» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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SRR ran death squads in Iraq, targeting intellectuals, fit young men, businessmen and supporters of the resistance to the Israeli/US-British occupation and exploitation of that country.

Photographs were altered to make Jean Charles look more like the suspected suicide bomber, and witnesses were intimidated in the four investigations into Jean Charles’ killing and still the truth was suppressed.

Rampaging police officers with the intent to kill gunned down an innocent man, yet no officer at any level has been either disciplined or prosecuted for involvement in the slaying, in fact the opposite has happened.

On 15 July 2005 the police said the shooting was necessary to stop hand movement, but Jean Charles was on the ground pinned down by several police when he was shot, so unable to move his hands. Surely the standard practice would be to shoot to injure, just put the man down then you can interrogate him, the only reason to shoot a man 7 times in the head is to totally silence him.

Israel’s Connection to 7/7

The Israeli embassy in London had been advised in advance of an impending bomb attack. Just before the blasts, Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was warned by his embassy not to attend an economic conference in London. Netanyahu was at the time staying at the Aldridge Hotel in Mayfair. Also attending this conference was Rudolph Giuliani, who was mayor of New York City at the time of the 9/11 attacks.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Finance Minister, said that he was warned by Scotland Yard not to leave his hotel-room, on the morning of 7/7/2005, before the first explosion was reported; implying that they had foreknowledge of the plan. Scotland Yard then quickly denied being the ones who provided the warning, but have not told us who did warn Netanyahu, if they did not. Two weeks later the head of the Israeli Mossad, General Meir Dagan, said that he had warned Benjamin Netanyahu at 08.40 AM, on 7/7/2005, ten minutes before the first blast occurred. How did he know what was going to happen in London, if Scotland Yard did not warn him? Did he wait, to warn Benjamin Netanyahu, until it was too late to warn the British people, so as not to spoil their evil plan? Was the London bombing a covert MI5 operation, or an Israeli Mossad operation, or a joint operation by both of them?

A former head of Mossad Efraim Halevi wrote an article that was printed in the Jerusalem Post on the 7th July 2005. This article was headed, ‘Rules of conflict for a world war:’

Part of the article said “The multiple, simultaneous explosions that took place yesterday on the London transportation system were the work of perpetrators who had an operational capacity of considerable scope. They have come a long way since the two attacks of the year 1998 against the American embassies in Nairobi and Dar-Es-Salaam, and the aircraft actions of September 11, 2001.”

The words above were written before the actual bombings took place in London. The article was supposed to be in the Jerusalem Post on the 8th of July that’s why it says ‘took place yesterday’. Also Halevi says that the explosions were simultaneous – a fact which only became evident some days later. Scotland Yard initially thought that the explosions were 45 minutes apart. He could he have known this information unless he was part of the plot.

Verint Systems was an Israeli company and it was in charge of the CCTV system at King Cross and also the CCTV on the buses. Clearly the organisation that carried out 7/7 had to control the CCTV at these locations because if they did not the company that did control the CCTV might say ‘hey look there is no bomber on the bus’ or they might show the world that there was no evidence of the alleged bombers with rucksacks getting on the trains. So that is why they need to control the CCTV so they can withhold the video images from the media and the public. It is also interesting that the Israeli company ICTS controlled the CCTV at the three airports were the alleged hijacked planes took off on 9/11 and there is no video evidence of hijackers getting on the planes there either.

Clearly the statement above by Efraim Halevi also states that Mossad was behind the American embassies bombings in 1998, (which was blamed on Al Qaeda) and the events of 9/11.

Have a look at the Youtube video below. In the video Juval Aviv, an Israeli-American security consultant who has worked with Mossad has a slip of the tongue in which he says “it is easy to set up a truck bomb as we did in London” You would need to forward to the 2 minutes 10 second mark to hear him.

“The July 7, 2005 London bombing was an MI5-Mossad joint false flag operation to generate hatred toward the Muslim world for the benefit of the Zionist entity”, - Annie Machon, former intelligence officer for MI5, the UK Security Service.

Why would the Government Plan 7/7

In 2003 up to 2 million people took to the streets to voice their opposition to military action against Iraq. Hollywood actor Tim Robbins, also attending, told BBC News the crowds were "what democracy looks like". If Mr Bush and Mr Blair ignored them "they are not rightful leaders of a democracy", he said. They were many more marches against the war in Iraq in the months and years ahead. Tony Blair kept insisting there was this War on Terror but no terrorist atrocity had struck Britain, not yet. It supposedly struck New York in 2001 and the Spain train bombings in 2004. Tony Blair and his government needed a terrorist atrocity to strike Britain to convince the public that there really was a War on Terror perpetrated by Muslims and he needed garner support for his war in Iraq. 7/7 was probably planned in 2003 by the intelligence services and possibly by the same organisation that planned and carried out the events of 9/11. They then gave us some idea of what they planned with the Panorama documentary in 2004. Tony Blair’s support for his War on Terror suddenly soared after the events of 77 and one in five British Muslims affirmed that either they or someone in their family had been abused or humiliated in public. Muslims around the world were subjected to public insults in the wake of the bombings on 7/7. These were the exact two aims that the perpetrators of this crime wanted to happen, support for the war on terror (so the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq could be sustained) and the demonizing of the Muslims just as it was after 9/11..

South Yorkshire Police’s Intelligent Analyst Tony Farrel was removed from his post for saying publically that the government was behind the 7/7 terrorist atrocity and that the mainstream media was complicit in hiding the truth about the events of 7/7. Tony Farrell should be commended for his courage in sacrificing his entire career for the truth.

Individuals who produced Internet documentaries about these questions, such as the author of 7/7: Ripple Effect 2, 60-year-old Anthony John Hill, has been targeted for character assassination by the media, and in particular the BBC. Hill was arrested merely for sending a copy of his DVD to a jury member after authorities accused him of perverting the course of justice.

The BBC is just a mouthpiece for the government and they go out of their way to uphold the government’s version of events. Shouldn’t the BBC give the truth to the people and not the lies since it is us that pay their license fee? How can it be the truth when there are so many lies, lack of evidence, witness statements which contradict the government’s version of events?

Tony Blair said on the day of the explosions, that, “We KNOW this was done in the name of Islam”, when there was no proof whatsoever of who had done it, therefore indicating he possibly had foreknowledge of the plan and who they intended to blame.

Was the London bombing a covert MI5 operation, or an Israeli Mossad operation, or a joint operation by both of them? The British people have the right to know. One thing is certain 52 innocent people were murdered by these psychopaths and four young innocent Muslim men were framed for their murder as well as Brazilian Jean Charles De Menezes who was murdered because he knew too much.

The people have got to realise that these terror atrocities are carried out by our own governments on behalf of Zionism and Israel and because they get away with it they will keep repeating it until the majority of the public realise that they have been lied to and protest against it.

The World Trade Center Bombing, 1993 – Was it Mossad?

The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, carried out on February 26, 1993, when a truck bomb detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The bombing killed six people and injured over a thousand. We are told the bombing was carried out by Muslim terrorists including Ramzi Yousef, Mahmud Abouhalima, Mohammad Salameh, Nidal A. Ayyad, Abdul Rahman Yasin, and Ahmed Ajaj. But just like 9/11 and the Lavon affair were these Muslim terrorists just patsies and was it actually planned by the Israeli Mossad with the complicity of the FBI to get world opinion against the Palestinians and Muslims in general.

Following the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, assistant FBI director James Fox declared that the man who was responsible for planting the explosives in the infamous Ford Econoline Van was Mohammed Salameh.

However this terrorist attack was initiated by a female Mossad operative posing as an Islamic radical named Josie Hadas. She had hired two Arabs, who were later arrested, Mohammed Salameh, a Palestinian, and Nidal Ayyad, and then framed them for the bombing of the WTC. Salameh was directed by Hadas to rent a transport van.

This conclusion was made when the police searched the apartment of one Josie Hadas — a long established Mossad operative. On June 8, 1993, the International Herald Tribune ran an article in which it was stated that the telephone number and apartment listed on the rental agreement for the van belonged to Josie Hadas. According to Malcolm Gladwell of

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