» History » BLOODWORTH, Tai Goodman [ebook reader macos .txt] 📗

Book online «BLOODWORTH, Tai Goodman [ebook reader macos .txt] 📗». Author Tai Goodman

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butt of his pistol, he reached through the glass and mashed the toll's release mechanism. "Come on, let's go!" 


'Goddammit guys, you just had to do something stupid.' The two vehicles continued driving. Later on, that night, Phoenix rose his left arm to show he was making a left turn into a diner's parking lot. "I think he wants us to eat. Pull over." 

The two entered the parking lot, and remained stationary in the spots. Phoenix retracted his choppercycle and entered the diner with the two. "How much you wanna bet half the menu's a bunch of Nazi bullshit?"


Pete said, "Five bucks, when we go back to your place." A waitress said, "Table for...?"


"Three. Please."


"Alright. Follow me, bitte." The German waitress waked the men over to a booth in a corner. The three sat down, and were handed GERMAN menus. Most of the contents were edited, changed into German language with English subtitles. And yes, Phoenix was correct. Most of the menu was changed, physically.


"Well well well, you get to keep your five." 


"Vhat?" the waitress asked. Phoenix responded, "Oh, uh we were just settling a bet if my buddy Walter had a tattoo on his hand. He doesn't." 

"Oh. I see. Heh. Well, tell me when you're ready to order, my name is Shoshonna."

Stanley said, "Ahh... Shoshonna... You alone tonight?"


She smiled and said, "...Maybe.." 


As she was walking away, Phoenix kicked Stanley in the shin. "OW! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" 

"We don't give in to these Nazi bastards. That includes WOMEN, Stan. Now, let me tell you something. It's not just me in this fight, you guys are coming with me to find Abhy. So, take the knives in your silverware, put them in your pockets."


All three of them took knives, and concealed them in their clothing. "Great. Now time to cover this up... Shoshonna!" 


The waitress returned to the table. "We don't have our food yet but we don't have our knives. Can you please get us some?" 

"Ja. One second!"


She returned to the table with a trio of knives. "Thanks." The trio ate, and continued on their journey deep into Louisiana. 


Chapter VI: Navigation



Phoenix, Stanley, and Pete arrived at a hotel. They didn't enter through the front, however. "Alright listen up, cause if you fall, we're all screwed. You see that girder right there?" He pointed to a girder vertically leading to a scaleable side of the building. "Climb it, get to the sides." 

Phoenix lead the way, using the small hinges of the pipe to haul himself to the top. His feet were on the siding, and kept himself standing straight up. "Alright, which one of you had the plastic wrap you got from the convenience store earlier?" Pete pulled it out and waved it around. Phoenix reached out to catch it, and failed. The plastic wrap hit the ground. "Where'd you learn to freaking throw?"


"Shut up, I'm trying my best, man!" 


Pete threw it again and Phoenix failed to catch it. "JESUS CHRIST, PETE WE'RE IN THE OPEN RIGHT NOW!" Stanley swiped it away from Pete and tossed it to Phoenix. "Now THAT is a good throw." Phoenix chose a room with the lights off, and busted the window open. He climbed inside, finding a Nazi sleeping on a bed. 


"Heavy sleeper. Sweet dreams in hell."


Phoenix snatched a pillow, suffocated the man, and stabbed his knife through the pillow and into the man's skull. The other two climbed into the room. Phoenix opened the bathroom door. Silent, dark, and empty. Then Phoenix noticed there were not one but two beds. "Shit. Guys, there's two beds."


"Okay, so how is that bad. One of us can sleep on a separate bed." 

"No.. Not that. You can choose rooms with one or two beds. So either someone else was in this room and they're coming back or there were no other choices."

Phoenix put the several layers of plastic wrap across the window to replace it.


"Alright Captain, how are we gonna solve this problem?"


"Hmm... Well if we lock the door and the person can't get in, they're gonna go bitch at security and then they'll find us. So the best choice of action is to sleep in shifts in case they come back."


Pete wondered, "What'll we do then? One gunshot and the whole hall will go ballistic." 


"Take him out, put the body somewhere." 


"Great. No-nose-goes." Phoenix put his finger on his nose, and so did Pete. Stanley was left to stay on guard. "Dang." Late at night while Phoenix and Pete were sleeping, Stanley made some coffee for himself to stay awake. "Hmm..." No knocks came to the door. When his mug was completely full of coffee, he took the mug off of the machine. 

Then it was Pete's turn. He did the exact same thing, and nobody came. Phoenix's turn arose. He didn't make coffee. One minute later, he fell asleep. Then the door bursted open. A trio of Nazis entered, and shot Pete and Stanley in the head.


Phoenix woke up to the sound of two gunshots and composed himself. "SHIT!" One of the Nazis approached him, and placed their barrel against his mouth. "SAY GUT-NACHT, DUMMKOPF!" 


Phoenix sliced the man's hand off with his knife, and cracked the man's nose. Then he stole the rifle, and shot the man in the head. "C'MERE YOU NAZI BITCHES!"


Phoenix fired two shots at a Nazi's knees, incapacitating him, and then shot the other Nazi several times in his chest. With the butt of the gun, he held the rifle by its barrel and whacked the Nazi's head in. The alarm sounded. "ALARM! ALARM! INTRUDER IN ZE BUILDING!" 

Phoenix popped his neck in place. "Let's do this shit."


He picked up another rifle, and set it to automatic fire. He also stole a helmet, and put it on his head, tying the straps around his chin. "Come and get me you little pigs!" Phoenix exited into the hallways, and was seen by five different Nazis. 'Quick instinct, Leopard. Use your surroundings.' 


There was a room service cart besides a door. Phoenix kicked it, making it roll swiftly in the Nazi's direction. Without taking any damage, Phoenix landed on top of the cart, gunning down all five Nazis on the moving cart. The cart continued down the hallway, to the stairwell ramp. A Nazi poked his head out of his doorway, and Phoenix kicked the man's head off of the stump of his neck, making it soar through a glass window. 




Phoenix maneuvered the cart to turn left to the stairway door, and kicked it open. Nazis were gathering in the stairway, and landed right in front of Phoenix's line of sight. "BEEP BEEP!" The cart rolled down the ramp, and crashed into three, compacting them against the wall. Phoenix shot all three in the face, and turned his cart to travel down the next part of the ramp. 



Phoenix ran over a Nazi, and shot him while the cart passed over it. He kicked open the door to the first floor's hallway of rooms. "EVERYONE, ZE KILLER IS ON FLOOR EINZ. REPEAT, FLOOR EINZ!"


Phoenix looked up at the alarm speaker, and destroyed it with two shots. One Nazi pounced onto Phoenix while the cart was in motion. "I WILL KILL YOU, AMERICAN. THEN I WILL BRING YOUR HEAD TO MEIN FUHRER!" Phoenix looked over his shoulder and said, "I don't think that's gonna happen, you hypocrite!"


 The cart hit the very end of the hallway, where a convenient glass window was stationed, and sent the Nazi flying into the parking lot. He landed on a car, and his back was broken. 



Phoenix spun around on the apex of the cart, and noticed Nazi enemies approaching him from the behind. "Want more? You've got it!" Phoenix laid on top of the cart, kicked him and the cart away from the window, and soared in the direction of the Nazis. Both of his rifles were out of ammunition. Phoenix then pulled out his Cyberpistole and said, "Explosive!" The ammo type shifted and changed. Phoenix fired an explosive projectile, and exploded five Nazis into gunky red paste. 

But also made a huge hole in the floor, making Phoenix and the cart fall through. Phoenix landed on his legs, and heard an audible CRACK! "AAGH! SHIT!" 


Phoenix put the leg back in place, and stood up on his feet. Nazis surrounded him from all angles. "AMERICAN! GET ON YOUR KNEES! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR MURDER, VANDALISM, TRESPASSING, AND BREAKING AND ENTERING! YOU HAVE TO THE COUNT OF DREI!



"FUCK YOUR MOMMA!" Phoenix spouted.






"...Err... DREI!"




Phoenix was shot from all angles, and fell to the ground. Then one of the serum vials revived him. An electric shock traveled through the vicinity of Phoenix, and shocked all of the Nazis. "Let see, there's eight of you." While they were still stunned, Phoenix pulled out his knife and slit the throat of one of the Nazis.




Phoenix then violently slammed another face first onto his kneecap. 




Phoenix forced his knife through the side of one's skull, then his chin. 




Phoenix kicked one in their knee, forcing them to the ground, then he cracked his neck sideways.




Phoenix then gutted one to death with five stabs.




Phoenix headbutted one in their skull, and then slit their throat.




Phoenix used his kneecap to hit one person in their appendix, then with his own strength, he cracked his skull into several pieces. 




Then one click from the eighth Nazi, holding his rifle, unstunned. "Eight," said the Nazi. POW! Phoenix was shot in the head. He couldn't be fixed from that.

Chapter VII: Emerging from the Nightmare

 Phoenix woke up, safe and sound in the chair he was in. There were knocks at the door. Phoenix walked over to the door, unlocked the lock and unlatched it. Through the peephole, it looked like the Nazi's wife. "Oh... SHIT."

"Schatz, ich bin es, mach die Tür auf!"


'What in the flying fuck does that mean?'


Phoenix only said, "...Mhmm!"


He waited, and she was tapping her foot. "Zeus, ist alles in Ordnung? Warum lässt du mich nicht rein?" 


Phoenix shook his head. 'Uhhh.... Come on Phoenix, say something in German, you had to have heard these assholes say SOMETHING!'

All he said in return was, "Sie sind... uh... Gut... GUT SCHISSE! Ya... GUT SCHISSE!" 


"Zeus, du schmutziger Junge, willst du es tun?" Phoenix got a frown on his face as soon as he saw the very antsy look on hers. 'What the fuck did I just say?' 


 "Uh... Yes- *COUGH* Ja. Ja ja ja?" 


"Dann öffne die Tür!"


"Fuck this."


Phoenix opened the door and pulled the woman inside of the room, and stabbed her to death. "Nazi scumbag." He dropped her corpse. When morning time arose, Phoenix, Stanley, and Peter went downstairs for breakfast. "Most important meal of the day, but don't act

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