» Fiction » the side of darkness you dont see, leanne [uplifting books for women TXT] 📗

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them why aren’t there telling me “I want to know what going on I want to know why she was talking some bowl and what it got to do with me and why there want to use me to get Theo to do what there want” there both stared at me I backed away a bit it was too intense with them both looking at me. Ms went to her desk picked up the phone and dialled a number she was talking for a while Theo made me sit down. She got off the phone and came over to us “your mother coming Theo then we can talk” he didn’t look very happy with the news Ms just gave us “why did you call her I came to you about this so you would that I was going to tell her everything she needs to know” everything went silent in the room. The door opens and in walks Mrs walker “I don’t think you need to tell her anything” her voice was sharp and she kept looking at me like I was a disease “mum she in the middle of the this so why not sooner or later she going to know but I would like to tell her now not later” it was like staring contest there both stood there staring at each other “we not telling her anything I told you stay away from her but you didn’t listen”. He groaned it looked like he want to punch something “mum I don’t think it would of helped if I stayed away from her there know something was going to happen between us” I stared at him wondering who he was talking about “err you know I’m still here and I’m not death so whatever you’re talking about just tell me” Mrs walker or should I say Sophie turned towards me she looked pissed. She moved close to me I was still sitting down so she towered over me “I’ll tell what going on your putting my son in danger for being here so why don’t you go home” Theo came and stood in between us he had his back to me “mum you know she can’t just go home now there will go after her and you know that” I felt a shiver go down my spine. I just wanted to get out of this room I could feel that his mum didn’t like me at all “Theo is right Sophie she need to be protected that why I think he should stay with her for a couple of nights just to keep an eye on her” when Ms said that Sophie just got even more pissed off “what the hell are you thinking there want my son but you want protect her” she was shouting now I shuffled in my sit feeling a bit scared of Sophie. Ms puts her hand on Sophie’s shoulder but she shrugs it off “Sophie I know there want your son but there want her as well so there can use her against him so why don’t carm down” Sophie just lost it and walked out of the room and slammed the door with a loud bang. After she left it went silent for a while I was still confused what there were talking about my headache was coming back and all I wanted to do was sleep “so you stay in Crystal room until we find Lilly ok” we both nodded and left her office.
When we got outside we were silent for a bit until I grabbed his arm and turned him around to face me “Theo you still haven’t told me what going on” he looked down and smile sympathetic smile “Crystal I can only tell a few things I don’t want my mum to hate me even more” he turned away from me and carried on walking. I stood there not moving he turns around “Crystal come on I’ll tell you when we get back to your room” I shook my head and stood there he came towards me I didn’t look him in the eyes I thought I would get lost in them like I normally do “no I want you to tell me now”. I had tears in my eyes why am I getting upset “Crystal please let go in it been a long day you need to sleep” I stood there staring at the floor for a while until I saw a face form in the soil I jumped from it and scream. I looked up at Theo “Crystal what wrong” I looked into his blue eyes with fear “there was a face in the soil it was smiling at me, I must of imagined it but it scared me” I tried to laugh but it came out a bit strangled. I moved closer to him when we start to walk back to my room I couldn't get the face out of my head.
When we got to my room the door was wide open I look up at Theo he was staring into my room he grabs my arm and half drags me into the shadows of the corridors from his expression I know something was in my room. We stood there for a while then a figure appeared in the doorway I could see it face because Theo was covering most of my view. It shut my door and left Theo stepped away from me and opens the door we go in nothing has been moved so I don’t go and see if anything gone missing. I sit down on my bed and look up at him “Theo what going on” he looks at me he comes over and sit next to me on my bed “Crystal I’m not going to tell you everything I want to but I’m a bit worried it might scare you I don’t want to scare you” he smiles at me. I turn my body towards him so our knees were touching “Theo then tell me what you can just make me understand what going on” he was about to tell me when Tiff walks in tailing behind her was Todd “hey guys Ms just told me that Todd and Theo are staying are room for a bit because to keep an eye you” she smiles up at Todd. I could see Tiff likes him already “so where are we sleeping then” after Todd said Tiff turns round and smiles at him “you could sleep in my bed with me” there both start to laugh. Tiff stops laughing and turns to me and Theo she looks at the way we were sitting and smiles at me I just give her evils. We all went to bed about midnight Todd slept in Tiffs bed with Theo and Tiff in my bed with me. The boys fell asleep before us so we could talk “so Crystal what going on between you and Theo and why did Todd and Theo have stay in our room” I couldn’t see her face but if I didn’t tell her she most probably kill me. I turned on to my back and stared at the ceiling “I don’t really understand what going but something after me because it want to get to Theo through me and today someone was in our room I think it was after me and the nurse she somehow involved in this Tiff I’m scared” I just stared at the ceiling. I wait for her to say something funny but instead a stopped remark she hugs me “Crystal I know Theo he won’t let anything hurt the way he looks at you he cares for you” and that what I fear. I turned to face her even though I can’t see her “Tiff there after me to get to him I don’t want him to care for me if they’re going to use me to hurt him” I let tears slip down my face in silent’s. I turned away from her to show her that I wanted to sleep.
I was in a room with the face from the soil I was in a chair Lilly was there watching me struggle to get out she just laugh. I feel the pain as he bring the knife down on my arm I scream with pain he smiles as well. He walks to the table where he had picked up the knife he cleans the knife off “soon I will be free and this will happen for real and Theo be able stop me” he laughs his voice was husky. He came towards me again with the knife he brings the knife down on my arm again he makes another gash on my arm but even deeper I scream. He does that a few more times on my right arm I couldn’t hold back my cries the pain was too much.........
I wake by screaming I jump up out of bed to find Tiff trying to wake Crystal Todd ready behind me he helps Tiff out of bed she keeps looking over at crystal who screaming is turning into sobs of pain. I sit down on the bed “why don’t you to try and sleep I’ll carm her down” I turn back to Crystal she still screaming and thrashing about in her covers. I pulled back the covers so I could grab Crystal I pulled her on to my lap she still crying like someone was hurting her I rocked her back and forth trying to carm her down “Crystal wake up it just a dream it won’t hurt you” carried on talking to her tell her everything was ok and she can wake up now. she wakes up finally with a scream she looks up into my eyes her eyes were full tear she pulls herself closer to me I could hear her sobbing against my chest I laid down with her in my arms I wrapped the covers over us......
I was bleeding from both arms the blood was dripping into a bowl I couldn’t stop crying I wanted this to end or just die. I was in so much pain I couldn’t hear myself think but suddenly I hear Theo’s voice telling me it was a dream and it won’t hurt me. I wanted to see his face I close my eyes think it not real it just your imagination I kept repeating it over and over again but it wouldn’t work I could still feel the blood dripping from my arms. I keep my eyes closed listening to Theo’s voice. The next thing I know is that I’m in Theo’s arm I look up into his bright blue eyes through teary vision. I turn my head into his chest and sob I feel Theo my covers over us and he lays down with me in his arms and I felt safe enough to fall asleep again.
I slept the rest of the night without dreaming about the man and the woman again it was dreamless sleep.
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