» History » BLOODWORTH, Tai Goodman [ebook reader macos .txt] 📗

Book online «BLOODWORTH, Tai Goodman [ebook reader macos .txt] 📗». Author Tai Goodman

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guys are undesirables, arrested because of the way you looked or acted, but not killing me now will be the greatest decision of your lives! SO let me go, I'll help you escape this horrible place!"

"I'd rather beat his ass!"


Phoenix shook his head. "Have it your way." The first contestant entered through the gate. Phoenix pulled out his knife, stabbed the man in the throat, and sliced his entire head off of his neck. The second "gladiator" stepped into the ring. "You are dead man, you hear?" 


"Played quarterback in college football. Launched the ball over the stadium. Gave an audience member a black-eye. Never gonna forget that day." Phoenix, clenching his fists, and kicked the man's head straight off of his body. The head landed right next to Phoenix's feet. The third man entered, ravenously engaged in combat.

Phoenix punched him in his face, and kicked him against the wall in the ribcage. While the man was still down, Phoenix stomped the man's crotch with great force. On his mask, there was a nutcracker, busting open a walnut.


Then Phoenix stabbed the man through the middle of his eyes. The fourth man entered, all big, bad, and buffed up. Muscles twitching, veins showing, blood pumping. Tattoos spread all over, chest and all. "You're gonna need plastic surgery when I'm done with you." Phoenix launched an attack at him with his blade, and pierced the man's palm of his hand. The person took no effect.

He had a grin on his face, like a snarling hound.  Phoenix struggled to remove the knife. "COME ON!"

The brute pushed Phoenix into the tiled wall behind him, causing several tiles to hit the ground in a pattern. "Agh.." Phoenix straightened himself up. His mask read, 




Phoenix punched the man in his chest, and then knocked him up his jaw. The brute swung his giant fist at Phoenix, and popped his arm in the middle. "I thought you were a killing machine, not a punching bag."

Phoenix pushed himself off of the wall, and then was punched back into the thin crater. "UNGH...." Phoenix held out his hand. "NO! WAIT! TRUCE-"


The man punched Phoenix in his face, and kicked him into the wall. "Stop..." 


Ignoring his comment, he kicked him again. "Please..."


Phoenix then fell over. He was dead. "YEAH! I GET TO GO TO CELL BLOCK A!" 

Then his vest started giving off mechanical sound effects. After that, a powerful electric surge through the floor and to the man's vicinity. "AARGGHHHH! AHHHHH!" Through the electric shock, Phoenix stood up, and grabbed the man by his neck. "I TRIED TO TELL YOU," Phoenix said.


He threw the man against the wall, and pulled out his handlebars. Then he transformed the handlebars into his choppercycle. Pushing the wheel against the man's face, Phoenix revved up the engine. The wheel spinning like a speeding sawblade, it peeled open the man's head. "I've seen fucked up things. Nothing compares to this. But do I care? Not one bit."


The gate was still open. With enough time to spare, and with a clear path, Phoenix retracted his choppercycle and walked through the doorway. He walked up the spiral staircase and entered the substation's grounds. Phoenix strolled through a tunnel, surrounded by fencing. Prisoners were yanking and yanking on the wires. "All these souls, too far gone. If if weren't for the fence, I'd be destroying my objective at this point."


Phoenix then took a detour and entered the security office after blowing the lock off of the door. And there he was. The warden from the intercomm. "NO! VAIT VAIT VAIT! I HAVE A COUNTEROFFER!" 

Phoenix stopped approaching, holding him at gunpoint. "I have money, five hundred dollars! Take them and leave me!" 

He held out the stack of money. Phoenix examined it, and snatched it. Then he threw the warden against the technology behind him, electrocuting him. "Lotta dough. What a shocker."


Phoenix then analyzed a weapons locker. "Whole load of firepower for one guy held up in a room by himself." He pulled out a double barrel shotgun. The weapon wasn't electronically modified, nor was it futuristic. "You're mine." He pulled it out and started sawing the barrels off with his knife.

"Better if I had a hacksaw, but this is a prison." The barrel fell off, and it was a sawed-off shotgun. "Damn straight!" 


At the moment, he started reviewing the tracker for prisoners. He searched through the index for "Abhy Leopard" with haste. Then he found her file. She had a mugshot taken. "Jesus Christ." She was located in the deep sector. "What the hell is the deep sector?"



Chapter IX: The Deep Sector

 Phoenix exited the security office and walked over to a very convenient staircase. The sign said, "Kein Eintritt, es sei denn, Sie befinden sich im dritten Reich." 


"Fuck you and your language, Adolf. A door's a door." Phoenix walked inside and went down several flights of boring stairs. 


"Better to take the stairs than the elevator. You might not get to your destination fast but it gives you adrenaline. Adrenaline for the person you're gonna brutally murder. He'll be climbing stairs already, or rather falling down them. Schreiner's gonna fall on that bottom step of Hell, and bust his skull wide open in two halves. And everyone will be watching."


Phoenix made it to the deep sector. The thin glass pane in the metal door showed darkness. "What in the hell?" he asked. "Deep sector, more like the dark sector."


Phoenix stepped inside. The lights automatically turned on. They weren't lighting the whole area, however. It was still very pitch black. Phoenix looked around for a light switch. Feeling through the darkness, he eventually found a circuit breaker on the wall. It was inside of a panel. "Lights, ON!" 


Flipping the circuit breaker, the lights didn't turn on. But a red alarm did. The alarm was spinning in circles and blared loud heaps of echoing high pitched sounds. Over and over. Then there were spotlights. Turning on, they revealed a humongous blast door with a white swastika on it.


"What the heck... Where am I?" 


The doors started winding to the left and right, opening up a very bright void. Phoenix held his hand in front of his face, blocking the extremely illuminating light from hitting his pupils in his eyeballs. Phoenix started walking towards it, interested in what its containments were. "I'd love it if you Nazi bastards didn't have five hundred motherfucking lights on." 


The doors weren't silently opening. The sounds of gears and grinding were the noises filling the room. And then BOOM. The doors were completely opened. "Alrighty." Stepping inside, Phoenix discovered the truth. The deep sector didn't also contain the undesirables, the deep sector CONTAINED the undesirables. Phoenix watched colored people, jewish people, some disabled people, and hispanic people strolling by like slaves, with machinery covering their heads.


"Wait.. That was just a regular prison?" 


Walking inside, he noticed everybody was strolling in a straight line. "ABHY?! BABY, IT'S ME!"

 No response. He then continued to walk by the slaves, one by one. No step was out of place. In the background, Phoenix heard machinery working. Turning to find out, there was a man behind a computer monitor. "ALARM!"

Phoenix quickly shot him in the side, knocking him down. Then he sprinted over to the machine, and stuffed the stubby barrel into the guy's mouth. 

"Buckshot tastes good, don't it?"


BAM! Phoenix cocked the shotgun back. The machinery controlled the slave line. "How the hell do I use this thing?"

It was a touchscreen device. On the screen was: "Unerwünscht Finden"


Phoenix tapped on it, and a huge keyboard pulled up. "Uh..." He input his wife's identity: "ABHY LEOPARD"

Then an entire panel of options pulled up. 







"Alright so I don't know squat about German except for that Gott means God, Gut means Good, Schisse probably means Fuck or whatever... So.. What if one of these says 'Kill' in German. Don't want that. One of these probably says that. Or wait... Maybe one says to release. It's gotta. You know what... I've got a good solution."



Phoenix pressed every single button and then punched the screen, and threw it out of his face.


"Solved the problem."


A light shined over Abhy. Phoenix saw her get released, and then pulled out of line. "Ugh... Where am I?" 

Her hair was messy, eyes baggy, and everything else. Phoenix jumped over the railing and sprinted over to her. "ABHY!" 

Abhy didn't react to Phoenix, as she was still dazed and confused. "Abhy, it's me, Phoenix!"




Phoenix removed his mask, and showed his face. "PHOENIX!" 


The two hugged, and kissed. "Listen, we don't have time to chat. We're pulling out, we gotta get out of here." 

She nodded, and followed Phoenix back to the doorway.


"Got the pollen. Time to get back to the hive."


The two sprinted halfway up the staircase, and ran into a trio of Nazi soldiers. "Well well well, I could've spoiled the surprise and told you I was coming, but I'm glad you took the initiative to come check." 

Phoenix one-handedly aimed the double-barrel shotgun at the first one's skull. BLAM! 

Splattered his head. Then he leveled it at the other one's head. BLAM!


"Outta ammo."


Phoenix rushed in front of the third, taking three bullets to the chest, and grabbed the man's rifle. Then at once, the two struggled to keep the rifle barrel away from each their own faces. "SCHISSE, GIB EINFACH AUF!" 

Phoenix pulled the trigger when the barrel was near the Nazi's head, and missed. Four bullets, wasted. One on the guy's helmet, the other three through the stairs above, killing a Nazi.

 Then Abhy stole Phoenix's pistol and aimed for the Nazi's head. The Nazi noticed in the corner of his eye that Abhy was standing there, ready to fire. At that point, the cruel Nazi kicked Phoenix off of him and-


POW! One bullet, the Nazi was killed.

"Nice shot."




The two then continued upstairs, walking over a corpse that was shot three times through the concrete floor. They both continued going up the flights of stairs, and reached the ground floor. They were on the other side of the metal gate Phoenix was trapped behind.


The door to the floor was locked by a cyberlock. "I got your key right here."

Phoenix blasted the lock, short circuiting it and breaking it. For a few seconds, the door creaked open. Stanley and Pete were guarding a huge pile of Nazi corpses. "PHOENIX!"


"I see you guys gave the guests the welcoming party!" Phoenix said with a grin on his mask.


"Yep. We partied and sent them to hell with gift bags." 


Phoenix offered Stanley and Pete a high-five, and they both gladly accepted. "Let's get the hell out!" 

Phoenix, Stan, Pete, and Abhy arrived at the front door, and noticed police vehicles encompassing the front in a circle. They weren't spotted, yet. "We still have no visual of the suspect or suspects, over!"


Phoenix, grunting, barked, "Okay. So we can't bust out of here. WHADDA WE DO?" 

Stanley shrugged, looking around with no options on the table. Peter was thinking with his hand on his chest, prickling the tiny hairs of his beard. Abhy was close to Phoenix, not thinking about the escape plan but about him. 

"Maybe we could fight through them?" Peter suggested randomly.


"ARE YOU BLIND, MAN? There's like fifty police cars out there! We step through the doors, we're like clay pigeons!" Stanley argued. Phoenix said, "Tone it down!"

 Abhy turned and murmurred, "What does that sign say?"


She was pointing to a directional hanging sign on two small chains. 




"That means... Tank," Peter added in. Everybody

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