» History » BLOODWORTH, Tai Goodman [ebook reader macos .txt] 📗

Book online «BLOODWORTH, Tai Goodman [ebook reader macos .txt] 📗». Author Tai Goodman

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gonna clear the rest of the building, you keep the front door clean Pete!"

"You got it, captain!"


Abhy and Hans were at home, watching the broadcast. "Come on baby, please don't get hurt..." 


Phoenix and Stanley moved down a sharp hallway, and walked by an interesting door labeled, "ROCKET SCIENCE DIVISION A." Phoenix pointed two fingers at the room, and kicked the door in. Over the counter, a scientist threw a trashcan at him. "GET THE FUCK DOWN! THROW SOMETHING ELSE, AND I'LL POP THE CAP IN YOUR ASS!"


Phoenix grabbed the scientist by his collar. "Listen to me, fuckface. Where's the door to get to the launch pad?" 


"I- I know where it is!"




Stanley poked him and the scientist stood up, leading Phoenix and Stanley to the launch pad. And in the center of the station was the Raumfahre 9-1. "OPEN THE DOOR!"

The scientist inserted his keycard into the slot, and the door opened. "Welp. No turning back now. If I done fucked up, I'm done for." Phoenix walked through the door, and put his boot against the rocket's outside surface. "C'MON!"

Phoenix yanked the cord to his boot, and puncturing sharp spikes punctured the metal. Phoenix did the same with his other boot, and continued up the rocket. 



"I WILL!" 


Stanley walked back into the building. "Alright MUDDAFUCKA! GET ON YOUR KNEES!" he said, pointing his gun at the scientist. Phoenix continued walking up the rocket. The blimp was circling the space station. 


Abhy heard the broadcast say, "Breaking news from the site, a terrorist is climbing the rocket as we speak! Why you ask? We don't know!" 

Stanley ran upstairs to the launching station, and ran through a corridor full of Nazis. "Oh... SHIT!"

The Nazis readied their rifles, and starting firing. Stanley was hit twice in his side. Grasping his side, he waltzed into the launch control room, locking the door behind him. The room was empty. He walked over to the launch panel. "How in the hell do I use all this shit?"


There was a ignition next to a circuit breaker. "Alright." He looked through the window in front of him and saw Phoenix at the top. Stanley pulled out a convenient hair pin, picked the lock, and the circuit breaker unlocked. 




Nazis arrived in the launch pad's yard and aimed their weapons at Phoenix, facing upwards. "Oh shit... Well... I guess this is where I-"


The rocket's thruster's blasted fire throughout the launch pad, charring the Nazis into a black charcoal-like substance. The rocket launcher thrusted upwards, carrying Phoenix. "HOOOOOOLY SHIT!" 

Phoenix then looked towards the blimp, throwing his grappling hook. The hook hit a window of the zeppelin and the light on the device turned red. Then the hook started reeling in. Phoenix couldn't remove his feet. 


Abhy watched the rocket take off. "Attention everybody! Raumfahre 9-1 has taken off!" 


"AWW SHIT! COME ON, PETE! HOW THE FUCK DO YOU REMOVE THESE THINGS?" Phoenix wailed, tugging on his boots. The boots were now connected to the spacecraft. Then all of a sudden, the rocket started curving toward the zeppelin. "OH GOD NO! PLEASE NO!"


Phoenix was pulling himself, AND the rocket toward the zeppelin. The rocket straightened, and then split in half. The lower remote-controllable part of the rocket purposed to return to Earth was heading toward the zeppelin. "Am I really that strong? Goddamn, Abhy should see my biceps."


Then the piece of the shuttle landed in the zeppelin, causing Phoenix to fly off, crash into a Nazi, and both crashed into a wall. Phoenix's mask was pushed up a little with his mouth sticking out. Him and the Nazi's faces were mushed together, with Phoenix biting the Nazi's nose. Moving his head back small distance, Phoenix bit his nose off, and spat it out on the ground. "Damn!"

 Peter entered the corridor and saw Nazis crowding around a door, trying to pry it open. Peter aimed his rifle at all of the Nazis. 


"My time to shine."

Peter, holding down the trigger, gunned every single Nazi down. One jumped out and tried to grab Peter. "UH-UH!" 

He then shoved him to the ground, and beat him to death with the stock of his gun.



Chapter XX: Showdown

 Phoenix entered a big hall in the zeppelin. It was full of meeting room material, furniture, and other things. Nazi propaganda was spread around the room. "This place is bare like some Plain Jane made it. Abysmol. Makes me sick."


Phoenix then noticed a small light hovering over a Nazi at a computer. He was sitting there with his back turned to Phoenix in a leather chair, on a computing device. Readying his grappling hook, he fired it into Schriener's chair, hauling him towards the chair at an alarming speed. "SCHRIENER!!!!" he screamed, soaring toward the figure. And on impact, Phoenix hit the chair, slamming the Nazi's skull into his desk with a large smack, and sent Phoenix through a computer screen and onto the floor. Phoenix removed a piece of glass from his left arm, throwing it behind him. As he approached Schriener's corpse, pulling his head up by his hair, he realized his mission wasn't completed that easily. 


It wasn't Schriener, in simpler terms. Holding the hair, still, Phoenix said, "What the hell?" 

A platform on the floor opened up, and rising through it was a man in a full suit of steel armor. "American. Did you really think that would've worked? After all this trouble, you've caused, and for what?"


Phoenix pointed to him. "You. I came here to kill YOU." 


"Vell zhat might not happen you dummkopf, as your time is running out as we speak. Who are you anyways? Vhy are you specifically coming to kill me, and not anybody else?"


"Remember ABHY LEOPARD? The woman you threw on the floor of my house and took away?" Phoenix screamed at him. Schriener prickled his chin with his fingers and said, "Ja... I remember. You are Mr. Phoenix, I presume?"


"What does it matter anymore. I'm not the good guy anyways."


Schriener snickered and said, "Wunderbar, wunderbar! You know you're the bad guy then. Well then, Mister Badass as you Americans say it, let me go ahead and break ze news: YOUR WAR. IS. LOST. Why are you even trying anymore? So many of you idiots died! In the fields! On the plains! The towns! They're littered with your boys' corpses, AND FOR VHAT? For freedom? Nein, you do not deserve zhat much freedom. Instead you all should be tortured to be shown vhat you've all created in this continent." 


"When I come over there, I will beat you to death with my bare fucking hands. And when I'm done with you, I will MAIM YOUR FRIENDS. And you're wrong about something.."


"Oh yeah? VHAT?" 


"I'm not the bad. I'M THE MOTHERFUCKIN' UGLY."


Phoenix sprinted over to Schriener, as Schriener did the exact same thing. Once they collided, Schriener threw Phoenix into the desk in the middle of the room. "AGH! HELL!" 

Phoenix pulled out his pistol and popped Schriener a few times, doing nothing. "Zhis is STEEL. You can't pierce it with your puny bullets." Schriener picked up a chair, and hurled it at Phoenix's head. Ducking underneath, Phoenix dodged the chair by a hair. "HOLY SHIT. This guy's quick on his toes."


Phoenix and Schriener went face to face, grabbing each others' hands and trying to force one another's backwards. 




Phoenix came out on top, shoving Schriener's fists backwards, and kicking him in the chestplate. Schriener fell backwards. Phoenix sat down on his chest, punching the helmet of Schriener with his bare fists. 




Schriener pulled a string on his suit, launching Phoenix off with an ejecting chestplate.


"Nazi FUCK."


"Patriot SCUM." 

The two entered the middle of the room again. Phoenix punched Schriener in his chestplate, leaving a dent. But also, it left a weak spot open. "TAKE THAT SHIT OFF!" Phoenix screamed. Inserting his fingers in between the armor and something else, he peeled the plate off and threw it away.




 Schriener's gauntlets opened up, with miniature machine guns popping out, ready to fire. "AMERICAN!" 

He fired both at once, missing each shot, as Phoenix tipped over the desk. Then after a few seconds, bullets started piercing through the desktop's surface. Schriener climbed over the desk to find Phoenix disappeared. Then Phoenix slammed Schriener's head on the desk three times, and knocked him backwards. "AMERICAN!"

Phoenix reapproached him, and yanked off one of the man's gauntlets. "What're you gonna do now when I got your gun, SPORT?" 

Schriener charged toward Phoenix again, and knocked Phoenix in his mask using the metal of his elbow. Blood started dripping from Phoenix's chin. Schriener then dropkicked Phoenix into the hard floor.


Phoenix rolled over with his two arms in front of his face, while Schriener was beating him with his fists. "BACK OFF!"


Phoenix kicked Schriener backwards. Schriener grinned. "Alright. I see where zhis is going." Schriener pulled out a detonator in his hand. "You know vhat this is, American? This will set off emergency explosives on zhis vessel. It is an emergency protocol. Vill I die, of course. Vill you? You will too. So there is NO ESCAPE."

Phoenix popped his neck in place. "Do it. I don't give a crap."


Schriener grinned, and pressed the button. The system of the blimp echoed, "Warning. Self destruct sequence activated. Warnung. Selbstzerstörungssequenz aktiviert." The timer showed up for 5 minutes. 


"Oh no. What the fuck did I just do?"


Phoenix charged into Schriener, sending him halfway across the room over to the overview window. "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID? YOU'VE DOOMED LIVES BELOW US!" Phoenix raged toward Schriener.



Phoenix smashed Schriener's face into the window, leaving a crack. Then Schriener threw Phoenix all the way into the desk, again. "Unngh..." The timer had 4 minutes and 10 seconds. Struggling to get back up, he noticed Schriener through his blurry sight trying to bust the glass. He was hurrying, trying to shoot the glass, not busting it, but leaving bullet-holes. With the grip of his pistol, he whacked the crack repeatedly. The crack enlarged in size. "SCHISSE!" 

The clock reached 3 minutes and 30 seconds. Phoenix forced himself up. "Get up, old bones. You got a man to kill." Phoenix fired his grappling hook into the glass and was hauling himself over to Schriener at an alarming rate. "C'MERE!"

Schriener finally broke the glass with a shove, and the glass shattered into gigantic shards. Phoenix soared straight out the window, and into Schriener in the air. Phoenix grabbed onto a piece of Schriener's suit, right when the jetpack on the suit activated with flames soaring through the thrusters.


"Wha...? GET OFF!"


Schriener repeatedly poked at Phoenix. "I'm not ready to die. I'm ready to fight. Giving up is for pussies." 
Phoenix's muscles glowed yellow. Schriener noticed the glow, and screamed, "WAS ZUM TEUFEL?!"

Phoenix punched Schriener in his face, leaving a big bloody bruise on his face. Then he slammed his fist into his face again. And then again. And again. And again. Then Phoenix mumbled,




Phoenix socked the man's head off of his shoulders. 

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