» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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of course, then they would logically purchase only one-way train tickets in order carry out their mission. We are told, however, that all four young men actually purchased return-tickets. Which makes no sense for an actual terrorist attack; but does of course make sense if they were simply participating in a planned drill.

If the alleged terrorists missed the 07.40 train, they could not have got to London in time to catch the trains they allegedly bombed. Their next available train was 7.56 which is likely the train that they got which would have got them to Kings Cross about 8.42 (the first bomb went off at 8.50), then it is a 7 minute walk from the Kings Cross Thameslink to the main Kings Cross station and then you would have to buy your tickets and all this in rush hour.

On arriving at Kings Cross sometime after 9.00 a.m. they realized that bombs had gone off on trains and at that moment they realized that they had been set up as patsies so they panicked and went towards the Thames River to Canary Wharf where many offices of the news media were situated. Maybe they intended to give the media their side of the story before the Intelligent services (MI5) caught up with them. MI5 were now desperate to catch up with them and silence them before they could tell anyone the truth. Their personal phones had been jammed by the intelligent services so that they cannot phone anyone to tell them what had happened. The intelligent services probably used the CCTV to track them down to Canary Warf where two of them were assassinated outside the HSBC Bank HQ in Canada Square and one outside the Credit Suisse First Boston bank. Although this was not reported in the mainstream media there is plenty of evidence that two or three men were shot in Canary Wharf that morning.

Canary Wharf Shootings

A witness remembers a report on the radio about alleged bombers being shot:

“I was in Kings Cross right after the Piccadilly line blast and there was no problem calling into work to tell my boss that I would be late [a propos of whether mobile phones were working]. I then went into cafe to wait for the hubbub to die down. Over the radio we discovered that it was more than one bomb.

Just over an hour and a half later, there was a report on Radio 5 that some of the bombers were shot by armed response units in the Docklands. When I got home that evening, the news reports said that all the bombers died in the explosions” “I heard it on the radio but when I got home and I sat in front of the T.V for the rest of that evening, it was not repeated. It was in the cafe I heard the news report”.

A New Zealander working for Reuters in London says two colleagues witnessed the unconfirmed shooting by police of two apparent suicide bombers outside the HSBC tower at Canary Wharf in London. The New Zealander, who did not want to be named, said the killing of the two men happened at 10.30am on Thursday (London time).

Following the shooting, the 8000 workers in the 44-storey tower were told to stay away from windows and remain in the building for at least six hours, the New Zealand man said (from

The Danish news channel TV2 published this on July 7th 2005:

“TV 2/NEWS have just spoken with Marianne Jorgensen who is employed by
the Access Flooring Company in London. She has learned through
co-workers in the company that two suspected suicide-bombers have been
shot and killed at Canary Wharf”.

“They called one of our presidents and told him that they have witnessed
two men being shot – deliberately, by police or soldiers”, Marianne
Jorgensen told to TV 2/NEWS”.

A search has been undertaken by a 7/7 researcher using Nexis UK, a database used by universities to research news stories. This search revealed a number of other reports in US, Canadian, New Zealand and UK newspapers which suggests that either 2-3 men were shot at Canary Wharf. Below are several of the reported incidences at Canary Wharf.

7th July, 11.49 GMT “Pammy”

Ceroc Scotland Forum “My cousin works at Canary Wharf and they are now evacuating there, not sure if "just in case" or if they have heard something is up...”

7th July, 12.13 GMT “Gus”

Ceroc Scotland Forum “Its very odd in Canary Wharf at the moment. The offices are usually a lively place ... today there is no laughter, no smiles ... a sombre place. We're in a very real crisis situation, we've been informed that the entire Wharf is locked down, no one comes in, no one leaves ... not that there is any transportation to take you anywhere.”

7th July, 12.28 GMT “DavidB”

Ceroc Scotland “I'm in Canary Wharf, and most people still seem to be at work. There are loads of police and security around, and all the buildings are doing ID checks at the entrances. There was a rumour that to (sic) police stopped a suspected bomber getting to canary wharf, but not heard anything else about that yet.”

7th July, 12.34 GMT “Europhobia”

Internet Blog “Someone here at work has just been phoned by a guy he knows in Canary Wharf (I know, it’s a bit removed – but I trust him). He says marines have shot a man there who they think to have been a suicide bomber”.

7th July, 9.48 EST,

(13.48 GMT) CNN Breaking News “QUESTION: Can you tell me -- the rumors that a police sniper shot dead a suicide bomber at Canary Wharf (ph). Do you know anything about that?

[BRIAN] PADDICK: We have no reports of any police sniper shooting at anybody today.”

7th July, 11:34 EST

(16.34 GMT) Kate Rook, reporter A Massive Rush of Policemen

“From the 18th floor of Canary Wharf in London, Canadian Brendan Spinks could see a massive rush of policemen outside the building Thursday after the city was rocked by terrorist attacks. The Internet in his office had just gone down when Mr. Spinks, an investment banker at HSBC, saw a flurry of police cars and yellow-vested men outside. Reports of attacks carried out by suicide bombers were rife, and in one unconfirmed incident police shot a suicide bomber outside the 42-floor banking tower…”

8th July Lucy Hyslop, reporter

Vancouver Sun, Final Edition

Lucy Hyslop, Senior Editor, Daily Telegraph,

Canary Wharf. “Canary Wharf, the tallest building in London and my office, was sealed off completely to the public and all routes in and out were secured. Office workers, some fearing another 9/11-style attack, decided to turn back and begin the long walk home. Rumors and misinformation were rife. I had one call from a friend reporting that two suicide bombers had been shot dead at Canary Wharf, another woman said her policeman husband had been sent to the area to wait just in case of further attacks.”

8th July James Starnes, reporter

Ottawa Citizen, Final Edition “The radio is saying they shot dead a suicide bomber at Canary Wharf and that's right opposite my apartment across the river (Thames).”

8th July John Walsh, reporter

The Independent, London Terror In London

“Farouz, a business technician in Docklands…had heard the rumours. ‘Someone at work was saying a suicide bomber had been shot dead by police just outside the Tower. But the police are denying it,' he added darkly.”

8th July Steve Nowotty,

Huntsville Times (Alabama) Bombing Turned Thoughts to Mum

“Everyone had their story. Another colleague, Nicola, had returned late from holiday, and been forced to cancel a meeting. She was lucky - she would have been on the Tube in rush hour.

Nicola's best friend was working in Canary Wharf - London's answer to the World Trade Center. She called in the afternoon, still in the building. Her office had been told not to leave, and rumors were flying. Someone had been shot. Maybe a suicide bomber. No one was sure.”

8th July News,

The Evening Standard (Palmerston, New Zealand) London Based Kiwis Send Messages Home

“Felicity Lawlor, formerly from Auckland, emailed her sister in Rongotea this morning to say she arrived at work to hear about an explosion in the Underground…“Ms Lawlor said there were ‘lots of crazy rumours flying around’ like a suicide bomber having been shot dead outside Canary Wharf.”

8th July, 9.03am Susan Percy,

New Zealand Herald, Messages Bulletin Board London Bombing

“One man said he had heard that police marksmen had shot a potential suicide bomber at Canary Wharf but I haven't seen that reported by the news channel”.

10th July, South London News

Suicide Bomber Neutralised in Canary Wharf, London

“On Thursday 7th July, a suspected suicide bomber was shot dead by police marksman outside Canary Wharf, the financial district of London. It is believed he was 'neutralized' outside the Credit Suisse First Boston bank. Police are 'probing'. The 'suicide bomber' is believed to have been part of a co-ordinated team of other suicide bombers. The alleged bomber was killed on the same day of the central London terror attacks.”

The entire Wharf was ‘locked down’ and 8000 workers in the 44-storey tower were told to stay away from windows and remain in the building for at least six hours. There is no doubt a serious incident took place at Canary Wharf on the morning of July 7th because these reports come from many different countries and sources. But this incident was not reported on the controlled mainstream media in the days after 7/7 because how can the alleged bombers blow up the trains if they died outside of Canary Wharf. The report about Canary Wharf did appear on BBC radio early on 7/7 but it was never repeated again.

If we have at least three of the four "suicide-bombers" shot dead at Canary Wharf, and we KNOW they weren't on the tube-trains that blew up, because the 07:40 AM train from Luton to King's Cross was cancelled that day and they could not have got to the Kings Cross trains before they left the platforms, then we have overwhelming proof that they did not blow the tube-trains up, and that the blowing up of the three tube-trains was an inside-job carried out by intelligent agencies such as Mossad and MI5 to make the public really believe there is a ‘war on terror’ perpetrated by the Muslims which then justifies the war in Iraq.

The Bus

According to the official story after splitting up from the others at Kings Cross, Hasib Hussain dawdled around King’s Cross for a while, and then tried to ring each of his fellow bombers in turn, twice, between 8.58am and 9.19am. But why would he try to phone them if they were dead, having blew the trains and themselves up. But he would try to phone them if they were taking part in a terror drill.

At 09.00 AM a number 30 bus left Marble Arch on its return journey to Hackney Wick. It arrived at Euston Bus Station at 09.35 AM, but was then diverted from its normal route, into Tavistock Square, and stopped outside the medical offices of the BMA, where it was blown up, at 09.47 AM, as part of the terrorist exercise gone live. Note also that the Panorama programme a year earlier had specified Tavistock Square for the location of the single road-vehicle explosion that would accompany the three underground bombs. What are the odds of that happening? Out of the thousands of streets in London they chose Tavistock Square for their documentary which was a year before the events of 7/7. Not possible. This No.30 bus was the only bus to get re-routed that day according to the driver.

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