as he holds me. We just sat in silent’s while the breeze blew my hair about and dried my tear stained face. I just wanted him to explain to me what happening but I know he won’t he just keeping me in the dark like always he treating me like I won’t be able to handle what going on. I turned my head to stare up at him he was staring at me “Theo why won’t you just say what going on because you ready said sooner or later I’m going to find out why can’t it be now I can handle it” my voice calm but I wasn’t feeling calm though. His bright blue eyes were emotionless he was hiding from me like he always does “Crystal you can’t handle this I’m keep you in the dark for good reason if I told you it be even harder to protect you and I promise them I wouldn’t say anything and I don’t break my promises. Please stop asking” near the end his words were softer I just turned my head away from so he couldn’t see my disappointment. As I stared into the trees what surrounded the school something moved it wasn’t a animal it was person shadow casting across the ground from the sun. I just stared at the shadow for a minute that when the face popped out of the shadows it was Lilly she was smirking at me.
I felt Theo stiffen beneath me he slid off his lap and stood up and pulled me up with him he bent to my ear “go back to your room and tell Todd come out here now and don’t look back just keep walking you got that” I just. Turned away like he said and walked away from without looking back but I felt those eyes on me so I pick up pace and ran into the girls dorm.
* * *
I watched as Crystal ran through door of the girls dorm I know she could feel them watching her from the shadows. I stepped towards Lilly she most of changed her appearance when I sent her boss to the pit. We stared at each other for a long time saying nothing she smiles at “aw you ruined my fun why did you make Crystal leave” she carried on smiling at me. I just wanted to slap that smirk off her face “why do you want her Lilly” I think I know why but I just wanted to make it was true first. She step closer to me “you know why my little brother she your weakness and some point I’m going to get her and hurt if you don’t do as I say” she moved again. I stood staring at her “why do you want me to bring him back anyway what is there in this for you do you think make you his side kick we all know that he going to bring the darkness and I’m going to put him back where came from again and maybe I should do the same to you”. She stared then her smile got wider “Theo sweet little brother did you know we know that she was going to be your weakness”. I felt a shiver go down my back “after a while I realised that your kind know before but tell why bother with her you could of taken mum but you waited and waited for what” her smile widen. Her eyes were full of excitement like she couldn’t wait to tell me something “little brother I have something to tell you about your little friend crystal and why I was tuned into her”. Her got brighter and brighter I just stood there staring at her “when I was passing a village where lived the demon dogs could smell her and before you say anything sweetie her scent was of a mind reader because somewhere down the line of generation some were mind readers and I was going to wait for to grow into the powers but then you’re stupid headmistress got her sent here then I saw the future there was you and her together it so sweet and I know I wasn’t going to lose anyway”. She started laughing stood there staring at her that when I noticed Todd standing behind me his full of fury. I grabbed him before he pounced for her “you better leave now sis or we rip you’re out” as I held on to Todd I shouted the words right at her feeling my fury build I dragged Todd in the direction of the girls dorm.
* * *
I ran through my door and shouted at Todd to get up. Todd looks up from where he was just laying and asked me what wrong I told him that Lilly was out there and Theo wants him to go out there. Tiff was just staring at us with eyes full of worried she could see I been crying she got off the bed and dragged me to my bed and pushed me down. Todd was ready and dress and out the door before I could say anything to him. I sat there for while staring into space while Tiff rubbed my back gentle as I sob for no reason. I looked up when i heard the door open, Theo stepped in dragging Todd with him they were shouting at each other "why did you do that".
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