» History » BLOODWORTH, Tai Goodman [ebook reader macos .txt] 📗

Book online «BLOODWORTH, Tai Goodman [ebook reader macos .txt] 📗». Author Tai Goodman

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MESSAGE FOR YOU! And it's FUCK HITLER, FUCK THE NAZIS, and FUCK GERMANY." Peter grabbed the second bag and got to the outside. The middle of the street had a manhole cover. Stanley pulled out a crowbar, and pried the cover open. "Let's go!"

Below the cover, was a lifeboat. 



Chapter XII: Artificial



Abhy looked out the window. In the air, was the blimp hovering over the town. "Why is there always a blimp in the sky?" she asked Hans. "I don't know. Me and the others wondered the exact same thing." The Blimp showed an image of a swastika, and the blinking words: "JOIN US."

"Well... It seems kind of weird."

Phoenix returned with bags of cash. "We got the dough!" he announced, bringing in the three bags. Abhy ran over to him, kissed him, and walked back over to Hans on the bed. "How's your legs?" Phoenix asked. 


"Zhey still hurt. Do you have any painkillers?" 


Abhy searched the medical cabinet. "Hmm..." Then she pulled out a bottle of pills. "I have some." 

"What was the money for? For materials. For justice. And for the journey to kill Schriener. Pete told me he knew how to enhance my strength, make me 10 times stronger and more invulnerable. And so we did."



Pete pulled the vial of chemicals out of the testing beaker. "Alright, Phoenix. So... This steroid substance will increase your strength to a high level. You'll be strong enough to punch heads off of Nazis and bend the legs of metal chairs. But this does come at a price. Some of your past memories might be removed, and you might experience a little more anger than you used to. Are you willing to take this risk?"


Phoenix considered the options. "There was a time I would've cared. A time when I would've tried to reason with the man in charge of this crap. But does it matter anymore? No. No it doesn't." 

"I'm willing."


Pete put the steroid in the syringe, and flicked the end of the needle. He squirted some fluid out of the top, and then injected it into a vein on Phoenix's arm. "AAAARGGGGGGH!"

The pain was excruciatingly painful. "Almost done." 

Several memories flashed through Phoenix's mind. "I see my family having a barbecue. I see when me and a girl went down a slide. I see me graduating from college with a degree in engineering. None of it seems to apply no more."


Then Pete restrained Phoenix in the chair with leather belts. Phoenix's muscles were slightly glowing a tint of yellow. "Now Phoenix, break the-" 

Phoenix ripped his wrists out of the belts, and grabbed Pete by his neck. "ACK! ACK! STOP! PHOENIX!" 

Phoenix shot him a scowl, and gave him an angry look. "Oh." He dropped Pete, having him hit the ground of the garage and clutch his neck. "Pete, man, I'm sorry." 


"It's OK, that was- That was just a side effect. But we have plans for you. You'll test your ability out at the radio station." 


"Radio station?"


"There's a reason why. You're going to find Schriener's location. We heard on the radio that he was going to be interviewed. Maybe we could... Eh... Track him and find where he is?"


"Sounds like a good idea."




"I don't know what I've been told. Shoot Nazis and steal their gold." 

Phoenix walked into the radio station with his mask on. "Let's do this shit." The receptionist dived behind the counter and phoned security. "Security? Yes, hello, we have an intruder! He's wearing a mask and- He- Hello?" 

The receptionist looked back at her phone to find the cord snapped. Looking upwards, Phoenix held the phone's systematic box in his hand, and crushed it into tiny pieces. "Call dropped." 

He grabbed the woman and PUNCHED her entire head off of her neck. Phoenix continued down the station. A Nazi guarding a doorway spotted Phoenix. "HELP! EINDRINGLING!" 


Phoenix pulled out a meat cleaver. "Never worked in the food industry. But I can tell this thing can chop some big-ass meat." Phoenix sliced off both of the Nazi's legs in one swing, and then sliced off his head. Phoenix continued through the doorway. The studio was full of people wearing headphones. "Alright all you traitors."

Each of them were Nazis, though. Armed. Armored. Ready to fight. "It's like Christmas morning in this place." A Nazi jumped on Phoenix's back, and stabbed him in the shoulder repeatedly. "ARGH! ARGH! ARGH! DIE YOU DUMMKOPF!"


Phoenix fell backwards and crushed the man's body, flat on the ground. Getting back up, he fired his Cyberpistole at a fire extinguisher, blowing up a Nazi and sending one across wooden desks into recording gear. Two Nazis flipped over a table, firing over their heads at Phoenix with their automatic weapons. 

Phoenix grabbed two stools, holding them in front of his body as shields. Gunfire was absorbed in the cushion and wood of the seats. "Just keep on shooting, like it's gonna do something to me! And I guaran-goddamn-tee it won't!" 

Suddenly, another Nazi appeared out of a doorway. "Komm her, Wurm! Es wird schnell und schmerzlos sein, ich versichere Ihnen!" Phoenix thrusted his fist at the man's face, missed, and sent his fist through the wall. "ARGH!" 
Pulling his hand out, the Nazi kicked Phoenix face-first into the wall. The mask showed a face with red X's covering the eyes. 


"Don't lose your head boy." Phoenix finally snatched the Nazi by his sleeve, and with his hands on his shoulders, he headbutted the Nazi with such force, eviscerating the man's head into blood and bone.

"Too late." Phoenix was taking impact from behind. Turning around, he noticed the two Nazis behind the table standing. Then Phoenix kicked the stool with great force, and smashed one's skull open. The other stood down, and crouched besides the other's corpse. "Nein.. NEIN!" 

Phoenix kicked the man into the wall, then took his cleaver, and split the man vertically in half. The room was clear. Then an explosion breached the wall to Phoenix's left, sending Phoenix into the wall to his right. "Agh.. What the HELL!"


Higher artillery Nazis were in the building. "SCHIESSEN!" 

They fired flaming-hot projectiles at Phoenix's direction. Phoenix dodged all. But ONE. One hit him in the side, and burnt him in that wound. "AAGH!! MY FREAKING SIDE!" 

The Nazis approached him, and surrounded him. "We've got him!" 

Phoenix didn't attack any of them. Instead, he sat there and accepted his arrest. The Nazis handcuffed him. "Sir, you have the right to remain silent. Talking vill make your punishment upgrade. Now come on, let's go."


Phoenix's mask had a countdown on it. "Vait! Look!" 






Phoenix broke the cuffs and slammed a Nazi's face down on his kneecap. Then he pierced his fist through a Nazi's chest, and ripped his heart out through the other side. Removing his hand, Phoenix shielded himself with the man's body. "SCHISSE! BACK! BACK!" 

The remaining two took time to aim past the corpse. But it was no use. Phoenix pulled his pistol out, stuck it through the huge gaping hole, and fired a shot into the Nazi's neck. The Nazi fell to the ground, grasping his juglar. With his remaining ammo, he continued to fire. Phoenix bent the barrel of the man's weapon, and then snapped the gun in half. 


"Guns won't do you any good when there's a big bloody fist coming at your face." Phoenix punched his fist through the man's skull, and pulled it back out. Phoenix then picked up a gun nearby, and emptied it on the others. Phoenix proceeded out of the studio and into the book room where the broadcast schedules were filed. Phoenix noticed the door was a high security grade door. He twisted the knob a little bit. Locked.

He then pulled out his shotgun and with the stock, he slammed it down on the knob.




And again.




And yet again.




And then again.




The knob busted, and fell off. The door opened on its own. Instead was a man under his desk. "Alright, come on out, cause I can see you under there!"

The man kept cowering underneath. Then a Nazi popped out and smashed Phoenix in his mask. "FUCK- AGH!" Phoenix groaned, backing up. The Nazi, with a bunch of files, ran out of the room. "I knew you came for zhis! And you vill not get it!"

Phoenix chased him out of the radio broadcast station and watched him get on a motorcycle. "Alright, two can play that game!" 


Phoenix pulled out the handlebars and transformed it into the choppercycle. 



Chapter XIII: The Ride

 Phoenix followed the Nazi and pulled out his pistol. "Alright you Nazi asshole, let's see how hard you fall." The pistol's ammunition screen read: "EMPTY."



The two sped through two red lights in a row, and then drove onto a highway. Phoenix sheathed his pistol and pulled out his rifle. Placing it on the right handlebar, he got into the same lane as the Nazi. Up ahead, the Nazi held up a stick-looking object. "Great. What in the fuck is he doing now?"


He released it out of his hand, and as it flew backwards into Phoenix, his vision classified it as a grenade. "HOLY FUCK!" 

Phoenix dodged around it before it exploded. The explosion resulted in a car pileup. The Nazi checked his side-mirror. "MEIN GOTT! COME ON!" 

As his last resort, he pulled his Luger out, firing in random directions behind him. Two bullets hit the front shield on Phoenix's vehicle. He looked at his rifle, and shook his head, angered. "You done fucked up now." Phoenix pressed the button labeled, "AUTOPILOT." The bike tracked the route of the road, and Phoenix pulled the handlebar's ends down. The front of the bike morphed into a machinegun turret. 

"Dodge THIS!" 


Phoenix fired the machine gun, slow firing, and missed each shot as the Nazi pulled around a van. "Quit hiding, pussy!" 

He waited for a few seconds. Once the van passed Phoenix, the Nazi accelerated on his motorcycle ahead. Phoenix retracted his machinegun turret and continued driving towards the enemy. "Come on..." 


Overhead, Phoenix looked up. The blimp was hovering over Lousiana. "That goddamn thing is everywhere." The Nazi took a second to reload his gun. Then he shot a tire of an automobile, causing it to swerve. "Oh dear." Phoenix nearly drove around it without hitting anything. Getting back into the mood and stability, Phoenix had veins surrounding his scowl on his face. 



Phoenix drove over besides him, right near the side of the bridge. Maintaining their speed, the Nazi attempted to stab Phoenix in the shoulder while still on the motorcycle. Phoenix leaned over to avoid it. "MRRRGH!"

Phoenix bumped the side of his choppercycle into the Nazi's vehicle, and the motorcycle slightly scraped across the cement siding of the bridge. They then entered the Bayou area, where below were swamps, trees, gators, and tour-boats. Phoenix then knocked the

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