» Fiction » the side of darkness you dont see, leanne [uplifting books for women TXT] 📗

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engraved pictures she muttering something again what I couldn’t understand. I sit on my heels watching her pick up a knife that had been right next to her when I crawled into the room that also look old and it had the same pictures engraved in the knife bit as the bowl there were both a bronze colour. Her voice got louder as she lifted the knife to her wrist. She brought the knife down on to her wrist and cut a big gash a cross her left wrist she let it bleed into the bowl I watch as her blood dripped into the bowl I felt I was going to throw up. She put the bowl down on the table in front of her and went to cover up the gash before she lost too much I looked at the table it had covering the wooden table in the middle was another bowl what look exactly the same as the one with blood init but this one had herbs and also of flowers what looked half dead. Around the outside of the table in each corner of the table were candles what haven’t been lit yet there were different colours purple red dark blue and black. The nurse comes back with a badge around left wrist she also had matches in her right hand she walks over to the table. She pulls out one match and lights lit she goes around the table lighting each candle first she lights the red saying something in the same language she been talking in for most of the time I been here. Suddenly she said something in English it sounded like she said something about blood. She moves towards to the purple colour she lights another match when she light this candle I feel a breeze rush through the door. She says something in what I don’t understand then she goes into English again “arise from the pit of hell the spirits of my lord” she move towards she does the same as she did with the other to candles. She lights it and says something in some other language then she says something in English “the night is our so arise”. She moves away from the candle she just spoke to and moved towards the last candle what haven’t been lit yet it was the black one. I could still feel the breeze what was coming out of nowhere. She lights the black candle and all my hairs on my arms were standing up she starts talking again she also goes into English again “the death is the path you come from” she moves away from and walk to the bowls. She picks up the bowl with blood in it and tips the as few drops of blood in the bowl with herbs and flowers in it she also speaking this time it all English “as the blood burns with herb and flower of the night it will open the door way so my lord can speak to me” as she says that she drops the match she just lit in to the bowl with the herbs there go up in flames. As the stuff in the bowl burns she picks up the other bowl again with her blood in it she stares in to the blood for a while it looks like she waiting for something. After a long time a smile spreads across the nurse bright red lips “hello master it nice see you and hear from” she bows her head to show her respect to whatever she talking to it look like she was talking to herself for a while because the was no response. Then when I was about to leave I heard a husky voice come out of nowhere it wasn’t the nurse her lips were still smiling down at the bowl “Lilly it so nice to see your face I hear you got some news on the boy”. She nods her head and her smile get wider “yes my lord I have his weakness that will help me make him free you” I looked around me to see where the voice was coming from but there was only the nurse and me. she sit down on a chair what was facing my way so I couldn’t make a runner without her seeing me so I had to sit there if I didn’t want to “so what is his weakness because I want to get out soon” she nods again. Her smile widen so her teeth are showing now “Theo weakness is a girl he has got very attached to I saw it coming when she first step into this school I know he would fall for her” she starts to laugh but I didn’t take any notice of I was frozen when she first said Theo name. Her laugh dies down and the husky voice speaks again “so who is this girl he is so fond of then” he sounded very happy about this news Lilly has gave him. She shuffles on her chair before she spoke she was still smiling “her name is Crystal” when she said my name I gasped Lilly heard me her head flipped up and stares over where the noise had come from she puts the bowl down she stands up and looks around the room “what is it Lilly” the husky voice sound angry. Lilly quickly turns back to the bowl it was my chance to room or get court I got on my feet crouching still behind the plant I hear her tell the voice that she heard someone in the room I stood up she still had her back to me if I could make it to the door without her noticing me. I walked to the door quietly when I got to the door I knocked into a table what was right next to the door the water jug what was on it crashed to the floor Lilly span round to face me. I grabbed the door knob and yanked open the door so I could run out of it. Forgetting about my foot hurting and my headache I ran down the corridor I could hear her coming out of her office and walking down the corridor after me “Crystal you know it not nice to spy on people” I hear her sneer the words out at me I didn’t stop running out of the door and into the night I didn’t know where I was running I passed the girl doom but I kept running I could hear Lilly behind me but suddenly it went quiet I peeked over my shoulder she was gone but I kept running I ran into the boys doom I don’t know why I did. I stop outside a door I looked the names on the door: Theo n Todd. I stood there for a while then the door open Todd was standing there “Crystal you alright” he looked me up and down “why does everyone keep asking that” he just stares at me. I looked past him into the room “is Theo here I need to talk to him” he shakes his head I went to turn away from him but turned to face him “Todd could I come in and wait for him” I looked behind me feeling like something was watching me Todd step out of the way so I could get into the room I sit down on the armchair near the window. I shut the curtains because it something was watching out there and I didn’t feel safe with the curtains open Todd eyes me curiously but he doesn’t ask me anything. We sat there in silent’s I stared at the door hoping he would walk through it so I can feel safe I sat there for a while then the door open he walked through he took one look at me and his face fell to concern “Crystal what you doing” I sat up a bit “Theo what going on” he just stared at me with confusion. Todd got up and told us he was going to see if Tiff wanted to get a snack and he left the room shutting the door after himself. Theo came sat in the armchair beside me we didn’t look at each other we just stared a head “so are going to tell me what going why the nurse or should I call her Lilly......” I couldn’t finish my sentence he interrupted me “Lilly what she here” I look at him he didn’t look very happy. He looked he wanted to kill someone “Theo who is she” he looked in my eyes his face soften into a sweet smile “Crystal don’t worry about it” he smiled again. This time he not going to get away without telling me who she is “Theo you tell me now who she is why was she talking someone about me being your weakness tell me now” I shouted the last words at him. I looked away from him felt horrible for shouting at him he grabs my chin and turned my face towards him so he could look into my eyes “Crystal its complicated I can’t tell you everything” he looked down at my hands what were clasped together. I tried to look away but he still had my chin in his hand “then tell me what you can make me understand don’t keep me the dark please” the last word came out as a whisper. He stroked his thumb a cross my jaw line I shivered under his touch “Crystal you most understand that I’m keeping you in the dark because I don’t want you to get hurt” he carried on staring into my eyes “Theo I ready got hurt please tell me I want to know why she was talking a bowl of her blood” he looked at me he dropped his hand from my chin and stood up. I got up to he had his back to me I walked around him and stood in front of him he looked down at me his blue eyes so bright with anger he grabbed my arm and told me to tell him what I saw I told him about hiding behind the plant and that I heard her shouting stuff in a language I didn’t recognize. After she got a knife and cut one of her wrist and let the blood drop into the bowl. I also to him about the table and the four candles and what she said in English and that she was talking to someone in the bowl. After I told him everything he grabbed his jacket off the bed and grabbed my arm he started pull me out of the room “where we going” he stopped and turned round to face me “we going to Mrs. Coop office” I looked at him puzzled. We walked to her office in silence when we got there she let us in Theo still had my arm he sits me down in a chair “Theo what you do want” I could see that she wasn’t very happy we were here. I just sat while Theo was talking to her “Lilly is here or was I don’t know if she still here though” when Theo said Lilly name Mrs. Coop face turned dark the same as when I told Theo. I shuffled in my sit feeling uncomfortable “you saw her” he shook his head and turned towards me “Crystal did she saw everything what happen” Mrs looked at me I felt even more uncomfortable with them both staring at me. I stood up feeling like I should do something “I think we should tell her what going on” Mrs. Coop shook her head she looked me up and down “no we not going to tell her, why did you bring her here” she sounded angry. I stood there staring at
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